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Posts posted by mirror70

  1. If you're coming from DC, all New England mountains are going to be pretty much the same distance. There are much better hills in New England. Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Maybe we can point you in the direction of a better resort.

  2. I think you'd have to start leaning to one side or the other - but in order to start leaning, say, to your toeside, I think you'd have to first lift up with your toes for an instant to start yourself falling that way.

    A snowboard + rider, unlike a fast moving motorcycle, is inherently unstable. You don't need to counter anything to get the board tipped. Think of what you need to do to tip over a stationary motorcycle (usually nothing ;) )

  3. So what cars seemed to do very well in that? How did the STI do? I assume all wheel drive is good in that?

    The competition isn't very stiff right now since it's so young and all of the big-time guys are either on pavement or doing club rallies. You can be competitive in pretty much any reasonable vehicle. The important things are that it's not a car you care too much about and also that you have another ride home. Since almost nobody has a dedicated and purpose-built venue, the courses always end up with VERY deep ruts that not only can destroy your car, but can (and do) hugely affect your technique and line.

    AWD cars are classed together, so AWD doesn't really help.

  4. I'm biting my tongue because I have unpopular things to say in very unfriendly ways :nono:

    But basically, for anecdotal proof that Bob is "in over his head," think of the surface area the monitor has once you submerge it. It's probably a number similar to Bob's 18lb kayak. More would be to try floating while fully clothed and see what effect that has. As Jack said, see how much of your body stay above water when laying on your back compared to crunched up - your surface area doesn't change.

    On a side note, Erik, if you're reading this, can you email me?

  5. Looking for a road bike that I can use to commute ~9mi on every morning. I've come across a circa 1993 Trek 1400 with Shimano 105 components. Tires are Vittorias. It would need a new stem and seat post. Selling price is ~$200.

    Assuming it fits, I was thinking of picking it up this weekend. Any thoughts on the bike?

  6. <a href="http://www.ktrperformance.com/gallery/Project_Cars/KTR_S4/s4_main.htm"><img src="http://www.ktrperformance.com/gallery/Project_Cars/KTR_S4/s4_fin_01.jpg"></a>

    The problem with a single is that it won't fit in a street car. KTR has done a single turbo conversion that made something like 560whp on a DD dyno.

    Of course, even with some pretty small twins, there are S4s putting down 450-460wHP (on DD dynos), which isn't too shabby for a car which is indistinguishable from stock..... until you put your foot down.

    Anyway, I'm basically just making everything that I can out of carbon fiber. Trim pieces, body parts, bellypans, heat shields, etc etc. In the picture are a set of CF engine covers and an early CF Y-pipe I made. Space is very very tight there, so making it a larger pipe isn't easy. By switching to an FRP instead of the stock injection molded plastic piece, I can run much smaller wall thicknesses as well as integrated heat shielding. Since that pic, I've taken an impression of the space and now have an all around larger piece there.

  7. There are lots of cheap webhosts out there. I pay $5.83/mo for 4GB storage and 75GB/mo of transfer (plus lots of goodies beyond that). I'm willing to bet there are better deals out there, too.

  8. I just want to say "2nd" in response to Bordy's post.

    If you "need" a third strap, you're doing something wrong. Either your boots don't fit, you're riding the wrong boots, or you're simply riding wrong.

    The adjustment of the Cateks is excellent. The fit of the Cateks is bad. A flat piece of aluminum simply cannot match the fit that a piece of injection molded plastic offers (such as what Burton uses).

  9. Clearly just a show of smoke and mirrors! It's all just a bunch of camera tricks! You cannot EC unless you're on a Swoard! UNPOSSIBLE!

    I read that on the internet, it must be true!

  10. Most exotic materials are now prohibited from use in F1 engines. Beryllium bearings are the only really exotic items in them. Cranks and rods are forged steel. Carbon-composites are forbidden in pistons, heads, and blocks. The rules don't say anything about ceramics, but I don't think ceramics are used anywhere except maybe cylinder liners.

    Ferrari had developed a way to cast and forge the engine block and transmission casing as one piece so that they could have a consistent crystal structure and thus be vastly stronger. Unfortunately, the rules were changed so that an engine had to last a full race weekend (and now two), so they scrapped that because it meant they couldn't fix the gearbox if it died.

  11. Originally posted by mtnpig

    Are the engines different in the Euro cars compared to the cars run in the USA?

    F1 cars are not to be confused with Indy cars and CART/Champ cars, although they do look similar. Pretty much everything is different: the engines, the aero, the cars, the methodologies, the courses they run on.

    The Indy and CART cars are essentially open-wheeled stock cars. F1 cars are the ultimate technological showcase and recently have started exceed what you see done in aerospace. Ferrari and Toyota each spent over $400m on their F1 programs last season. That is more than all of the Indy and CART teams combined.

  12. Originally posted by mtnpig

    From what I understand the amount of down force on those F1 cars prevents top speeds/straightaway acceleration? The MotoGP bikes have posted faster top speeds at some same tracks however the cornering speed on an F1 is WOW! You think in wind tunnel testing an FI could maybe run in an inverted position?

    F1 cars run a different aero package for every course. In Canada this past weekend, they were getting right up next to 210mph before the chicane. I believe at Imola they hit 220 and used to go even higher. On most tracks where they run the same layout, I believe the MotoGP bikes do hit higher top speeds. On the other hand, the F1 cars post hugely faster lap times. F1 cars do corner harder than......everything, but the biggest advantage they have over bikes is stopping ability.

    Jack - At the end of last season, Toyota and BMW were both estimated to be making somewhere between 900 and 950HP. Minimum weight for car + driver is 600kg, so that's between 1.4 and 1.47lb/hp. MotoGP bikes probably have a lower power to weight ratio than an F1 car. IIRC, last season, Honda's V5 was making something like 250HP, so to match an F1 car, the bike + rider could weigh no more than ~350lbs and I believe that is under the minimum.

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