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Everything posted by VickVinager

  1. awesome! sounds good. i'll be coming to tyrol pretty much every tuesday for 12 dollar tuesdays. I wanted to go tomorrow but they're not having the deal tomorrow, damnit!! i'll have to get in touch because im definitely looking to get better.
  2. i do still have the head, but i really want to get rid of it. i'm mostly going to be cruising around, maybe small jumps, nothing too fast which is why i didnt want the head board with the computer chip in it designed for highest speeds possible. i just want something i can have fun on that will be forgiving and i wont have to be so cautious about not eating snow after a small mistake. i wont be doing any serious jumps, rails or anything as i'm still beginner level, and i wont be going too fast either. just hill stuff.
  3. interesting. everyone i ask tells me to go for 155. is it because you break it in over time? i've never been recommended for anything higher than like 157. what condition is the board in and do you have pics? im not sure i want to buy a used board, but i would consider it. i still want to check out the other ones though. i really like the rome gaft, but i havent heard too much about it
  4. Burton Clash 155 Rome Graft 155 Ride Agenda 156 Never Summer Evo-R 155 Never Summer Circuit-R 155 Any input is really appreciated. If there are other similar boards you know of, please let me know too!!! 5'9 155 pounds, beginner level, just looking for a nice rocker board.
  5. yeah I might do that. also, the more I'm reading up on the board the more nervous I am... I keep reading its a board made for "advanced to experts"... i am definitely a beginner.
  6. i'm 5'9 155, very athletic. taking a lesson or two might be a good idea, not sure if i can afford it at the time but i'll keep it in mind.
  7. yeah thanks that does help. the only thing i'm worried about- is did i buy a board that i wont be able to handle? i dont want to be falling all over the place unable to control the board because its too fast, advanced, stiff, etc for me. i havent snowboarded in at least 5 years and even when i did i wasn't very good. i don't want to end up with a board that won't let me progress and have me falling all over the place with every little mistake i make, if there are a bunch of less expensive boards out there that will allow me to not fall as much and control it way better.
  8. actually i interpreted the first post wrong. the bindings are just the way i bought them. i didn't adjust them and i don't plan on riding the way they are. i have no idea how or what way i need to adjust them so i was going to take it somewhere and ask whoever is there to do it for me i guess
  9. hahah... nice. from what i read head is really big in places like japan and europe but not so much the states yet.
  10. thanks. i should add that i was never very good to begin with, so the 5 year hiatus will almost be like starting over, hehe. i'm going to take it in somewhere to get it adjusted properly, i think. yeah, i've always ridden duck, and i guess i'll get some help in seeing what will work best for me
  11. What up guys. I haven't snowboarded in at least 5 years so I'm pretty much starting over. Obviously not very experienced. I was at a snowboard sale they have here every year and didn't know about it until the last couple hours of the sale. I had wanted a board for a few weeks but I wanted to jump on the sale because they usually have crazy good deals. So my chance to research before I bought was limited. bought this set up... Head i.ct board 155" (2008) Head px10 bindings Head triple king pin boots Paid $420 for the board and bindings together, 70 for the boots, all new. I just wanted a versatile board good for whatever I decide to do. I'm not going to be going on any huge mountains as i live in wisconsin. I'm 5'9 155, bought a 155 board. it has that intelligence chip that adjusts the flexibility for the speed you go at. the more research i do i think i might have bought an advanced board meant only for going fast? which is not really what i will be doing. just trying to cruise around and have fun. i just dont want to end up having a board thats going to cause me to bust my ass every tiny mistake i make. i'm thinking about trying to sell it and get something else. should i be happy with it or try to get rid of it? i haven't been able to find much information about head snowboards, especially the i.ct
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