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Posts posted by kjl

  1. compression = loss. Explain how something can become smaller without removing information?

    Compression is not necessarily loss.

    you say: "5555555555"

    I say: "10 5s"

    you say: "123451234543212345"

    I say: "a=12345:aa432a"

    Same exact information, but I saved you a few characters in both cases. I'm not sure exactly how audio compression works, but in general the way compression works is by taking common patterns in the data and replacing them with smaller tokens that your decoding algorithm knows how to expand back again. There are, of course, much more exotic methods out there, but the key idea is that you may have made the data smaller, but you have not lost information. You can also tailor the algorithms to the particular kind of data. e.g. if you replaced the string "terror" with "\A" and the string "JonBenet Ramsey" with "\B" you could probably reduce the size of all the news websites by 80-90% ;)

    Im pretty sure that FLAC simply uses an algorithm to remove data, and the same algorithm to put it back when playing

    That's exactly right, except that you should use the word "encode" instead of "remove" - FLAC and other lossless compression algorithms encode data into smaller, more efficient formats in a reversable way such that the decoder (your media player) can reproduce the exact data.

    You seem to use computers a fair bit; the ZIP compressor is lossless - otherwise none of your programs would run when you decompressed them.

  2. "lossless compression" is an oxymoron. Audio compression removes information, always.

    That is not true - there are compression schemes which do not remove information (e.g. FLAC, ALAC). It's just that people tend to use lossy compression instead for the much smaller filesizes, and since most people (like me) can't tell the difference anyways, or lack the ultra audiophile equipment.

  3. How is downloading music for your personal use not illegal in Canada? Seems like it's just theft to me...

    I believe in following the spirit of the law, but not necessarily the rule of law. If I buy songs off iTunes and then own them, but can't play it on my non-Apple wireless system, I'll "illegally" download them. If I bought a CD once but lost it, I'll happily download the songs again. If I download songs and decide I like them, I'll buy the CD, though I may never take the plastic wrap off.

    I agree in principle with DSub, possibly because I also work in media. I think illegally downloading music is no different from walking into a store and stealing a bag of candy or a laptop computer, except that the sum total of the work and effort that went into creating the music or movies happens to be easily stored in digital format.

  4. Yeah, iTunes-purchased songs can only be played on iTunes and on an iPod, until those JHymn guys can crack the new fairplay codes, or unless you burn a CD from the iTunes-purchased AAC and then rerip the CD (or some other crappy lossy conversion)

    It is a source of huge frustration to me, as it means I can't play songs I own over my wireless music setup at home. Bastards.

    These days I buy off of iTunes and then download the same songs via eMule.

  5. On my boots w/BTS it is difficult to get the default, static position more leaned over than what would have been "3" on the 5-position adjuster (i.e. I don't think you can get the rest position to 1 or 2, but of course you can flex it more with your shins when you are riding). But if you were looking for less forward lean it should be perfect.

    I have a medium spring on my front foot and soft on the back. In warm weather, when the shell softens a bit, they both feel a little too soft for me, at I only weigh 135lbs, but otherwise it feels great. Just another data point if you are trying to decide on springs.

  6. Nils - please post a review when you get a chance to ride it! It looks like something like the steering mechanism of the BMW Streetcarver, which I think had a really great feel, except that the turning radius was way too short (super wobble at medium speeds) and the deck too stiff. I'm curious to see if the flexboard solves those problems...

  7. You know it's over when, while you're in the shower and "they" (He or she), come in, sit down and drop a "steamer".......

    You mean in the toilet, or in the shower with you, and then stamp it through the drain with their feet?

  8. I blame trial lawyers and their thirst for money, and their ability to convince the lay public that anytime anything bad happens to anyone, someone else must be at fault. I don't blame the plaintiffs - usually.

    I disagree. I blame the public, and not the trial lawyers. I think we've bred a pretty unhealthy sense of entitlement in America. Even when we recognize our faults in our need to blame others, we still don't blame ourselves; we blame the lawyers.

    If it was really the trial lawyers that convinced people that someone else is at fault, it means the plaintiffs are completely spineless or exceedingly stupid. I disagree; I think they are greedy and think that the system owes them something.

    If you want to trade in your car and somebody "convinces" you to get in a fake accident and participate in insurance fraud and you agree to it, that's your fault, not his fault for corrupting you.

  9. "Read" is such a relative term here. Can you actually read anything in those magazines, including Glamor, Cosmo, Maxim, etc etc.

    If pictures are worth a thousand words, I calculate that each of those magazines contains roughly 8x10^14 times as many words as all the books contained in the Library of Congress combined, or approximately the same number of words as the number of hydrogen atoms within the known limits of the universe.

  10. Or, just lacking in basic language skills. Blokes whose second language is English, because their first is grunting ...

    Have any of the girls on here ever read Stuff or Maxim, or anything similar? I LOVE those magazines, they're hilarious. I giggle my way through the other half's every month.

    I'm a guy, but I feel my IQ bleeding profusely from my ears, nose, and slack, gaping, mouthbreathing pie hole when I "read" Stuff or Maxim ;)

  11. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR.

    Oh god, a fate worse than death indeed. Hey, only seven thousand more laps to go! Why do they only turn one way?! Why am I drinking Bud Lite?!

    I am ashamed of my country's favorite sports ;)

  12. You don't have short man's complex do you? Because honestly I didn't even realize you were that short.

    I didn't till I went a'Googling. Now I'm mired in self-doubt and misery. ;) You might not have noticed I was short because Raichle 423's and step-in TDs add about 4 inches. It makes me a giant among... well, other, taller giants.

    Hah, all kidding aside, I think the real reason I am currently single is from what Skatha wrote:

    Talk that up...say "good things come in short packages" or "what I lack in height I made up for in length" or other suggestive things......girls liked to be teased, by the right guy, of course.....

    I think I'd rather do anything, like go snowboarding, watch a movie, eat, play videogames, cut out my own liver and eat it, or even, god forbid, eat vegetables or read a book, than go to a bar and try out lines like that :D That seems like a great way to get punched in the face, or to be overcome with the desire to wash the dirtiness off my hands.

  13. Well, I don't think cancer is too funny

    I just meant it was funny because my post had: "Maybe I'll start getting some prospects after I save a few thousand dying orphans, cure cancer, start my own company, buy a boat, volunteer at the puppy pound, and learn how to make chocolate cake." and you immediately responded with an example of a short guy who is married... and is in fact tackling the "cure cancer" problem ;)

    So, before anybody claims that only Asians are subjected to broad stereotyping.

    Yeah, but I really am good at math, like robots, and am awesome at videogames. Guitar Hero for the win!!

  14. hehe, sounds exactly like me except I am a six foot tall, goofy looking whiteboy .

    Heh, that's like a skinny woman telling an enormously overweight woman than they are basically the same ;) Short is to men what fat is to women.

    Wow. I just hit google to support my theory, but... holy crap. I always thought being short was a slight disadvantage, but I didn't realize it was this ridiculously bleak across the board (including income and employment?!) till I started hitting google. Thanks a lot, you damned search engine. Thankfully, it looks like the 5'5/5'6 mark is about the barrier between "very undesirable" and "completely unacceptable."

    Maybe I'll start getting some prospects after I save a few thousand dying orphans, cure cancer, start my own company, buy a boat, volunteer at the puppy pound, and learn how to make chocolate cake. Oh yeah, and stop being such a jerk all the time ;)

    I'm pretty excited now that whenever I hear from a woman that men are shallow and just care about looks I can pot/kettle/black or glass-house/throw-stones her.


    They did an experiment where they asked women to choose which guy they'd go out with, the taller guy or the short guy, except the experimenters lied about the short guy. They said he was the chief of staff at a prestigious hospital, a champion skiier, who just built his own ski house, and had made millions by the time he was 25, and they still chose the other guy, who they said was unemployed. That guy was only like 5'0 or 5'3 or something. I think the women only switched to the short guy when they also made him a gourmet chef who loved children. So, basically, a 5'3 chief of staff MD gourmet cook olympic skier millionaire who knows how to use power tools comes out about equal with a random 6' guy off the street.

    More random googling:

    "Both men and women, whether short or tall, thought that short men--heights between 5' 2" and 5' 5"--were less mature, less positive, less secure, less masculine; less successful, less capable, less confident, less outgoing; more inhibited, more timid, more passive;"

    "A survey in 1980 found that more than half the chief executives of America's Fortune 500 companies stood six feet tall or more. As a class, these were a good 2.5 inches taller than average; only 3% were 5' 7" or less. Other surveys suggest that about 90% of chief executives are of above-average height."

    "Give job recruiters two invented resumes that have been carefully matched except for the candidates' height, as one study did in 1969. Fully 72% of the time, the taller man is "hired". And when they are hired, they tend also to earn rather more"

    "those who were 6' 2" or taller received starting salaries 12% higher than those under six feet."

    "When 100 women were asked to evaluate photographs of men whom they believed to be either tall, average or short, all of them found the tall and medium specimens "significantly more attractive" than the short ones. In another study, only two of 79 women said they would go on a date with a man shorter than themselves"

  15. I don't need anything at work but my music, so I grabbed slimserver off of http://slimdevices.com/ (which is free) and have that running on my home machine. It also provides a nice (if sometimes slow/too-reloady) winamp-style interface to your music library at your.ip.address:9000/. Then, at work, you can point your mp3 player (winamp, etc.) to your.ip.address:9000/stream.mp3 and listen to your own private streaming radio station.

    Be sure to get the LAME mp3 encoder so slimserver can sample down your mp3s to a bitrate that your internet connection can handle - otherwise you're looking at lots of stuttering.

    On a related note, since I have a dynamic IP address at home, the IP address I have to point at from work changes from time to time (if my DSL connection drops for a few minutes or whatever). Anybody know if there's any way to have my home machine report its ip address to me at work occasionally?

    edit: Oh, never mind - looks like that dyndns.org link you guys posted does that service! Sweeeet.

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