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Posts posted by Kex

  1. Would you trust the review of someone you haven't seen ride? I wouldn't. I would want a video of the reviewer on the board for it to have any value. I find review sites generally useless. Most people haven't ridden enough equipment to make a review useful.

    I actually feel the opposite as this.

    I think that if we had to judge equipment from [watching a video of] how someone rides it, you wouldnt be able to tell anything. Especially if the equipment is a boot or bindings. But even for boards, if I was to just the ride of a board from watching someone try it out, I would not get an accurate picture. I have no idea how good of a rider the person is, and by watching a video, i would not be able to tell how much is the boards doing and how much is that particular persons technique[and how much the conditions on that particular day contribute](added after MUD reminded me(below) that this has to be taken into account too).

    Of course this changes if you know who the rider is or can compare the same rider on two different boards, but if you can't do that, that review video can only be taken with a grain of rice.

    Granted, that is the same for any persons written review, but with a written review, I can hear exactly what a person liked or disliked about a board in comparison to other boards he has ridden. That could even be a part of the review: Listing all other boards/equipment the reviewer has ridden to give a reader a better idea of the reviewer's experience. example: if a reviewer has only ridden one other board, and only rides occasionally, I'm not going to trust that reviewer's opinion as much as someone who has a ten board quiver and rides them all frequently

    [also, i don't think there should be a numeric rating system like rating a board 1-5 or 1-10 something. I just feel that it would be nice to get a little more info about something I am potentially buying, such as: xx board has durability issues, yy board has great hold in icy conditions, zz boots are very narrow and not for someone who has wide feet. that kind of thing. I think it helps to get a better picture of something we cannot touch, hold, or try out before buying(in most cases).]

  2. How thick are those footbeds? The custom footbeds I have are about 1/8 inch thick uniformly across the length and width. Yours could be too thick.


    they are 1/4(left) and 3/16(right) thick at the problem area(the left footbed is actually thicker than the right footbed by about 1/16 of an inch... go figure, POS $8 wal-mart footbeds), they also seem to get a little thicker closer to the heel area.

  3. Kex, I'm 3 hours west of you on 80. I have slightly wider than average feet and the head stratos pro's fit me the best. I did try on about 4 diff. brands and these felt the widest.

    My suggestion? We both get a tickey to denver for a 4 day weekend, stop over and see Larry the bootfitter in boulder and tear it up with thor, et al. for the other 3 days.

    that's gotta be worth more than 2 cents!!

    sounds good to me, now I just need to convince all my professors to not assign homework and cancel classes for a few days so I can carve it up in CO. They'll understand right?:D

    Update: So I took them out again on the local hill to try and pinpoint exactly where the pain was. I managed to find out that both feet felt it in the exact same spot. It definitely seems that my boot/liner are not wide enough, as both feet felt the same pressure pushing inward my arches(located towards the front of the arch, behind my big toe).

    As a shot in the dark fix, while taking a break to let me feet recover a bit, I tried taking out my footbeds just to give my feet a little more wiggle room. The pain was practically gone. It seems strange that I was able to relieve the pain without widening the liner at all, but it seemed to work.

    Before I took them out, I could not fathom the idea of taking a third lift ride up, yet afterward, I was able to stay in them for the rest of the time I rode. I started feeling a little bit of discomfort after 3 or 4 runs, but just by loosening the ankle and toe strap on the lift up, I made that go away. Best of all, without the discomfort, I was actually able to crank my buckles down once I was at the top, which improved my performance about tenfold!

    I think i will still try to get the boots punched out a bit once I get the chance, but it seems like for now, without the footbeds, they are comfortable enough that I hopefully wont have to resort to the soft boots after two runs!

  4. what can I expect to spend if I need to get my shell punched out or something, along with getting my liners molded?

    would it be a better idea to just resell these boots and find a boot like a head or an upz that may fit my foot better? What brand of boots have the widest boot or toe box(hope it isnt deeluxe :P)?

    Also, anyone from or around PA know of a good bootfitter? I don't want to have to travel up to Vermont or out to Colorado just to get my boots fitted.

  5. really sucks, i feel your pain.

    and just a thought, but it might be possible for you to get some of your money back for the season passes. Only a gamble, but if you go to management and talk about how much you love their mountain, go there every year, blah blah, but since the accident you wont be able to get any use out of your passes, they may give you a partial refund or something. They like to keep customers happy so if they think its an issue that may prevent you from going there in the future, they might try to appease you.

    Who knows, worth a try at least

  6. I got a set of Track 325's last year and tried them out before I molded them. I used them for about 2 hours and hurt my heel due to heel lift, and that hurt stayed with me for the rest of the winter, it would get agitated every time I used the boots. Your feet may have the "memory" of the pain after they are put in the molded liners.

    I took the boots to a bootfitter and got custom insoles and had him mold the liners, and it was about 1000 percent better than not having them molded. I still had a hurt heel tho that did not get fixed until after the season ended and it could heal up without any further agitation.

    You could have the wrong sized liner or boot. without the liner in, how many fingers do you have behind your heel with your toes just touching the front of the boot? I guess the rule of thumb is 1 to 1.5 fingers - assuming all fingers are the same size:D. Actually 1 to 2 centimeters. More than that, and your shells are too big, less than 1 centimeter, and they are probably too small.

    With your foot centered in the shell you should have some space on each side of your foot: 1 to 2 millimeters. If you foot touches anywhere when centred, your shell is gonna have problems with your foot (or vice versa), and will need to be shaved, ground, punched out. The last of the shell may not fit your foot shape. If the side of your foot touches the shell when you stand centered in them without the liner, you may just have to move on and get a different shaped shell.

    If your shells fit propely, then your footbeds could be giving you problems because they take up too much volume. Some generic or ready purchase footbeds are thicker than customs, and that can make a problem when fitting and molding.

    Finally, your liner could be the wrong size.

    When at a bootfitter and getting liners molded, they ALWAYS have me in both boots and liners, and have the buckles firmly tightened on the boot or boots being molded, and have me stand on a 1" dowel or wood block with my toes to "set" the heels in the liner. Standing in only one boot will not give that boot the same static environment as standing in both boots.

    I always go to a bootfitter with boots for snow.

    Disclaimer: I do not work with boots, but I have purchased boots and have gone thru a lot of "expert" advice before I went to a real boot fitter and got things sorted out. I just got my UPZ's some different liners that worked out well with a lot of help at my bootfitter, and just purchased a set of Dalbello Krypton Pros which were fit also. I am a frequent flyer at my bootfitter. In my mind, it is money well spent.


    about the size, I have 26.7 and 26.8 feet and my boots are 26's, so according to the sizing guide, I am in the correct size. Also the liners definitely say 26 as well so they are correctly sized.

    Doing the finger test or whatever, I have just about 1 cm behind my heel with my big toe just barely touching the front of the boot.

    I never tested the width of the shell before and I think that may be the problem. With my foot flat on the bottom of the shell, I can feel the sides of my feet just slightly brushing against the sides of the shell, meaning there is practically no extra space on the sides of my feet for the liner. Maybe my boots could benefit from being punched or something.

    The footbeds were generic. I tried on a bunch at walmart and picked one that supported my foot the way I liked. I then cut it to the right size to fit inside of the liner. Its pretty thin and low profile so I dont think that it would be causing a problem, especially because When I first tried the boots, They didnt have a footbed in them.

    When I molded the liners, I did them one at a time, but while I did one, I would put on the other boot as well so that I could keep even weight on both feet and such. I also did what you were talking about and put my toes up on a piece of wood while I stood and let them cool.

    Describe the foot pain. Is it a compression feeling around the arch or on the side of the foot? Does it feel better if you loosen the buckles while on the chair?

    When I first tested the boots(before molding) the pain was concentrated on the tendon that runs down the length of your foot on your arch. It felt as if it was being pulled tight and stretched to the point of pain and discomfort. I thought that the reason for this was the absence of a footbed. Since there was no foot bed, there was no arch support and the boot could have been forcing my foot to sit flat, causing it to stretch.

    After buying footbeds and molding the liners, the boots seemed to feel better on my feet, and I could bear having them on while fitting them and while walking around before riding. However once I tightened them up just to the point where they weren't loose, and could be ridden(not extremely tight by any means), the pain started. By the top of the lift they were hurting and after I got to the bottom and rode back up, it was excruciating.

    It was hurting it more than one place, but the most noticable pain was in the front of the arch of my foot, just behind the bone your big toe kind of connects to(ball of my foot?). It was also hurting on top of my foot. Both spots felt as if they were being pushed on, like they were under pressure, but I had added padding when molding them.

    loosening the top straps didnt help much. The ankle strap was already as loose as it could go, clicked onto the first notch, without being open so I couldnt loosen that one. Also, both of the times that my arch was hurting, the pain subsided gradually, once my foot was out of the boots(not immediately, but it didnt persist throughout the day)

  7. I dont wear a brace, but my dad does when he boards. He tore his ACL and medial meniscus(i think?) a few years ago and never had surgery to correct it. As a result he doesn't ski anymore because of the independent leg motion, however he still boards because with both legs locked into the same object, it seems to help offer a little more stability.

    Oh, and his brace has the metal bars on the sides that prevents the knee from bending in any direction other than what it is supposed to

  8. kex, i mean what is your stance width, angles, cants etc...

    stance width is about 19" front the center of the front binding to the center of the rear

    angles are 55 front/50 rear

    not sure about cant. these f2s have these small plastic shims that tilt the binding and boot to the left or right(both tilt inward) *see picture*

    The gap in the liner is going to be a problem. I had that with what looks like the same liner you had, and had pain right in that area. I remolded and made sure to pull that part so that there was no gap before inserting into the shell and it helped... the newer Deeluxe thermos from my Track 700's don't have any such gap and are honestly more comfortable than my street shoes.

    how were you able to make the liner have no gap there? I was pulling pretty hard and trying to kind of massage the liner into place with no results. Also, since one of the main locations I am having pain seems to be the side of my foot(in front of my arch, behind the bone of my big toe), wont pulling it tight end up making the sides even tighter?

    I have been contemplating remolding the boots with a massive amount of padding on my toes and foot in order to get a looser and hopefully more comfortable fit. bad idea?


  9. i know from good results with formable insoles.

    I assume you mean the injectable foam ones right? if so, they're a little out of my price range. I'm a college student after all :(

    Is that your sock showing in the first picture? You definitely should have your entire foot covered by the liner! No idea how to fix that, sorry. :(

    Also make sure your foot is evenly weighted for the entire cooling period when molding. I somehow managed to lift my arches subconsciously the first time I did it, that meant that the liner hardened narrower than it should have and left too large of a pocket above my foot.

    How do your feet fit inside the bare shells without liners?

    Yes, that is my sock :freak3:, as you can see the liner doesn't fit all the way around. I didnt think my feet were that wide though. I don't have to buy super wide street shoes or anything

    Its hard to recall what i did with my arches, but I believe I had my feet evenly weighted. I did what they recommend in the custom molding guides, and while molding one foot, I put the other foot in its boot so they would have an "even keel" then stayed standing for a good 15+ minutes with both toes on a 2x4 and heels on the floor

  10. kex,

    i would say find a store who has some 'normal' liners (no thermos) and try again. i'm feeling similar in thermos, but no problem with the standard liners. plus i use the 'shintronics', a very cool thing if anyone has real problems with shin pain.

    I was thinking about trying regular liners but it doesnt seem to make sense that a generic liner would fit/feel better than one that forms to your foot. who knows though. Also, it seems to be more foot pain than shin pain. Its like my foot is being squeezed too tightly and the pressure is hurting it, even though the liner isn't especially tight. It isn't cutting off my circulation. Its like its pushing on pressure points but I cant pinpoint anywhere in particular that it is hurting, its pretty much my whole foot.

    maybe its not the boot? how are your bindings set up?

    my bindings are plastic f2 bail bindings. Since they are plastic, I cant imagine them being able to put enough pressure on the boot to cause any effect on my foot, especially since the boots are one of the stiffest - indys.

    This theory might not be completely wrong though, because the left foot(regular stance) did seem to increase in pain after I snapped in before getting on the lift.(not immediately, but after a little while I noticed it had increased)

  11. So I bought my first pair of hardboots (red Deeluxe Indy's, with thermoflex liners) a little over a week ago and tried them out on my local hill. The previous owner molded them once and barely used them - they look brand new in fact. Anyway, my test run was incredibly painful. I didn't feel the pain while riding so much, but the lift ride up was excruciating and I had to take a break after just two runs, which is saying something considering how pathetic my local hill is. After another two painful runs I called it a day in those boots and had to switch over to my trusty softies.

    Anyway, that test run was with the boots how they arrived. I did not mold them before this test, and the previous owner had removed whatever footbeds were in the boots. I thought this was the reason for the horrible discomfort, so I went out to the store and bought some footbeds that seemed to fit my foot well and offered nice support. I then DIY molded my liner after reading three different articles on how to do it and using the combined knowledge of all of them. I made the toe box, taped sharp points on the boot, padded pressure points on my foot, put the footbed inside the sock I was wearing, put a nylon on the liner before sliding it into the shell, etc.

    I got another chance to try out the boots yesterday, newly fitted and such, and the same thing happened. They seemed comfortable enough when I first put them on, but after just two runs, my feet were crying and I had to once again switch to my trusty softboots. Are all hardboots this uncomfortable?

    If anyone has any advice or has been in similar situations in the past, I need help. Obviously I know people are going to tell me to go to a bootfitter and get them professionally fitted to my foot, but I'm beginning to lose hope after seeing practically no difference at all from when I originally tried them out. Should I just cut my losses and resell the boots or waste another one of the precious six moldings to try again at fitting them to my foot?

    btw, the liner does't seem to fit around my foot 100% which could be part of the problem. when I molded them I tried to pull them around my foot a bit more with no results. Anyone else experience this?


  12. anyone switch out their RAB system for a BTS and want to get rid of their old RAB?

    BTS is a little out of my price range, so if anyone wants to send me their old RAB system thats gathering dust, I'll send a few bucks their way. I bought my Indy's used and for some reason they have a 5 position lean adjuster on them.

    Also willing to buy someones old BTS if the price is low enough. I just cant justify paying $100 for a little spring system. I'd rather just make my own, and probably will eventually. Looking for something to use in the meantime

  13. it just seems ridiculous that they can charge you more for having 2 boards in one bag. If its over weight I can see it, but that's another story...

    If its under weight, that's like them trying to tell me I can only pack 3 pairs of pants per suitcase or something... It shouldn't matter how much stuff is in a bag as long as its below the 50 lbs

  14. Last time I ever, ever use UPS. Ever. Period. :angryfire

    Ive had good and bad experience with UPS. When I had my board shipped, it somehow took 2 weeks for them to get to to me, even though it was across the country within 5 days...

    But on the other hand, when I had my boots shipped from fairly locally(~5 hours away), they actually got them to me the next day even though we picked the cheapest shipping option.

    Fortunately I havent had to deal with any international shipping yet, but I've heard about the nightmare that is. I feel for all of you

  15. wow, I've never heard of that. i fly out west at least once every year and for the past 4-5 years i have had 2 boards in my bag every time(mine + my brother's to reduce the number of bags we carry). I've never seen any signs saying only one board and never had anyone say anything to me. It's even been searched by TSA with no comments. Is this a new rule?

    Ski equipment

    Ski equipment may be accepted in the normal baggage allowance in lieu of a piece of baggage. US Airways will accept 2 ski bags, however, 1 item of ski equipment consists of 1 pair of skis or snowboard, 1 pair of ski boots, 1 pair of ski poles and 1 pair of ski bindings.

    This could be construed as 1 pair of skis or 1 pair of snowboard. God bless loopholes!

  16. definitely don't go up to the next size. I was really skeptical when I bought my boots, and was afraid they wouldn't fit but they actually fit quite nicely. (I have 26.7 and 26.8 feet and was contemplating going for mp 27s, ended up with the 26s). Also keep in mind that many riders that I have talked to actually go down another size -meaning if I were to do this, I would be riding an mp 25.

    IMO, my 26's fit fine and 25's would be too tight, but I've seen many people go down a size from what the suggested size is, and almost none that have gone up(and been happy with it)

    it's easy to make a boot bigger and a bitch to make them smaller


    I have the same question-I measure 27.96-Will the 27's be to tight or will they pack out. Currently I have older 28's-had some heel lift which I corrected. I am leaning toward 27's ?????

    how did you accurately measure your foot down to .6 mm's? seems a little too precise to me, but hey. I would recommend a 27 to you, but you are quite close to a 28, so ask yourself how you like the comfort of what you are currently riding

  17. no problem here. 8 days + ,TD2s Thou I have noticed that if you keep the holes on the bindings clear of metal burs and smooth they work much nicer. a flat fine metal file works fine. Should be smooth to the touch, both the hole and where the binding rests in the pocket. Had the same problem with the intecs, they get bound up and are really tough to get unstuck. Broke my intecs this way. Also make sure that your alignment is good, if not intecs and fintecs will not engage correctly, binding up or failing to lock in one side or all together. Its always a good idea to check to make sure everything lines up correctly when making adjustments, avoids cranky carvers in the bar! a minor check prior to riding keeps the gear in working order and costs less,

    If you have questions email me and I can send pics next time i do this.

    the heels themselves are working flawlessly

    on the checking alignment issue, would you recommend checking the alignment while the boots and bindings are cold(outside) instead of inside? or is the shrinkage too little to affect this?

  18. I bought a 166 roadster this year(22cm/9m), and I've been happy with it so far. Its my first board and I have yet to ride enough other boards to make a true informed comparison, but its treated me well as I learn to carve.

    The one thing I will say is that it is way too soft for someone my weight. I think its rated for riders < 70 kgs(155lbs). I weigh 200 lbs, so I really should change to a stiffer board as I start to improve my form and speed. While I'm talking about it, do you guys think buying a conshox system would help with the stiffness enough for me to stay on this board?

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