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Mat Laf

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Posts posted by Mat Laf

  1. Je suis allé au mont Saint-Anne aujourd'hui, belle conditions assez tôt mais ça se dégrade rapidement en mix granuleuse en tas entrecoupé de glace...

    J'ai réalisé ce matin que l'intérieur de mon casque est craqué sur tout l'arrière... crime ça cogné plus fort que je pensais. Pourtant il n'y a pas de trou ou de bosse sur l'extérieur du casque... Je vais aller magasiner ça cette semaine, il devrait bien y avoir des deal de fin de saison.

    J'ai un Giro S4 et j'aime bien ce modèle, avez vous d'autres modèles ou d'autres marques à me suggérer?

    Pas d'option de Ipod/Iphone/mp3/machineàesspresso/etc... juste un bon casque confortable, cool, et qui fit bien avec des lunettes oakley :cool:

    Content d'être de retour sur les pistes avant la fin de la saison.

  2. C'Est pas que j'ai pas envie de parfaire ma technique dans ces conditions, :smashfrea ,

    c'est surtout que je ne peux absolument plus me cogner la tête et je veux me refaire une confiance en descendant. Je pensais avoir apprivoisé la bête se cachant dans la Prior WCR mais non, pas encore :AR15firin

    Le casque c'est en tout temps il fait parti de l'équipement essentiel, comme une planche et des bottes, en plus c'est chaud et les filles aiment les gars dont le cerveau est en un morceau:1luvu:

    Alors si je comprend bien, depuis mercredi c'est pas super les conditions, style glacé?

  3. Je me remet de ma commotion et je vais peut-être aller rider en fin de semaine, ma question: "Avec les conditions actuelles, est ce que je suis mieux d'y aller tôt le matin ( ferme, peut-être glacé?) en après midi ( plus mou, gros sel?), ou le soir ( un mix?) ???

    Ça fait plusieurs jours que je n'ai pas rider alors je ne sais pas comment sont les conditions, surtout depuis la pluie...


    Vos avis/conseils, s'il vous plait.

  4. Morning guys,

    I got check yesterday and went to a chiro....

    As Dr D said earlyer, C1 and some others down were pretty messed up. The sympatic nerve got stress out pretty bad and probably some micro tears in the core section, (the six pack hurts;)) I have another appointment monday to be sure everythings is fine. I already feel a lot better, this morning when I woke up I fell like a mini austin run over me by night.... it's better than a truck, trust me :AR15firin

    Have a good week end,


  5. I don't think that I black out, I was feeling like seasick, very dizzy and so freaking tired. I feel like a little drunk since then and when I woke up this morning I feel like a truck run over me by night. My left shoulder hurts and I have a lot of pain in the neck.

    No big headach but I feel like a little lag.

    I will not ride tomorow, I'm gonna Xbox and take it easy...

    By the way, for the edge tuning, what do you guys use, I want something to refresh the edges in between the sharpening. I know that my board is 88 degres...

    Thank you for sharing and ride one for me tomorow :)

  6. Hi guys,

    I had a bad luck yesterday, I knock myself out... dont really know what happened, I wasn't riding so fast, It was my 2-3 ride of the day, I was warming up...

    Any advise for the next ride, I will probably ride tomorow if I feel good of course.

    If you want to share your experience and how you get over it, I would really appreciate.

    2 Tylenol every 4 hours...

    By the way, always wear your helmets... I'm glad I always do :smashfrea

  7. Definitivement pas les jours pour s'habituer avec du nouvel equipement. Pour vraiment voir les differences et s'eclater, il faut un terrain plus propice à pousser les limites de la planche

    Ça m'a pris quelques jours et de belles conditions pour m'habituer à la Prior Métal,le changement de rayon à été significatif dans ma façon de rider. J'avais un rayon beaucoup plus court avant, je faisais plusieurs courts virages et là je suis capable de faire ce genre de descente mais en plus je peux carver très large en prenant presque toute la piste.

    Donnes toi un peu de temps pour apprivoiser la bête:eplus2:

  8. I think you are all missing the point here... The original poster paid for an item, and then was emailed about shipping terms that were not acceptable to him. Have any of you ever purchased a product, from any company, that appeared to be available and then you were later told it was backordered or not able to be shipped right away....and then you canceled? I'm sure many of you have.

    This situation is very similar and the original poster was no longer interested in this item and terms and requested that Catek cancel the transaction [PRIOR to the item being shipped]. It appears that he was frustrated by their lack of communication (as many people are) and he simply wanted to cancel the transaction.

    This issue appears to be less about the actual time it took to deliver the item (which seems to be a fair amount of time) and more about a company not listening to their customers. If you email a customer and notify them that an item will not ship right away, and the customer chooses to cancel the item, you communicate with the customer! Not ignore them and ship anyway. Customer Service 101.

    While running a company in the snowboard industry is very admirable, and much smaller in scale than big-business, it is not a green-light to ignore your customers no matter what your personal situation might be. Catek should have a disclaimer on their website: "Caveat emptor: Customer understands that we may or may not return emails or phone calls. In fact, it may take you several attempts and long periods of time before we actually communicate with you". This will solve a lot of headaches for everyone involved.

    In all seriousness, my recent experience with Catek was nothing short of miserable.

    The OP wasn't about bitching someone or tear someone down, As I said before, I really like the quality of their product, I would have expected the same for their customers service...

    I carve it down on the slopes this morning and I actually feel better, be sure that if Catek wrote me a mail back I will post it here and be glad to say that we work things out...

    Bah, pis pour les chialeux, crossez vous avec une poignée de braquettes et envoyez moi 145$ par paypal, le dossier va être réglé...:AR15firin

  9. If you select the "standard" shipping method from Catek (US) to you (Canada) it always takes two weeks. Want faster? Pay more. That's not Cateks' fault, it's the shipping method combined with Customs.

    Catek has always responded to my e mails, sometimes a day or two later, but always. Maybe it's the context - if you don't plainly ask a question, you may be left without an answer. As others said, they are busy people.

    This option was unavalaible, it was 25$ US fix rate.. And they got plenty of time to write or call me back... that did'not happen yet..

  10. Après la première journée de race je suis allé me chercher un casque Giro... Bien qu'en freeride je n'en portais pas, maintenant je trouve inconcevable le fait de ne pas mettre de casque en pratiquant un sport de glisse. C'est pratiquement comme rouler en voiture sans ceinture de sécurité... Quand on y pense, à part la poudreuse y'a pas grand chose de doux en snow : arbres, glaces, poteaux,etc..

  11. I just want to share my experience with Catek compagny while purchasing LongPlates for my OS2.

    On february 10th, I bought the plates over their Internet site, it has been charge on my visa the very same day... pretty fast I tought.

    I sent them mail and try to contact them by phone to have feedback , no answers, Niet, Zero, Nada...

    Five days later they send me a purchase order and a email to tell me that the plates will be ship on february 17th... Oups, that is freaking long, seven days to ship something that is already paid!!!

    This time, I try to contact them because I want to cancel the transaction before they send me the plates mainly because I don't like the way they do business. As you probably guessed it, no answers to my mail and phone calls, the plates were send.

    I received the plates today, 15 days later (only 600 kilometers from Catek) and ship them back to them.

    I really enjoy my Catek OS2 , I'm just pissed off that their Customer Service did'nt match the quality of their product.

    I dont know what will happen next, I'm hoping and asking for a refund, less the shipping of course...

    By any chance if you know someone from Catek that might care about customer service, I would appreciate to contact that person and maybe work this out.

    I might have to carve this on the slopes tomorow morning...

  12. Je comprends parfaitement ce que ton ami a ressenti... la première fois que j'ai fait de la race, le setup des fixations était standard selon le gars qui me l'a vendu.J'ai pris les pires fouilles à vie, je n'étais même pas capable de faire tourner la planche malgré plusieurs années de freeride...

    2 constats ont découlés de cette expérience : Le monde qui font de la race sont des malades et ça me prend un casque au plus cr...

    Comme tu dis, les ajustements c'est une question de feeling:cool:

    Pour le moment je me sens bien sur la planche alors je ne toucherai à rien...

  13. Very interested, lets get this done. Does paypal work for you? Thanks Dave

    I have a paypal account, so no problems here :)

    If you want, mail me your adress and postal code at matqouais @ hotmail dot com... I will have a quote for the s/h and the estimate time from here to where yo live, I'll check for a tracking number too, if you want of course.

    Have a nice day

  14. Good morning carvers !

    This week, I will have a brand new set of Catek OS2 Longplates (fits for 10 Us and up boots) . I bought those on february 10th, and two days later, a friend of mine give me his and since I haven't been able to contact those "very customer oriented" guys from Catek to cancelled the transaction, I'm stuck with two sets...

    On the Catek website they are at 89$ + 25$ for Shipping and Handling. I will let them go for around 100$ including shipping. Let me know if you are interested, otherwise I will send them back to the compagny.


  15. Avec la finale du slalom géant parallèle à Stoneham, il risque d'y avoir du monde... et plein de carveurs de la mort :) Comme j'ai la passe de saison à Cailloujambon, je risque d'y aller.

    Je ne suis pas encore allé au MSA cette année, ça coûte combien de soir?

    Laisse moi ton mail, on échangera nos coordonnées pour en faire cette semaine si tu peux !


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