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2 Binding Releases

Guest alakata

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Guest alakata

ok today was not the best day of snowboarding but im thankfull to still have my functioning knees. my front binding released twice today both times while landing. once i over shot the landing of a decent sized ramp in the park about 30 ft, second over a roller at high speed, both times i landed i was pretty far backseating it and i guess thats why the front binding released. i think my bindings are plenty tight, my friend also alpine rider says there too tight. if thats the case, anyone else had similar problems? or any comments on this or my setup would be appreciated.

TD-1's and raichle 323's mondo 28

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The plastic in your boots is soft and the heel and toe pieces on those boots are soft as well. They probably compress on a hard landing and pop the bindings open. i tried to use standard bail bindings( Catek World Cup) with a pair of Raichlie Lemans boots and was crushing the boots trying to keep them in the binding. If I set the binding loose enough to avoid crushing the boot I felt like it was way too loose and I could almost twist out of the binding just standing on the carpet testing them. Try this yourself and notice how the boot will compress and twist while in the binding due the softness of the plastic. I decided to use stepins to elimiate the problem. I don't have this problem with my Head stratos pro boots as the shell and heel and toe are much stiffer. These boots I can go step in or standard either catek or Bomber. I found that the toe and heel pieces in the Lemans boot would compress with the Catek binding and the boot would get progresively looser as I used it more. If you tightened the binding to compen sate It would warp the boot. Not a problem with step in as you are not relying on the stiffness of the boot shell to hold the boot down. You are not clamping down on the boot. I would reccomend changing to step ins if you continue to use the raichile boot. I would imagine that you could use standard bindings with the Raichile Indy boot as the shell and bottom of the boot is much stiffer. I have used ski boots with Catek and Bomber standard bindings in the past and they worked well.No problem with boot compression but the ski boots have their problems-flex not quite right and soles can be too big if you have big feet. also no adjustment for foward lean compared to snowboard boots. Switch to step in to avoid getting hurt.

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