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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Board - Coiler Titanal 164 VSR TC (spring 2010 vintage)

    VSR - ~9m - 11.5m 13.5m

    Specs - 164 x 23.5 (it's wider and a bit more versatile)

    Bruce's code: T164 VSR TC 010AC1 - 6.3+6

    Price $300 (shipped to US 48 - added $20, i'm going to take a bigger beating on shipping than thought.). Will take trades for O'sin 3800 or something similarly versatile

    Contact Info: albertcmcastro@gmail.com

    I haven't kept up with where board technology has gone since 2013. This board was built for me in 2010. It is titanal construction, has rocker tip & tail, camber center, and variable side cut radius. I requested a specific design to be a general all-mountain board with a side focus for harder packed to - ice riding. It has approximately 50 days on it. My specs - 150 lbs. I found the board slightly stiff if i wasn't on top of my game and had been slacking in the off season and staying conditioned overall.


    If you're looking to trade, I need something that isn't going to beat me up if I haven't ridden for a year or two. I currently have an O'sin 3800 that hits the spot. Something similarly versatile will work. Shoot me an offer.








    It carves... I used to carve. Lol...



  2. Damn, sucks to hear. Heal up quick - I hope they give/gave you good meds. A few of us have been there. Mammoth is a great place to break your leg though (if i had to pick breaking my leg). The orthopaedic docs there really know how put things back together. And, as stated earlier, Watch your diet while you're down - I gained about 20lbs (165lbs. - heaviest ever in my life). Based on this timing, you should be back and ready for next season.

    It's also not the worst thing - I can honestly say, at the end of the day, it made me a better rider (although once is enough - I don't need repeat lessons). Anyway, best of luck to you, and try to stay positive - it definitely helps

  3. I'll be there on the 26, 27th, and 28th.

    Hopefully, we get more snow than rain, or nothing at all would be my preference if we have to mix rain with it.

    I'll be there with the girl, her syblings and their sig others. So, that kind of locks me in with that group (guess I can try to show boat and spread the carve... lol :rolleyes:)

  4. I opt for moving it to the following weekend. Snow Summit is selling out on the weekends during the holidays. I wouldn't want people to come up only to be told "no tickets available".

    I'm cool with either date. I'd prefer less crowds (post poning to next week) since I'd like to have the best possible days (I'm not gunning for a 20+ or even 10+ day season this year).

    It seems like everyone is more set for this Sunday and no one is really looking to move it...

  5. I'm a tentative. possibly my first day of the season... this is going to be interesting.

    Andrea... carvingchef

    Julian..... Arclite.

    Lance..... Slopestar/ I'm a tentative as I was plannig on racing GS at Mt High on Saturday, possibly Sunday too.

    Shannon.... MTB_DH11

    Aaron....oldvolvosrule. I will be on a carving BOARD for the duration. I felt like the bastard child out there last year



  6. Yeah, i sold my FR2s on the classifieds before they caused me problems and i couldn't get replacement parts. I bought the bomber powerflex plates. I'm a bomber only customer now... no catek for me.

  7. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just realized how RETARDED this thread and title are... when I said March 27, I totally screwed up. I meant March 20th... as in.... I already went up last tuesday, hence the posting date 1 week ago on Sunday the 18th. Fail me...

    Edit: Whoever does make it on the 27th might get some pretty nice conditions since it's snowing up there again, and they'll get some slight dustings tomorrow too.

  8. Oh yeah. That's totally what it was. It was great for a bunch of mid air transitions. I can definitely say that yesterday was some of the biggest air that I've caught while carving and transitioning - it's newer technique for me and something that I've been trying to do a little bit more of toward the end of this season.

  9. Awesome!!!! Hero conditions. Although it did get a little bit sticky and slightly clumpy around 11:30. I stayed until 1:00pm. It was still good, IMO. It was definitely carvable and held well. It was essentially all fall-line riding since finishing up "C" carves bled too much speed unless you were riding on "Olympic" and "The Wall."

  10. Anyone going up? My schedule finally cleared up a little bit. I know a bunch of you are prepping for SNES. Crappy season for me. There's a good chance this might be the last day of the season if the weather warms up immediately after this passing storm.

    This puts me at 9 days for the season. I got my money's worth, but not by that large of a marigin. The next day up won't be until after the 25th, which I assume will be way too late for this season.

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