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Posts posted by ZetaTre

  1. It appears to be common practice yo use polycarbonate sheets to make spacers normally used to protect metal board.

    I was checking out the McMaster-Carr catalog, an industrial supply retailer, and I was wondering if anyone has been experimenting using other material.

    For example: have anyone tried to put a film of rubber between the polycarb sheet and the board, let's say a 0.01"-0.02" thick sheet of 70 Shore A polyurethane (similar to what is used to make shoe heels or cutting boards)?

  2. I am exercising 4 free passes I got from a friend. Must be used on same day. Probably going up Friday Night with a place to crash for free in Arrow Bear Just below Snow Valley. 1-2 passes available. Anyone want to go?

    Good point!!! We have few free tickets we got at Snow Jam, so we might as well use them... We'll likely be there on Saturday and then be up at Summit on Sunday...

  3. What a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! We were planing on staying up only Sat, but I end up snowboarding on Sunday as well.

    And it's all Aaron & Chad's fault: it was hard to separate from that board: my favorite of all!!!!

    Great job Chad!!!

    A special THANK YOU for all the people who put this together, both from BOL, non-BOL & the June Mt team.

    Will look forward to see the pix!!

  4. I might have to bail on Sunday too:( , but I really want to be there for Saturday. I will also drive up Friday, be there Saturday all day, have few beers and hopefully some bragging rights Saturday night before I return home. Whispering Pines sounds good from a price standpoint.:biggthump

    Oh yea: I forgot to metion the hot-tub & dry sauna included.... We've been there last time and it's a comfy place: rooms have a kitchenette but the TV has no remote :eek::eek:.... Nothing fancy :sleep::sleep:

  5. YES!!!!!!!!!! We'll be there...

    We'll be snowboarding Saturday only, but we'll be there Friday night and Saturday night... We're gonna stay at the Whispering Pines Motel (it's on the other side of June, very close to the resort...) which, btw, it's $59 per night...

  6. Are you saying in the USA we should not help anyone -- take care of just yourself when it come to high medical bills?

    Never said that. The issue is not about helping each other, the issue is FORCING me in thinking I am morally obligated to help someone. On top of that the government is now FORCING me to purchase a service.

    I have a HUGE problem with the new logic perpetrated by "the lady in red" and her team: they have masturbated the right to pursue happiness to the point of making it mean that people have the right to be kept alive at the expense of others... And they have used their rhetoric so profusely that even Republicans are now convinced that that, indeed, is what the Constitution really mean...

  7. Are you saying in the USA we should not help anyone -- take care of just yourself when it come to high medical bills?

    I have never said that. The issue is not about helping each other, the issue is FORCING me to help someone and making me thing that in thinking I am morally obligated to do so. To add shame to that, the government is now FORCING me to purchase a service... God or bad that is, is still coercing me in buying something.

    I have a HUGE problem with the new logic perpetrated by "the lady in red" and her team: they have masturbated the right to pursue happiness to the point of making it mean that people have the right to be kept alive at the expense of others... And they have used their rhetoric so profusely that even Republicans are now convinced that that, indeed, is what the Constitution really mean... I was disgusted by her speech before the vote...

  8. The kit from Catek is not that expensive, why not do it that way. You'll get fresh bails that are correct for the application, and you can always sell the stepins as a kit next fall.

    I sent them an email about it, but haven't heard back yet... Do you happen to know if the current toe bail works as heel bail with the traditional?

  9. If you are gonna cut costs, this is a good place to start...... Canada figured it out.


    And that is exactly why they have such an easy way convincing people that it's morally acceptable: I don't wanna go up to newcarver and tell him that I'm pissed because I was forced to contribute to the cost of saving the life of his mother-in-law... Or I sure would love to be able to sustain myself even if during my life I put nothing away for retirement...

    The welfare system is still immoral and draconian... But I'm sure its sweetness and my selfishness will convince me otherwise once I get older...

    I'm 29 and I moved to the US 4 yrs ago because I was sick and tired of it... The system I described is what is going on NOW over there, not 70 yrs ago and it's the result of years and years of Welfare policies that have slowly destroyed the nation

  10. well, you are in Cali, right :eplus2:

    Don't get me started...

    But since you brought it up: yea Cali... The State with the greatest Welfare system and the greatest economy in the Union and yet totally broke to the point that they had to pay contractors with IOU even if they have the highest (or in the Top 10) sales & income tax rate... Take that system which doesn't work (how many more proof do we need: Cali, MA, MI) and expand it to a national base...

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  11. let's see, socialism takes your work/money and gives it to whom they deem deserving whilst convicing you that it's the moral thing to do. communism takes it at the point of a gun.

    I like your thinking! I was feeling a little lonely up in here...

  12. So that everybody can have health care for a reasonable cost without being worried about losing coverage, being denied coverage, having their coverage change mid-disease or whatnot. Here in Canada the system is not perfect lord knows, but we have an overall better standard of care for a lower per-person cost than the US.

    Believe me, when universal health care was first brought in, there was a horrible hue and cry here. Much end of the world ranting, etc. Now it's a beloved system despite the flaws, and it's political death to propose changing it in any significant fashion. Which of course is holding us back from improving it, much the same as fear of change is holding back improvements in the US.

    It sure helped my mother-in-law and her mother who were both very sick and basically disabled. If it wasn't for the medicare paying for their many surgeries they would have died a long time ago. (mother in law is still alive and doing better than she has in over 10 yrs) They both had no savings to amount to anything and had no one else that could afford to pay those bills that went up into the $100,000's. Hope you never have anyone in your family have any serious illness if you don't want to use this system. Unless you are a CEO of an health insurance company! It is there to protect those who can't afford care.

    It's tough to argue when you postulate that helathcare is a right... It's the principle that is wrong and immoral, and the action taken are just the results of a distorted logic: that it is right and moral to force me to pay and contribute to someone else's bad fortune...

    And of course the CEO is just there because of good luck and what he has done with his life has absolutely nothing to do with it...

  13. I'm curious, what was healthcare like in Italy?

    a doctor I used to work for told me a scary story, but as its not my story I won't use it

    Well we basically pay for it twice: once through taxes and the other time to go privately: the system is so corrupt and inefficient that waiting list are often too long... I have many personal examples I could use, but it would not make the point: you won't realize how bad it is until you actually leave in it in person, on your own skin...

    Because of the welfare system which is intrinsically inefficient and corrupt out national debt is around 120% our GDP.

    On top of that it happens often that for particularly complex procedures people end up coming to the US to have it taken care of. Lots of frustration when dealing with it...

    I suspect that the only thing that saves up is actually our lifestyle that is somewhat healthier than the average American: less people overweight or with bad eating habit... We do smoke a lot more, so that could offset it...

  14. there is nothing worse than having a pre-existing condition that an insurance company rejects you for and you pay everything yourself.

    Yes, there is: having you neighbor being forced to pay for it...

  15. Wohhh... I'm surprised so few people are $#@%!* pissed!!! But maybe that's just why it passed... Americans got lazy, they have been leaving comfortably because of the freedom and liberty that the Const has been providing us and has started trading it for security... Started with FDR, then LBJ and the list just get longer.

    Another point is that probably 'till back in '89 there was the anti-ruski propaganda holding back, but not anymore: central planing has failed miserably everywhere and now we're missing something to compare against.

    I'm young, disillusioned, and Italian (where everything is public and everything is F'ed up - that's why given the opportunity I left), so I haven't lost the hope that the trajectory can change, but I was very upset on Sunday watching C-SPAN...

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