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Posts posted by Kent

  1. yeah, notice apple and rim are the only two vendors that take security seriously in terms of smart phones.

    Oh please Bob, that is simply inaccurate and farsighted, esp considering the news this week/today......

    Apple's Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed


    Apple launches Safari 5, patches record 48 bugs


    And if you want an opinion from the kid himself:

    Marc Maiffret--the quick rise of a teen hacker (Q&A)



    Bill Gates released his Trustworthy Computing memo [in January 2002]. He stated this was the No. 1 objective of the company, to have the software become secure to the point where people actually trust it. There was a lack of faith in Microsoft and security, especially after all the computer worms like Code Red and Slammer. Banks were talking to Microsoft about switching. Now when you look at Microsoft today they do more to secure their software than anyone. They're the model for how to do it. They're not perfect; there's room for improvement. But they are definitely doing more than anybody else in the industry, I would say.

    It's even a little scarier with [Apple] because they try to market themselves as more secure than the PC, that you don't have to worry about viruses, etc. Anytime there's been a hacking contest, within a few hours someone's found a new Apple vulnerability. If they were taking it seriously, they wouldn't claim to be more secure than Microsoft because they are very much not. And the Apple community is pretty ignorant to the risks that are out there as it relates to Apple.
    The reason we don't see more attacks out there compared to Microsoft is because their market share isn't near what Microsoft's is.



    Sure...say what you want about chasing the pack for app-related items (for another few months), but the facts are pretty clear when it comes to mobile security.

    The reality is that you still need a PC/Mac to use a iPad/Phone. They are simply stacking devices on consumers rather than replacing them...esp when you consider 75% of Mac users also have a PC.

    But hey...people like spending a lot of money.

  2. Congrats on the achievement! Very cool. Those who haven't done it wonder "what you were thinking" and you can chuckle at reaching the goal.

    My hardest race ever was the first 10k I entered many years ago...thought I was going to die......

    A bit off topic:

    This is typical - ex-athletes go crank out 5 miles with no fitness, ruin their knees/back and then sit on the couch for 3 months saying that running hurts them. Duh.

    My advice to new (and vet) runners is all the same..consistency is king. Start off simply running (or walking) a few miles a day and gradualy increase mileage. Run everyday - not very far...just run. After 3 months, you can then graduate to a more structured plan....but keep up your mileage/consistency.

    Run Forest Run

  3. I'm late to the thread and have two points.

    1) It's Fin website and business and will support his decision or simply just not click here.

    2) My "opinion" is that no topic should necessarily be banned, but we should acknowledge that we're all friends at the end of the day and have a passion shared regardless of how stupid you guys are....

    Okay, the last past was a joke.

    I think all the opinions matter...and I've actually changed my view on a few topics from reading BOL...neither of which were about taxes though.


  4. http://www.forbes.com/2010/04/01/ge-exxon-walmart-business-washington-corporate-taxes.html

    there's a few pages there, worth reading.

    yes, corporations are required to pay a corporate income tax, most manage to avoid it with tricky accounting and using spin offs to legal shelter their income.


    Let's take a step back here. Why does ANYONE pay taxes? What is the purpose and where is the money spent? I'm hoping you'll say "to keep the country running and provide basic infastruture, defense and services".

    There are countries which have NO TAXES?

    There are states with NO INCOME TAX?

    How do they keep the lights on? They either make money (exports) or they have a tax on consumable items/services...

    In the case of corporate tax, it's odd that you would expect them to pony up more burden. If that is the way you feel...then buy their stock, enjoy the dividend and then the government will tax you as an owner via earned income. It's wrong to tax twice.....

  5. I don't know which is scarier, that fact that I can't find a SOLID answer, or that a "news" organization is WRONG!

    According to this one they are WAY off:


    Jack, Kerry was closer, but still wrong.

    Kent, please let us know if you have a more reputable source for this than MSNBC.

    IMO, it's not a matter of being a reputable source, but rather how the read the articles and what they are communicating with the data.

    To me, the article wasn't about the actual tax net paid, but the gross after taxes owed minus tax deductions and entitlements given. i.e. Nearly 50% of Americans aren't contributing to the burden, they are the burden. Taking more than they are giving. Don't get me wrong...there was a time in which I took more than I gave. That should be the exception, not the rule (trend).

    It's a simple math problem....we can't sustain the spending. While many are saying "tax the rich more"...the challenge is that folks making $50k year with 4 kids aren't paying. Disturbing? I think so. I'm not saying it would be "fair" (gasp, I said it) to tax out of control, but at some point there needs to be some responsibility to pay for the services you receive. That starts to sound a bit like the health care debate.

    I'd find it highly unlikely that anybody posting on Bomber would be in this group...if so, perhaps your priorties are out of wack.

    I actually do have a plan on this one! The government should open up a box on the tax form for "righteous giving". Anyone with extra money to spare can offer to give to the government. I'm curious how many would participate. Everybody seems to like spending other people's money, yet will cling on to their own!

    I'll probably stop my charitable contribution (10%) and volunteering ($500/year my company pays for my time) and toss that into my 401k....

    Off soapbox. Yesterday I filed...so I'm a bit fired up. The 1st week or so a month I work, none of it is going into my pocket. I'm working for the government. Somewhere towards the end of week 2, I'm actually working for myself. Think about that next time you're working....

  6. I use White Lighting.....

    Yet, perhaps one of the most well known bike geeks in the world uses and swears 3 in 1 is superior to any chain lube on the market.

    However, on my SS...I'll run it dry after a wash in mineral spirits on dusty days.

  7. Steve -

    Perhaps you're overlooking the basic premise of calories....to provide energy. In order to do work, your body needs a fuel source. Unused fuel is stored in the body as fat. Fat is a pretty decent fuel source, btw.

    Sure...some calories burn cleaner than others, but a calorie is still a calorie (see Jack's post). You can eat the "cleaniest" calories according to your definition 12 times a day, but if you have too many....you store as fat. It's a math problem.

    To reduce fat, you simply burn more energy than your consume.

    3500 calories in a pound of fat.

    If you're 15 pounds overweight, then create a gap of 52,500 calories with diet and/or exericse over a period of time and you're there....

    My only realy point is this thread is that...you're right, exercising THAT much for the average American is not realistic, so it really comes down to toning up the diet...not exercising. Much easier to drop the Snickers bar than run 3 miles.

  8. See links above...

    Twinkies or veggies..take your pick! :)

    Although, it would take A LOT of veggies (raw) to get to a few thousand. And, it would cost a lot.

    Yes..very much over-simplified. There are A LOT of advantages to eating "healthy".

    Let's take an extreme example, Ironman fueling.

    I need 350 calories an hour to keep going. It's a bit better to use Powerbars rather than Ho-Ho's as PBs burns cleaner and digests easier over the course of 140 miles. Not as it relates to weight gain.

  9. Neil wins...


    That article is a bit misleading as lifting weights has been shown to increase metabolism. Of course, the meatheads at the gym typically eat too much...they are strong and fat.

    As for smaller meals, there is benefit...but not as it relates to losing weight:



    Long story short...if a friend wants my advice, it's simple:

    a) Choose a hobby you love and firm up the calorie intake (based upon your ability to sustain it)

    b) Do P90X or Crossfit and firm up the calorie intake (based upon your ability to sustain it)

    For me...I do 15-20 hours of cardio each week, but that's only because I enjoy it (not because it's the best method). If I wanted a beach body, see "b" above.


  10. that BobD's point is valid.It may be the first rule (intake versus usage),but not all people react to all the same type of food intake in the same way.Empty and detrimental calories have a far more negative effect than calories that contribute to muscle quality or facilitate other beneficial effects.And exercise and the type of exercise can matter just as much as calorie intake strategies or lack thereof.

    Yes...assuming you have a stomach, liver, kidney and intestine, people's body reacts the same way.

    There is no such thing as "empty and detrimental calories" as it relates to the topic. I'd certainly agree you're better off having 2,000 calories of veggies and lean meats over beer, but that doesn't have a bearing on your waistline. See Jack's post.

    Type of exercise...unfortunately, doesn't discriminate either.

  11. Actually, I was meant that the opposite of the way you understood it. Several smaller meals, instead of three larger meals. Small healthy snacks between meals, and do eat before bed if you are hungry. The body stores fat when that response is triggered by hunger. The most important part of diet, and losing weight is controlling the Glycemic index, which can be done by eating foods that digest slowly, and timing meals, so you are never hungry.


    Negative x2 -

    You can dump all daily calories in one meal or split it up...your choice. The body doesn't discriminate.

    Of course, there are benefits to having smaller meals....but has no bearing on the current topic.

    Remember the old line, "Which weighs more; a pound of feathers or a pound of rocks?"


  12. Whilst true, it is possible to influence the ratio of burned and stored. The type of food, it's digestion time, and the timing of intake will make huge differences in how much is actually stored.


    How many research links would you want me to include?

    Many diets sites say "don't eat after 8" only because most people overeat at night.

    Calories are calories. See Jack's post.

  13. I have a core shot exactly like the one in the above video i have tried all kinds of ptex material and the ptex keeps on cracking after a couple of rides so i keep on patching it up. I melt the ptex with a torch and fill in the gauge in layers but can't get it to drip in the blue flame because the flam is too close and it burns out so i drip it from higher up!

    So why is my ptex patch so cracky and why is it that i can scrape it of even with my fingernails(as i mentioned i have tried all sorts of ptex even graphite ones and all crack and scratch of very easily)?

    Is it because i dont burn it right and it looses it's structure?

    Should i try welding it like the video above?

    PTEX and base material are completely different.....

    PTEX is simply a quick home repair. To do it properly takes a bit of material and equipment.

    See page I posted above.

  14. Any bassists out there?

    specifically jazz bassists, feel like schooling me on walking bass lines?

    I can read music... slowly, but I do know where the notes are on the frets of the strings.

    Sure wish YouTube were around when I started playing bass. I did it the old fashioned way (i.e. had Jeff Berlin tell me how bad I was for a week)


  15. can't you tell by the rope tow guards?

    Would that be the 1st time tow rope guards were spotted at Buttermilk?

    Good to see he hooked up with Donek after sending the boards down the hill on the maiden voyage without the rider.....

  16. In no particular order...

    1) Can someone point to a poll which showed a majority of Americans supported this? Heck...use CNN. I don't care, but none of the polls I've seen where even close. Thanks.

    2) To the point above, I think I need to remind people that we don't necessarily live in a democracy in the US where 50.1% rules. We have this little thing called the Constitution which trumps majority rules...which is one example of balance of power.

    3) Not sure whether it was CNN or Fox last night....but I think an anchor netted it out by saying: "Democrats view healthcare as a moral issue while Republicans view it as a economic issue". I think that sums it up pretty well and might fight through some of the emotion in this thread.

    Out of disclosure...I'm as conversative as they come minus issues regarding education and healthcare. I'm disappointed because I was hoping for more change rather than simpy spending more money while taking it from someone else....

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