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Posts posted by SnowieQc

  1. Désolé d'apprendre ça Ernie ... Quelque chose me disait que tu te ramasserais la bas aujourd'hui comme tu mentionnais hier, mais la foule, les "vacanciers" de semaine, c'est certain que ça change la donne.

    La glace aussi.

    Bromont pour moi AM-début PM. Pas trop de spots de glace jusqu'à midi, ensuite beaucoup de plates un peu partout. Pas trop de monde, juste assez pour un mardi (ben des écoliers cependant - quelques bus dans le P1)

    Une chose commune pour tout ceux qui ont eu la chance de se ramasser sur une station aujourd'hui, peu importe où : mautadit qui fesait beau hein ?! On pouvait laisser tomber le balaclava en dessous du casque !

    Ca écoeure un peu par exemple de voir fondre tout ça ... sweet snow.

    Souhaitons que nous recevrons les prochaines précipitations en neige ...

    Collette à pas l'air sûre ...:freak3:

    Take care

  2. Ernie !!

    I'll take your offer sooner than you think ! :)

    I spent all day on #3 for both boots. A more forward lean will probably help me. Will go to 4-5 on the next ride. But the new angle and shorter stance will help too. I thought I had pretty much the same setup then when I did the demo, but I was wrong.

    Conditions were pretty good. Driver was not !

    But the board got out ! At last !

    So you had some good time at St-Sauveur this AM ? Your conditions looked pretty much to what Bromont had ... recycled and recycled snow.

    But with a few rocks to watch for ..

    I'll let you know early for a possible session. Be ready for a few pints afterwards !


  3. Sorry BulletProof, I misundertood about the tilting / lifting.

    I misread !

    Went to Bromont this morning ... Just gave my Prior her first ride .. will need some adjustments too. Rear leg tibia and knee were killing me ..

    I hope that goin' from 47R51F to 49R54F will somehow help me next time.

    It's pretty hard to loose the bad habits if you've been freeriding on soft boots for too long .. for me at least. But we'll be there :)

    Take care

  4. BulletProof,

    Paraitrait qu'il est tombé 9-13 cm depuis les dernières 24 heures à Sutton , selon leur site web. Devrait aider à dissiper la glace pour ceux qui seront là bas ce weekend.

    Mohawk et Sutton-IK sont suffisament large pour les carvers je crois.

    Ailleurs :

    Orford était supposément très glacé en AM aujourd'hui. Bromont, pas mal le même scénario.

    Pour les célibataires, Nuit Blanche St-Valentin à Bromont samedi soir qui vient, mais oublié le carving un soir comme ça, avec la quantité de monde présent aux Nuits blanches, sans parler de l'état des pentes. Freeride deck en softboots maybe ...

  5. Hey SurfQuebec,

    Just bought mine, so cannot really tell you how long they last, but sure hope they'll provide me many days of solid, strong safety with the F2 Intec Titanium step-ins I got. The only thing I've notice is that the more I'll walk on concrete with them, they probably will wear out faster than my original Deeluxe heels if I was on clips.

    How many days have you done on yours since you got them ? Feeling solid ?

    Take care


  6. Hi BulletProof,

    I must be one of the few who doesn't use Facebook ...

    I went for the 4WD, because it was love at second sight :), and in hope that I'll be able to enjoy the board when it gets crowded and the conditions are more difficult, more bumpy, icy and such. It will be a good AM / all-around deck.

    I'm only starting in hardboots / carving, but I'd be more than willing to meet you at Sutton before the season ends for a tips sharing session .

    Bromont, Orford and Owl's are also easy possibilities for me.

    Some carvers at Jay maybe ? been a while there, but damn it was nice 15-20 years ago !

    Take care

  7. Match found !

    thanks MaxLanaudière for your TD1 offer, it was interesting. But I finally abandoned the Strike / Hot Blast idea ...

    Went all the way for it, and bought the Prior 169 4WD 2009 , F2 Intec titanium steps-in and Deeluxe T 225 (w/ F2 Intec Adapters)(Thanks Arnaud ! I listened to you for the 225 (less stiffer) :)) ! I'm all hyped up my friends ! This freezin rain really has to stop now !

    So Thanks to all my new BOL friends who contributed

    Take care all,


  8. snowie, yes those 2 boards are close to my house. They are probably 6 years old but if they are in good shape they might be worth the price to start out.. if you have unlimited budget you can buy everything new this year ! I still think finding a pair of boots that fits is the priority.


    Found some more infos on those 2 boards finally. Positive mostly, and for the price he asks, one cannot go wrong. It might not be as smooth as a Prior 4WD or such, but one doesn't know until he clips his two feet on it. The ultimum would be to get them all ! A Prior 4WD169 or a Donek Blade170 and those two ! :) His post was in late december, don't know much about LesPacs but you know if they normally remove the post once the sell is completed ? I just wish the pictures were a bit bigger .. But like I said, I'll give him a call tomorrow.

    What kind of boots do you ride in Ernie ? Have you owned a few models ?

    I'm pretty interested in the Deeluxe Track 700. Sharks have my size, and they're pretty comfy. Arnaud suggested to go with the 325 (softer), but I'll decide on site probably.


    getting high just thinking about the fun ahead ! It only has to drop below 0 C and stay that way for the snow to come !

    Take care

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