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Everything posted by Workmans

  1. I recently transitioned from sofbooting to hardbooting and it's been incredible, but I have had some on and off pain with my back foot (left foot - I ride goofy) Im using Deeluxe Track 325s. I measured my foot and checked the space with just foot in the shell and the boots seem to be the correct size. Usually my feet are fine for the first half of the day, but once I reach the 2-3 hour mark I start having pain on the inside near my heel as well as the heel itself. (See attached pic) I had my liners heat molded and they feel fine but after carving for several hours the pain shows up. It feels like a pressure point just below my inner ankle, and numbness in my heel. I also experience a bit of heel lift, which can be reduced by tightening the boot but that seems to cause the pressure point to hurt more. I'm able to tighten all the buckles to the last notch and the top cuff buckle ends up being loose. I was thinking of ordering shorter cuff cables to allow me to get the boot tighter potentially reducing heel lift, however I am nervous that the pressure point might feel worse. Would it be worth getting a fit set (foam pieces that can stick to inside of boot shell) to smooth out the pressure point? What about trying to re-mold the liners in the oven? It hasn't really stopped me from riding, but it's definitely annoying. There is a professional boot fitter I could go see but it would be a 2.5 hour drive each way, so I'm hoping to find a way to solve it on my own. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
  2. Okay - I'm gonna do it. Thank you so much for the advice and info! If all goes to plan I will be riding this Sunday!!
  3. I let the seller know my height/weight and he's about 10lbs lighter and a few inches shorter. He said it felt like a bit too much board for him, so it could be fine for me. I am a bit concerned about the waist width, what kind of angles would I be looking at? Im a 29m boot size, so not very small. I still don't have a great understanding of how steeper binding angles will impact the ride, but I've read it can be uncomfortable on the knees. Is a 19cm waist and 29m boot out of the question or would it be worth giving it a shot? This board would likely be my only opportunity to try it out this season.
  4. Hello, For some background I am 25 and have been freestyle snowboarding for about 10 years and deliberately practicing carving for the last 4. I am very intrigued by hardbooting and whenever I see someone laying massive trenches It makes me want to try it out. I have reached the point where I am about to buy a hardboot setup. I found a used Coiler for sale with F2 bindings. Picture 172 cm long, 19 cm waist, 11 metre turning radius, All mountain board. I am 185lbs and 6ft tall. Would this board work well for me? I have only ever heard good things about Coiler boards. Im also a bit worried about the transition, my softboot bindings are at +12/+27. How steep is the learning curve when learning to hardboot? What binding angles should I start out with to help facilitate a smoother transition? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated, or even just some words of encouragement. Feeling a good mix of excitement and fear...
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