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Everything posted by hiperfind

  1. Wow, who the HELL was in charge of that front-page neomaxizoomdweebie spaceman gumby on a skateboard deck?! Geezus that's bad!
  2. Hey all, Check out the default Snowboarder garb on the official Turino Olympic website. They could have gone freestyle on us, but alas, it's carving gear and stance! www.torino2006.org/ENG/OlympicGames/spirito_olimpico/animazioni_sportive.html Looks like The SES gets back just in time to relax, sharpen some edges, and catch the PGS Slalom on the 22 and 23rd. Sweeeet...
  3. RJ, Good to hear there are a couple of us at the Dodge Ridge! My fiance and I get up there about once a month. Next trip will probably be in a couple weeks, let's keep in touch. I ride a blue Prior 4WD, with all blue and grey garb. She's a two-planker, but a good one. :) Take care, Glen
  4. Hi guys, I have been riding Intec's in Raichle AF600's on TD1's for a couple years with no problems. I love em. However, after reading much of the postings and reactions to the blown out Intec heel(s), I have two main speculations on causality and possible improvement on the product. One has already been addressed in the threads, one has not. 1. The heel plastic blowing out: The polymer heel needs to be stronger. Simply put, my TD1 Intec pins are also loose from about 30 or so days of riding. They exhibit 1-2mm of up-down play (relative to the boot-vertical in a standing position). The interface between a steel pin of relatively small diameter and a polymer housing just isn't a great idea. Aluminum would work for a while, but is also soft. Thus, something along the lines of a sleeve-bearing insert of steel in an aluminum heel housing might work well for keeping weight down, but material deflection/deformation to a minimum. 2. The Pins shearing off: Why would this happen? Those are pretty thick pins! Consider the following; Have you ever looked into the barrels of your receiver piece where the pins insert? Everytime you enter into the binding, the pins wipe along the surface of the receiver walls, and over time an edge develops that the pin actually interfaces with, instead of the flat surface of the barrel. Go ahead, put your pinky finger in there and feel the upper edge. This creates far more stress on the pin under loading, effectively acting like a knife. IMO, the pin material, pin diameter, and receiver hardness(material) could be re-addressed in design for a serious factor of safety. My $0.03, maybe someone at Intec has some input on design theory of their product? Glen
  5. Have near-new 178 Proton GS ridden 3x(dark maroon/black year). Beautiful shape, just bought new in January. Looking for a nice Prior 4x4, 169 or 174. Make offer for trade, offer for sell. Proton is $250 shipped.
  6. Sent three, one by one, your account bounced the initial send of multiple.
  7. For Sale: 2001-2002 Donek Freecarve 1 163. Blue topsheet. Excellent condition. Rode 1 season(less than 10 days). $300 + Shipping.
  8. Darryl, Copy Val, any pics, or description, condition and price. Thanks for the offer!
  9. Thanks will do, didn't even think about that!
  10. Looking for a Freecarve II in 179 length. I know this is a cry in the forest, but figured I'd post for a would-be seller. Just can't afford new at this time. Thx!:)
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