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Posts posted by SnowFerret

  1. On 3/30/2018 at 3:32 AM, nils said:

    I have Dyno HD on my split 4 with mid modified TLT6 ( very good bindings btw)

    I am so happy with the way the TLT6 feel that it has now become my everyday boots except when i am riding a full carving setup with my nortwaves that are stiff/heavy as hell in comparison. Downside is having to put a bit more angle to avoid overhang, otherwise its pure fun. Am using TD2's, TD3's or Swoard Redline plates with 0° canting/lift on all those setups ( on Swallowtails or Swoard Dual2). Lateral play comes from the vibram soles and less tightened bindings.



    I'm actually interested in getting into splitboarding and was considering going with a hardboot setup.  Could you share some more insights on splitting with AT boots?

  2. Just turned 30.  I've been snowboarding for about 8 years now and regret not picking up the sport a few years earlier.  I had an interest since I was about 12, probably due to this game:



    I liked the racing parts of the game, and you could choose actual alpine boards such as a factory prime.  I guess I made a mental note of it as something (alpine snowboarding) I wanted to eventually try.  After a few years of riding I finally decided to bite the bullet and jump into hardbooting and started to piece together my alpine setup.

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  3. 23 hours ago, jburk said:

    Third time this year up at Mt Hood Meadows, I swear if I have this conversation a fourth time I’m going to lose it:

    them: Is that a ski board?

    me: it’s called an alpine snowboard, or sometimes a carving board.

    them: No. That’s a ski board!

    At that point I just smile and leave; never argue with an idiot, people watching won’t be able to tell who’s who.

    Got something similar the other day.  Heard a couple of kids in the queue talking about my setup:

    Kid 1: Woah. Do you know what that is?

    Kid 2: No, what is it?

    K1: That guys on a skiboard!

    K2: Woah.  Is that cool?'

    K1: Nah, it's lame.


    • LOL 1
  4. So, I ended up acquiring an old Virus Avalanche as my all-mountain board.  Not exactly what I had set out to find originally, but I'm not complaining.  I've only got one day on it so far but man does this thing rip.  Sooooo much pop when transitioning from edge to edge and for launching over rollers and chop.  I would love to put a few more days on it this year.

    The board felt really good in hardboots and I'm interested in eventually trying it out for a few days in softies. 

  5. I started carving on softboots, working my angles up to around F30, R21.  I have recently dropped them down to F21,R0 for more versatility.  I have relatively low angles for hardboots at around F52,R44.

    I still feel really comfortable on toeside carves and I'm steadily working at improving my heelside carves with my softboot setup.  Right now it feels like there's room for both technique refinement and dialing-in my equipment settings.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, lonbordin said:

    All the boards I linked have a non-custom (standard) options.

    I personally ride a Coiler Nirvana Balanced (178 w/powder nose, 12 to 14 scr, 23.5cm wide) with hardboots and Gecko plates in everything all day long.

    If you are looking for a new laimstream board pressed in Dubai or China that is up to the task of hardboot stresses, has an all camber profile, some rubber and metal in the core for dampening, enough effective edge that can be used for all mountain hardbooting and is affordable, good luck!  If you find one let us know!

    Also watching the for sale forum here can lead to interesting and affordable options. :biggthump

    Ultimately, I'm looking to acquire a Donek or Coiler in the future but I would like to start out/progress on something a little cheaper first.  I understand that I'm not going to get all the features by going with a mass-produced board and that's something I would have to live with.

    I've missed out on a few really good deals in the for sale forum since I've started looking earlier this year.  Trust me, I'm always on the look-out for deals there :ph34r:.

  7. 51 minutes ago, slopestar said:

    Flow all the way. If I did a standard heel cup binding, I’d use new soloman or old Nidecker. Their heelcup sits at a much different angle than burton or union or other brands

    I was looking at a few salomon bindings in a ski shop recently.  Their heelcups definitely do sit higher on the highback.  They were also felt pretty stiff by hand, in bending and in torsion but the heelcup is flexible.  I'd have to try them with my boots on the see how they really feel.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Corey said:

    I think SnowFerret is asking for non-custom boards. 

    Is this for carving groomers only? Powder? BX boards generally aren't great in powder. 

    I'm looking for a board that I can ride with hardboots in all kinds of conditions, not just pristine groom.  I want to be able to carve up the groomers in the morning and still be able to use the same board in the afternoon when the ruts and bumps come out here on the east coast.  Eventually, I'd like to bring my hardboots with me when I make some trips out west.

    The reason I mentioned a BX board was that I had been told that the construction of most regular boards is not sufficient to hold up to the stresses of riding with hardboots.  Key word is "most."  I'm assuming there are some exceptions, and so that's why I started this thread in order to get some suggestions.

    I would love a custom board, but I would like to get comfortable riding in an all-mountain style first.


  9. I'm in the market for an all-mountain snowboard that I can ride primarily in hardboots but also in softboots if I so choose.  While I would love to order up a custom board right now, I think I would prefer to try out a few different shapes, sizes, flexes, etc. before taking that plunge.  The problem I'm having is that I don't know what to look for in a board that will tell me it can handle the stress of hardboots.  Most of my direction is coming from the info found in the Carver's Alamanac.  My searches have mainly been for larger, stiffer boards and boardercross boards but I don't know what else to look for.

    I recently came across a few boards for sale and was wondering if anyone could tell me more about them and if they are hardboot-capable.  They are a Virus (model unknown), Virus Avalanche, and a Winterstick Severe Terrain.  Does anyone have any experience with either the Avalanche or the Severe Terrain?  Any recommendations for boards from more "mainstream" manufacturers that I would be able to use?  Thanks!

  10. 21 hours ago, matthew said:

    I got on the lift today with a father son pair and both of them looked at me with great confusion. I knew they were about to start asking questions.  Then both at once  asked me why I wore my boxers over my snow pants. I told them it was better this way. Saw them later and they were doing it too. Gave them a thumbs up and a wink.


    • LOL 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Corey said:

    My daily driver is a Mazda 3. Not sporty, but entirely adequate in every measure. 

    My weekend toy is a Formula Ford, see this thread for more: 

    I love autocross, and hope to get it out on the local road course for a track day this summer. I've done ice racing before too, but it seriously cut into my snowboarding time so it got dropped. 

    Sweet car, Corey.  I have a good family friend that got me into track days and he has a vintage Formula Ford.  He and a few friends run a club called the FRCCA that races in the northeast/mid-atlantic region of the US.



    While I've always been into cars, it wasn't until college that I got an opportunity to get involved in working and racing on them.  I started with a few autocrosses and then got into track days and now time trials.  I'm not very competitive in the latter yet but I'm still having lots of fun seeing myself improve each time I'm on track.

    I've currently got an Audi A4 as my daily driver and my fun car is a Porsche 944S.  I've got a lot of things planned for the 944 to get it in shape for next season.

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  12. 21 hours ago, Poloturbo said:

    Hey Snowferret. Lets not get this off topic. ? Love the 944. ? Is that Watkins Glen?

    Should start a carnuts/gearhead thread in off topic. 



    Back to regular program. ?

    Very sorry Eboot.

    Thanks!  It's actually Lime Rock.  I love the Glen.


    Sorry to go off topic.  Anyway, I second checking out Mount Snow.  It's not the biggest mountain, but they have some fun trails on Sunbrook, North Face, and even on the main face.  Plus, they have invested ~$30M this past off-season in snow making IIRC.  I believe they have some of the most trails open in the east this season.  I can't wait to go this season.

  13. On 12/15/2017 at 1:47 AM, Poloturbo said:

    Just go to Okemo I guess.


    My best memories of this mountain in the autumn of 2015. 

    I was driving a full modded Porsche 911 turbo 1987 (930 for illiterate)

    Full on big exhaust/turbo/turbo spring and Wastgate for around 350whp for 2850 pounds.).

    I drove numerous racing cars and man that motherfucker was amazing if you know how to power oversteer and keep on the pedal down with that lag.


    It's crazy off topic sorry. A bit nostalgic when seeing Okemo.  We blasted the mountain with my car . I got a video of it. Amazing...from the bottom to summit hardcore driving rally style. 


    The guy at the summit was in is cabin and said are you fucking crazy. It' not a race course...I agree with him. But nobody could keep up with me... LOL. I'm guilty. Will never rally drift a aircooled turbo car climbing a mountain in my life again.



    Because of health reason sold it all. Pretty bum about it but life as treacerous ways some time. 



    Sorry waaaaaaaaaaay offffffff topic.



    Be safe...

    Sup, fellow Porschephile.  I drive a 944S.  Nice 930.


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  14. That looks like loads of fun.  The only downside is that it looks like some of the trails are super narrow so you would never be able to take a full stride.


    Speaking of crashed ice, that sport has gotten crazy over the last few years.  I hadn't watched it in a few years but the features have gotten sooo much bigger.  I remember when the hardest obstacles they had to face were like ~1ft drops and a few rollers;  now its huge jumps and hammerhead turns on a quarter-pipe.  Insane!

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