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Posts posted by greysontrays

  1. Rob, I was just posting a want ad for boots when I came across your note.

    Do you know anyone who has a pair of 27 -27.5 boots to sell?

    I am looking for Thomas my son who is in the race program with Brady and Jacki at Mansfield.

    By the way, it's James Chiang 416-476-8295

    I have also asked Gord to ask Mike but thought that you would have some connections as well.

    Happy New Year!

    Congrats on your son's achievements!

    Hope you're keeping well!

  2. Hi Tom,

    That would be great! I'll go for the 27.5 to allow for growth or shimming in the meantime!

    If you can get another pair at 26.5 also I can use that for myself?

    Please let me know the logistics...



  3. Thank you for responding...

    I was looking for something used and less expensive because my son just turned 13 and is still growing daily...the boots will only last this season?!

    I was hoping to get something for less than 150

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