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Guest Randy S.

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Guest rick ferguson

For those not in tune with this, check out his post on tahoe carvers.com and see his post on up front parking and how he back's it up, unless he has deleted it by now.

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Rick, take it easy. Didn't Randy crash his bike and tweak his hip pretty bad not too long ago ? Thanks for posting the tahoe carvers site.I haven't been there in a long time and it's stepped up a bit.Let me go put on my flame retardant suit for the impending :flamethro Happy New Year ! Didn't get up North to ride today and I feel like a curmudgeon that needs to :AR15firin:smashfrea:argue: GO PATS !


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Guest rick ferguson

Yes, and he has healed very fast, but does that justify using the state issued handicap permit? Demo of ski's and riding alp boards, ( with the high ratio of falling on your hip ) justify abusing the permit? I also like how people post , then delete so as not to be offensive. If you post, stand behind it! Don't post and say how wrong it is , then run and hide. I know this person and have mutual friends, so I have made an easy , but awkward stand. He has bragged about the size of his board and how fast he can go, very macho, but can't deal with an icy parking lot? If you have seen his other post's, it's been raining at alpine for a week, not the icy conditions he bitches about. Again! If you can't handle the parking lot, you can't handle the hill! This is a very athletic guy in his early 40's -no excuse.

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Guest Randy S.

Hey Rick, I haven't deleted any posts on BOL or TC. Not sure what you're implying there. Just cause I knew it would make you happy, I parked in regular parking today. I hope you felt the karma as it ran over your dogma.

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Guest tdinardo

I'll own up to it Rick....I pulled my prior response yesterday as I thought better of flaming on Randy. When I wrote that I was thinking about one of my buds who's in a chair and the thread riled me up. After I thought on it a little more and cooled off I decided I didn't want to be part of a let's flame Randy situation. I don't know the guy beyond what I've read of his posts, but so far he, and everyone else in the community has been really cool and helpful and as a noob here I don't want to start drilling into people. With that being said, here are my thoughts on the subject of handicapped parking. I'm changing the tone but not the content as I want to have a productive discussion on the subject rather than just starting a flame fest.

As far as someone being injured and needing the permit, if you are really that injured, you shouldn't be partaking in this kind of activity IMO. I think if you have all four of your appendages and you can walk, you should be parking somewhere other than the handicapped spots even if you may have the legal right to use the spot because The Man saw fit to give you a temporary permit for a prior injury. Those spots are there for folks that actually need them and just because they may be empty when one rolls up doesn't give one the right (morally) to take the spot. If you don't really need the permit, you shouldn't be using it IMO. If the spots stay unfilled for the entire day it's irrelevant.

I've fractured both my heels, dislocated both my hips and shoulders, as well as one of my collarbones. Most days I can't stand up for more than an hour at a time or I'll be in pain for the rest of the day. With that said, I personally wouldn't think of using a handicapped spot even though I could probably talk The Man into granting me a permit. One of the reasons I wouldn't do it is that I know some folks who truly are handicapped and I could never look them in the eye again if I did it. My position doesn't have anything to do with feeling sorry for the guys I know. These guys are some of the coolest and most hard core on the planet. I only wish I had 1/10 of their determination and grit. I look to them as roll models.

The guy I was thinking about is Ed Sandoz. I've not talked to Ed in a while but I was thinking about him when I read the post. Ed is one of the coolest people I know. I met Ed racing motorcycles one weekend when I got highsided off my TZ250 causing a red flag stoppage of an AMA National. Ed went out of his way to help my girlfriend, now wife, get all my gear back into my van. Less than a year later Ed couldn't walk anymore because of a fall just a few hundred feet from where I got off. Many other people would have curled up in a ball and waited to die. Not Ed.

Here's a shot of Ed snowriding: http://edsandoz.unusualperson.com/gallery/2001/2.jpg

You can read more about Ed here if you're interested: http://edsandoz.unusualperson.com/.

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