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Posts posted by BryanZ

  1. Hi, there's some info in the links below that might help you. Also, just know that EC is an expert level technique and you probably won't be doing it this year. Beginner carvers who try this usually end up learning some bad habits like reaching for the snow and bending over at the waist. What boards are you considering? For 5'11", 155, you probably want to stay in the high 160s to start. Donek makes some great entry-level boards that won't break the bank.

    I'm in the same boat as the OP, only I have not tried it yet.

    Do people typically just feel out how to EC? Or does it generally have to be taught through reading or showing?

  2. This old fart moved on to black diamond bump runs and 50* chutes when you still had mommy changeing your pants.

    firstly you don't know how old I am. secondly, if that is truely the case, your so old now that you can't brag about how good you were, because you can't do that stuff anymore.

    your so old now that you can't understand people who want to go fast, just because you have no interest in going fast doesn't mean you can blame everybody that does.

    Maybe you're just illiterate, but I think I clearly stated I have plenty of mountain etiquette, if you don't want to be hit by me, don't hang out under a large mound. The guy that hit you obviously did not have control if he hit you and you were visible.

  3. BryanZ,

    If you are reading some of these posts, you will realize that a lot of us have been hit from behind by straightlining skiers / boarders who thought they were in total control. How do you claim it is your right to put me at risk for your fun? Do what you want to yourself, don't involve other people.

    You are the one who injured a guy because you could not stop and have claimed to feel no remorse because he should not have been on the run where you hit him. You will likely not be so lucky next time to suffer no consequences.

    Your claims of recklessness and justifications sound really bad to this "old fart" and I don't even have kids that I worry about with people like you around. I am hoping that you are just playing troll and making all this up.:barf:


    Sorry if I've been boarding for 20 years and going back and forth has gotten a little boring and that I've moved on to advanced slopes and I enjoy getting air. I hit one guy many years ago, he was fine, I was fine, nothing happened.

    You have no idea how I board, you are just presuming I'm some ghetto shmuck from jersey and because of my attitude I am completely self absorbed and don't care about anybody else on the mountain.

    There were a couple people that agreed with me, and I do not see them getting attacked?

  4. yup, from jersey alright

    was that your, "I have no idea what to say, so lets say something that makes no sense" response?

    although many things I said, were typical of someone from jersey, the one you quoted had no relation to the stereotypical jerseyite. Next time you're going to attempt to insult me, please, let it make sense so some wreckless punk boarder from jersey doesn't have to make you look stupid.

  5. people with the ability to control themselves at "mach looney" speeds have every right to do so. Your just like every other politician ruining american if your going to use some example from some random ski slope as a reason to control all "fast" skiiers and riders. Some girl getting hit and injured definatly sucks, but that's a risk people have been taking on ski slopes since they were established. Nothing is going to change. You should not be stationary on the slope. If my legs get tired on the board, I get to the side, and am clearly visible. Not rocket science. If you have kids, that's the first thing you teach them. That situation could have happened to anyone. Do you plan to enforce speed limits on the slope?

    You guys seem to be so in favor of more regulation. Don't you think there is enough regulation in your lives. Crazy teens are going to go recklessly fast, thats all there is to it. Deal with it and quit whining, it's been happening since the evolution of humans.

    If some reckless teen hits my kid, I'm going to beat him to a pulp, but I'm certainly not going to sit here and bitch about all those gosh darn teenagers going to fast on the slope. Bunch of old farts in here.

  6. No, you don't know any of us...but the average poster here has more knowledge of boot fit than your average ski shop employee. Seriously, if you're not gonna listen to us, go to a ski shop and try on a few ski boots in various sizes. Head Edge ski boots fit very similar to Head Stratos Pros, and Dalbello Kryptons fit similar to DeeLuxe boots - the length is the same - heads are a little wider.

    oh I'm listening to you guys and I'm well aware you guys know more then the people at the ski shop, that's why I'm on here. I just don't know which people on the forum to listen to.

    I just actually tried on a size 10 shoe and I was surprised about how well it fit. Size 28 it is

    thanks for your help guys

  7. dude, you're getting good advice and ignoring it. My first modern pair of hardboots were size 28.0 because I thought I knew better than all of the advice I got here. I was miserable from the toe bang at the end of every day, and lost my big toenail on both feet. after a month of that, I bought some 27.5s and never had a problem again. And this year I got the Dalbello golds and my feet have never been warmer

    Some guy in here is a size 10 street shoe, and wears a size 28. I would never ever fit into a 10 street shoe, so i think it is only natural for someone in my position to assume that a size 28 is wrong for me even though I measured 28.3 CM.

    I then have other people saying "get the 28, trust me."

    I don't know any of you, the only thing I have to go off is that more of you seem to think the 28 is the way to go.

  8. The highway / ski resort analogy sometimes works, but it fails in a lot of examples so we should be careful.

    How do you come to the idea that it is their fault? The accident is yours to avoid. What if their car is broken down? Is it still their fault or is it yours?

    I certainly drive down the interstate assuming that there could be a wreck in front of me at any time and that traffic could come to a sudden stop. That does not mean that I do not drive faster than most other drivers.

    On the ski hill, you had better expect that there are going to be gapers and kids sitting under the blind roll overs because often there are. I ride at a largely deserted mountain and I find that only adds to other people's feeling of safety doing stupid stuff. It blows my mind that they cannot consider the possible consequences of their actions, but that does not absolve me from blame if I hit them.

    Kids in particular are notorious for trying slopes that are too steep for them and spending a lot of time under blind rollovers. If you were to hit and injure a kid, do you think anyone else would blame them?

    Rule #1: Always stay in control, and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.

    The joy of hitting blind rollers at speed does not absolve you from following that rule and protecting the other people on the hill.

    If you want freedom from the rules, do not ride in a resort.

    I have never even come close to hitting a kid, and even if I was about to I would manage to contort my body some how in order to avoid them.

    You've got to realize that I'm not as wreckless as you guys are making me out to be. Even though I do hit blind rollers, I do take many other things into consideration before doing so. You guys have me pictured as a 200 lb cannon ball with a skull and cross painted on it rolling down the mountain.

    I usually go to huge resorts, and the higher risk area's always have a sign saying no jumping on them. I am usually catching up to other people and yelling at them for jumping on these.

  9. If you're not concerned with comfort in your boots, you're nuts! :lol:

    Going bigger doesn't mean comfort. It means heel lift, blisters, shinbang, the whole nine yards.

    Going smaller will be more performance feeling, but may not be the most comfortable.

    Not surprisingly, the best choice is the correct fitting boot. Any fine tuning can be done with a heat moldable liner in the fitting stage. Yes, get a thermoflex.

    My Deeluxe Suzukas spend all 8 hours of a day buckled up as tightly as I like. They don't get loosened, they don't get taken off. They spend all day at that tension. I miss them when I take them off. That protective feel, the ever constant light pressure and warmth is almost motherly.

    that is my dream to be able to have a boot like that, I think I'm just going to have to go to the ski shop and try on a 28.

  10. Street shoes are an imprecise fit. You can wear a 12 or an 11 and generally be comfortable. Also, shoe sizes are preference. I wear a pair of size 12 chucks laced up very loosely for just walking around school. On the gridiron, I wear size 11 cleats laced up till my fingers hurt from the laces. Both are comfy, the chucks are just "relaxed"

    Hard boots on the other hand are very precise. Don't ever look at a chart. Measure your feet, ignore what you wear when you're not on snow.

    Ugh, that's a tall order man, size 11 softboots were way too tight on me. Sure they performed well, but I had to take my boots off twice a day.

    Is what your saying apply to someone who is specifically concerned with comfort?

  11. like I said, I like to be able to feel my toes... even when well into a long day.

    I can't stand that, I hate losing circulation

    For the record, I am 10 times more concerned with comfort then performance. I want to be able to go the entire day without even wanting to take my boots off. Nothing will ruin my day on the mountain more then my feet being uncomfortable, and really thats all I'm there for, to enjoy myself.

  12. Do whatever you want to do to yourself. When your risk start injuring other people and you blame them for it, you have problems. :nono:

    BTW, haven't had a TV in 20 years. :rolleyes:

    no TV in 20 years....good for you then, seriously I admire that

    If somebody is completely stopped on the highway, after a hill, just sitting there relaxing in there parked car, and you hit them, who's fault is that? It's their fault.

  13. Dude after your comment about a hit on some poor bastard, that it sounded like you were proud of, and it would have made the highlight reel in the NFL or some sh!t*- you sound like a dip sh!t 17 year old kid.

    Don't really care who is a pro and who is not. I have dealt with plenty of schmucks in 15 years of teaching and have no problem getting in anyone's face if they endanger my "kids" or my children.

    He kind of sounds like a dad to me, or just someone who cares. Please don't come to Idaho. If you can abort the entitled attitude, would love to have you come. But not until then. Seriously.

    Haha, exactly, please stop confusing your dislike of my attitude with your dislike of my riding. You or your kids are in no danger from me unless they are sitting down behind a roller on a black or double black slope. Even if they are, 90% of the time I will still be able to avoid them.

    Did you just pull out the "your not invited to my birthday party" line? seriously?

  14. :confused: like I said, my MP 28.0 boots fit pefect (though I like to be able to wiggle my toes 'round just a wee bit for warmth) and I walk around comfortably in size 10 street shoes

    ugh, so that conflicts the sizes he uses but agrees website US-CM conversions.

    This is my problem, so many conflicting answers.

    According to the boot sizing chart, I am a 28.

    I am size 11.5 US.

    You are a size 10 US, but wear a 28.

    something is not adding up.

  15. For comparison, My street shoe is 8.5-9US=25mp. Son #1 is 9.5-10US=26mp, Son#2 is 10.5-11US=27mp. If they feel a little tight, they WILL pack out...then you'll be thinking"hmmmm, maybe I shoulda got the 27's:) But yeah, go to a shop and try on some ski boots to be sure.

    awesome man, that was a big help, thanks for real measurements. The other sites are saying a size 11 is a size 29....

    28 it is

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