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Posts posted by Petrol

  1. I'm not so sure that 4 x 4 disks were Ever made to fit those old 'Race-Plates' (those disks are smaller then for the newer Burton plates)

    I'm gonna just say that your best bet by Far is to simply retire those binders and grab a set of the newer 'used' Burton binders which can usually be picked up 'round here for $100-or so


  2. Can't fault the guy for wearing armor if that makes his riding experience better. If I'm back on a carving board next year, I think I'll be wearing more protection. Just did day 2 of PT to rehab a shoulder I tore up this winter during an impact (didn't realize how injured it really was - thus the delay in seeking therapy.) Body armor with good shoulder protection would have significantly reduced the injury. It's my left shoulder, so I can't sleep on my left side, and I am just now starting to be able to sleep on my right side after hitting my right hip hard on April 4. I often wear impact shorts, but left them home that day....

    These old bones just want a good night's rest right now! :sleep:

    Best wishes for a full recovery to you. Rehab WILL be a tough road, but it is VERY important that you do it and do it well, to insure a strong, possibly even stronger then it was before, joint.

    I went through surgry to repair my left shoulder last April, which was pretty dinged up in a crash last Febraury that I'm convinced armour would unfortunitily not have helped, and I'm just now perhaps 95%

  3. when my wife got incredibly frustrated at all the BS that goes with planning a wedding and suggested for the 3rd time (yes, I wanted to be sure she was serious, knew and would remember that it was her idea) that we just visit a JP I said hellsyeah. couple hrs later we were honeymooning in the Bahamas.

    21 yrs later we're still in the game. :1luvu:

  4. I think the problem has been solved. It's been just over 48 hours since he left and not only I, but my other room mate also commented that the level of stress and general atmosphere in the house is much more "zen". I think we are going to leave it this way. I can't afford not to have a room mate, and the one that's left has been pretty good over a long period of time.

    Good! and I hope that should you need one, you're able to find a much better replacement.

  5. is anyone else getting a mental image of Raphie's kid brother Randy, the lil kid in "A Christmas Story" whose mother has him so bundled that he can can't get up when he falls?

    Randy: I can't put my arms down!

    Mother: Well... put your arms down when you get to school.

    then, after his encounter with bullies, "Randy lay there like a slug! It was his only defense!"

  6. Tee-hee.....The tax on cigarettes hardly amounts to puntive taxation. A pack of cigarettes would have to cost $11 to reimburse each state the money lost in health care costs to smokers. As you can see, a pack of cigarettes costs much less and the US is STILL subsidizing tobacco growers.

    Would Americans prefer a dead gulf to expensive gas? I live in the oil and gas capital in the US and possibly the world and I can tell you, you betcha! Drill, baby, drill is still the mantra here in Houston. Even if we had oil washing up on Galveston Island and we've had spills in the past, the attitude wouldn't change. Americans are lazy. They do not understand the concept of sacrifice or conservation.

    BTW, don't believe the wingnut spin. This is not Obama's "Katrina". He was aware of the spill within the day. It irritates me to no end that the right wing is comparing a horrible act of nature that killed 1300 people to a oil exploration company's complete disregard of common sense. "Yeah, we don't need a shut-off valve, we'll just have somebody swim down 5,000 feet and cap the well if something goes wrong"

    Houston is still home to 60,000 people displaced by Katrina

    the "horrible act of nature" didn't kill all 1300 people, a Great deal of those lives were lost to a corrupt local and state governments complete disregard of published EEPs, encouragement to welcome the fed in, and common sense on the part of those who refused to evacuate, then expect immediate response to their delima when 98% of the roads are impassable.

    call me stone cold if you want, but I'd just as soon see all of nawlenz relocate rather then dump hundreds of Billions of good money after bad trying to pretend it's above sea level.

    btw, drill baby drill, dig baby dig, glow baby glow, blow baby blow, & conserve as much as is partical

    dead gulf... get real


  7. Dark room = quality plasma

    Bright room = LED-LCD

    unless you're into overly bright screens or don't watch fast action sports, action movies loaded with special effect explosions and or live performances/concerts with tons of strobe :cool:

  8. blah pompous blah self enlightened blah bliggity blah blah blah...


    1. you would lose that wager

    2. wtf does travel have to do with coal ash diving unless you're hoping to get down stream in what was once the Yangtze river?

    3. yes, I refer to 'them' as the chi-coms, short for communist-chinese, AKA Reds, just one of the countries that have been engauged in economic-warfare against the US... w/ plenty of help from the "useful-idiots" both in and outside of our own government here in the States. Nice to know you approve of the baby-steps they're taking towards 'clean-energy' though, I'm sure they appreciate it as well.

    5. who is "blocking strong incentives for energy converstion and technological inovation"? I see the fed and Plenty of rich socialists pushing the carbon-credit scams that make Enron look like childs play

    6. so sorry to hear you were born with but one thumb, or was it two anuses :o

  9. stop trying to change the subject. we all do, that's a different issue.

    do you have a way to spin this in to a broad sweeping conspiracy by pinkos?

    are you saying the rig was detonated by a group of pinko-ecoterror-enviro-wacko-activists???

  10. "eye of the tiger" and all that rot aside, I really do encourage you to stand firm on your expectations to recieve the dream board you ordered and paid for. Which I'm sure that you paid plenty for beings as its a new metal board.

    Having just returned from a "lunch-break" where-in I drove like the wind to meet my granite sub for the third time to insure that he correctly addresses the remaining issues with his work, I understand the difficulties and the hassle because it would have been much easier for me to sluff it off, but I know that it would fester and bug the chit out of me Every Time I see it.

    This and it will help Him and all following customers as my demands of quality will Raise the level of his game thus benifiting everyone :cool:

  11. The manufacturer just gave me the go-ahead to try carefully tapping out the inserts without fear of voiding the warranty....

    I'd give the manufacturer the go-ahead to accept a return shippment on his FedEx account and to try carfully building a replacement board with useful inserts without fear of an immediate & full refund...

  12. I wonder why punitive taxation of non-renewable forms of energy WOULDN'T work??? It makes perfect sense. blah blah blah eco justice blah blah social justice blah blah alternative blah renewable blah blah impact on our atmosphere blah blah 'greenhouse' blah and so much more anti American dumbazz socialism fecal matter blah blah I would also like to see homes and companies and stores TAXED on the WEIGHT of the garbage that they throw away blah blah If we are TAXED blah blah I'd be in favor of that, too.

    now if only you could get the chi-coms, russians, indians and tin horn dictators of the world to go along with your designs, we could all live happily ever after... those of us that survive

    btw, I take it that none of you give a damn about central Tennessee

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