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Posts posted by cassandtim

  1. Max,

    Just wanted to say (and I speak for Cassie here as well) that it was a pleasure to meet you at OES.

    We were both dumbstruck to hear what had happened. We were riding up Rainbow after the first run when we saw the sled heading down from the Sunrise chair and were both hoping that it wasn't anyone in our group that got hurt. Unfortunately it was and unfortunately it happened to a great person such as you.

    I'm sending you heaping amounts of good vibes to speed you on your recovery.

    (RANT ON)

    It is more than a bit embarrassing that the rider who caused this still remains unknown and will not, at the very least, openly apologize for the situation in question. I've always taken a certain degree of pride knowing that the alpine snowboard crew, while wild at times, are several rungs up on the respect and responsibility ladder than the jib monkey, group think collective. This situation puts that assumption to the test and, at this point, it has failed terribly. All it takes is a modicum of decency to stand up, admit fault in this situation and offer an apology. It is very apparent that whoever caused the accident is severely lacking in "sack". If this rant sounds like a challenge, it's meant to. The person responsible needs to get their SH_T together, own up and take their lumps.:boxing_sm

    (RANT OFF)

    On another note, Shane is the man! Really though, I don't think anyone who knows him would expect anything less from someone with such an exemplary character.

    Lastly, I truly hope that you, Max, will not let this bad situation stand out as the sum total of your OES experience and I'm hoping that you will give it another chance next year. I know that Cassie and I would love to have another opportunity to ride with you out here. If you ever get to the Portland/Vancouver area in the future give a shout; we'd love to get together.

  2. Cassie and I made it home last night. After hearing about the great pow session yesterday from Shane we're kinda bummed that we missed it.

    It was another great event and we would like to send our sincerest thanks to Mike and Bonnie, Bruce, and Sean for all of the work behind the scenes to make it happen and all of the people that showed up and made this such an awesome time!

    So killer to see old friends from last year and meet many new ones this year.

    Can't wait for next year.

    If anyone finds themselves up in the Portland/Vancouver area please look us up. It would be wonderful to visit and, with the rate Mt Hood is getting snow, we might be able to get out and make some turns.



  3. Shane, you still there buddy?

    You better post up cuz the Timmer's got to get to bed. Does Bryan have your phone number? I'll be needing to call you to help set up the parking lot feed. Email me through bomber and I'll call you tomorrow!

    Talk at you soon!



  4. Nice!!!!

    It's gonna get crazy!!!

    It better not be snowing too hard. It'll be difficult to keep the coals from going out on the dutch oven.

    If worse comes to worst I'll be bringin' the hardtack. It'll fill ya up, just need to exercise a little caution so as not to chip a tooth!

    Will you be ridin' in your hick'ry shirt, carharts, stihl suspenders, and cork boots?

    I know I will. Gotta keep the dream alive!

  5. Cinnamon Rolls?

    Dude, you're kidding right? That's not Coos Bay Style!!!

    I'm thinking buttermilk buiscuits, sausage gravy, eggs (over-medium), venison steaks (pan fryers), and some mountain man/dutch oven potatoes!

    That's it, I'm bringin' the dutch oven.

    Now that's Coos Bay Style!!!

    I do love me some cinnamon rolls though:1luvu:

  6. I'll be in the parking lot even earlier this year, albeit with percolating coffee pot and camp stove! I'm sure I can round up a little something to spike the coffee with as well.


    I just spoke with the Cook-ster. He's no longer cooked and he's ready to roll. I told him that you'd be expecting him this year. He actually hinted at wanting to try the hardboot thing.

    Very stoked to see everyone and am counting the minutes!

    BTW, where's Shane? Prolly busy doin' it up Coos Bay Style!

    Chans Tuesday night?

  7. I was definitely there on Sunday with Cass.

    As for ripping, I was carving some nice lines but my poor technique should never be confused for somebody with such a perfect style as yours :1luvu:.

    Flattering to be compared to you (even in small way)? Absolutely!

    I told Cass that I should be back to my early '90s carving level by the end of this season. It's been coming back quickly this season. With much luck and many days of practice the "toes-to-the-nose" style should come together nicely for me by the end of next season!

    Looking forward to hitting MHM with you this week. You can critique my carving abilities accordingly then.



  8. Trevor and I had an awesome time at T-Line with Bryan and Ross. The conditions favored the Tanker style but that thing still carves the groom sooooo nicely.

    Bryan, Trevor was so stoked watching your riding. He knew right away which one you were from the lift way down the run. Such a smooth rider. I'm trying to get there myself someday. Practice, practice.

    Ross, I'll definitely concur with Bryan about your taking to the HB's like a bird to the wing. Welcome to the addiction and great job!

    I'm counting the days till OES when the whole group can connect again for some more ripping runs. Always a great thing to ride great people!



  9. I'll preface this post by saying that I went from a way old pair of Burton Shadow boots to Deeluxe Track 325s last year. I had never, in 20 years of snowboarding, owned a pair of remotely comfortable snowboard boots, either hardboots or softboots, until purchasing these. My Deeluxe boots came with the Non-moldable liners. I've got terribly shaped feet from years of stuffing them in hockey skates and having numerous broken foot bones with both super high arch and instep.

    Although the boots seemed to fit great right out of the box with the stock non-moldable liners. I still purchased a pair of high-end moldable orthotic footbeds from my local bootfitter and the boots are now so comfortable I don't want to take them off.

    Don't lose hope. If I can find the right combination for my feet there's no doubt you can too.



  10. It's a conspiracy......

    See, in their minds, if they can scam a word that we use to define our sport then they think they are stealing our legitimacy.

    It's all being brought about by Uncle Jake and the "Trendsetters". They're planting the seeds of our ruin!

    You'll see, just wait. All of the mass produced boards for the '09-'10 season will be marketed as "carving" boards.

    I've got to get back to my survivalist forums now. See you folks later.



  11. Currently snowing at Timberline with a 236" base at the lodge and 732" to date since Sptember 1st.

    I don't think we're gonna run out anytime soon. The only bummer is that I'm currently swamped with work and won't be able to get up to the hill until next week:(

  12. There's a distinct possibility of my coming down for the canned food day on the 11th. I have to be back in town on Saturday morning by 5:00 am though to prepare the BBQ for a B-day party at my house that night.

    I'll let you know.


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