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Posts posted by energyrail

  1. What plate bindings for riding powder on a 192 tanker?

    I did want another set of catek's, but having second thoughts. Them being too stiff and do the new cateks spead the forces over wide boards better than the old ones. I'm now worried about vertical delam, am I being paranoid.

    I'm wondering if snowpro's would be good light flexible and inexpensive setup.

    On a side not I borrowed some td3's from a guy, last spring. His email address didn't get me in contact with him. He hasn't contacted me.


  2. Well being a skier and a snowboarder. I find this bizarre. But I do have issues with "backfoot" snowboard riders who can't turn to save their lives. Going straight out of control and then get mad at me, for actually turning and causing them to narrowly avoid me. This being far worse when i'm on hard boots. On skis I can see enough to avoid the problem. But really on skis I overtake straight line boarders as i'm turning.

    What is the current ratio of boarders to skiers down in the states. At my hill it was 75% boarders, but I think it has slipped back some. So needless to say skier only runs in my neck of the woods isn't really an option.

  3. Ya exploring big mountains for me is still a skiing thing for me. Sorry guys

    My usual riding partner is only a skier. Another guy who I ride with is a hard boot only guy. but getting him to colorado is just ot of the question.

    Jackson hole is good to right?

  4. I think trying hard boots, is as simple as finding bindings for your freeride deck. Borrowing some ski boots or using your own. This isn't an ideal situation but it works, you should get that railed locked in turn this way.

    I did that twice and found that this could be better with proper boots.

    But now I ride mostly on my 175 frontier and 181 supermodel. looking back I think the freeride boards will lend themselves better to the longer sole ski boots. I think there are lots of reasons to start a beginner on a freeride board, versus a square rail board.

    So for me I'd say that bindings is the missing link for the newbie Hard booter. But with the internet it shouldn't take someone too long to find info and gear.

  5. all board sports, has a pair of long plate cateks. 350 USD

    I can use the lighter, more flexible short plate. So buying the long plate is a last resort right?

    It appears that raceboarding.com or donek is an option. Raceboarding.com refers to having 09 models. or do they just place an order with catek when I place an order. anybody with any experience here. I have read that if I order some from catek I'll be stuck waiting. If I am stuck waiting will it take more than a month. thanks for any advice

  6. well energyrail

    I first used the tag on ebay. It is refering to the first pair skis i bought on there "volkl p40 fl energyrail".

    But i figure riding a hardboot board or a good pair of race skis, is like riding an energyrail. Whatever that may be

    Only 5 hours from banff. hmm. i'm 9 hours from banff. but only 8 from calgary, if I take a different road.

    Oh by the way the town of banff is 45 minutes south of sunshine and louise.

    Is anybody from calgary area making the drive?

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