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Posts posted by xxguitarist

  1. Looking for a replacement to my aging Donek Axis 172 (yes, old enough to be spelled that way!)

    I'm an intermediate rider, or at least I was before I took last winter off.. 170# +gear.

    Not looking to break the bank, but not after a rocks board either.

    Located in Southern OR.



  2. Bryan, thanks much.

    What's the impression of mt Ashland? Good season pass price for sure, but not worth it if it's lousy. Day pass prices are cheap too.

    I was a Stratton & Sunapee regular out east, if that gives ANY basis for comparison.

  3. Easier on land than water :rolleyes:

    The board just carves right through, easy as cake. No need for some fancy duck jibe or anything, just 'round the nose will work quite well.

    Basically it works like a fully planing jibe, but faster, and there's no way to drop off of the plane.

  4. I believe xxguitarist has done it


    64" board, 5.4 sail. fast. super fun. bolted a universal to the very nose of the thing, and just jibed every time.

    You'll need a fairly big parking lot. Long, at least, in the side-wind direction. ideally set up so you can do just figure 8s with only jibes. if necessary you can usually build up a good deal of speed and coast upwind a ways.

    Stopping, flare the sail out & backwind it on the apparent. A little dicey, but beats the alternatives.

    Pumping the sail or leaning back too much tends to break the wheels free, and I was on gumballs.

  5. So true. Great post.


    I've made biggest improvements when I get several days on the snow in a row.

    Last time, It happened to be at the same time as a big powder dump. Had to figure out how to initiate the turns hard and fast before i got bounced around. Also worked on weight distribution.

    This time, I figured out how to extend my legs as i was coming around the apex, huge improvement. Also, huge burn in the quads after a fully carved run. Smile to match.

  6. Redeeming quality: these will never make it to my breaks, since there's no way they'll be paddling onto a wave.

    In other related news, SUPs can be awfully annoying on a small day, and dangerous in the wrong hands (feet?) on a head+ day

  7. Anyone been at Sunapee recently? Wondering if the rain we had last week has wrecked the snow (i.e. turned it into New England ice)


    I haven't gotten up yet since. In light of the rain, I slept in then went surfing last Sunday instead.

  8. Carving skis leave trenches when they are carved. But few skiers carve them, they just skid short turns in a narrow line down the fall line.

    In early January I had 5 days skiing with an old friend and his son at La Plagne in France. I've not been on skis for quite a few years so the first couple of days I was just reminding my legs what to do. Day 3 and all this time carving on a snowboard kicked in and I found a feel for my edges in a way I'd never done on skis before. I started carving, just as I would on my alpine snowboard, down the piste at speed.

    Yup, I'd say well under one in ten skiers around here really get up on their edges. Even then, they tend to be a bit shallower of trenches.

    I've been curious as to if I could ski better now also. Not highly motivated to find out, though. Kinda enjoy the better edge control I have on one board.

  9. I also dont fit neatly into these categories. I probably wash out on a heelside and sit down between once per 8 runs - once per 2 runs depending on conditions. Biggest injury that usually results, is some snow in my beard or down the neck.

    Around once per 5 sessions I take one that requires a minute to shake off. Not usually anything damaging, but I might be able to feel it later that day.

    In several years I've had one fall that resulted in taking days off, and those days happened to be a few months actually. Knocking on wood that it wont happen again. I've learned to avoid the trio of flat light, crowds, and chopped up trails.

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