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More ankle rehab


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If me having to have ankle surgery to correct a misdiagnosed fracture wasn't enough, my husband was the bottom car of a 2 car pileup last Tuesday. In addition to a badly broken leg, he had internal injuries and it was a scary 2 days for us. Things are definitely looking up now, but the orthopod told me Sam would likely have some arthritis in the right ankle. Crap!!!!!

He's having 2 surgeries to clean up the leg(it was an open fracture) and then a plate to hold the tibia together on Thursday.

We hadn't scheduled our Tahoe trip for January because 1. my ankle surgery and 2. the crappy snow...

Recent casino shootings are helping either.......

First I was thinking to fit our third trip late March-early April but now the third trip looks to be a wash....

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Well, D....He had his spleen removed. He was placed in a back room and I had showed up to this ER(not my hospital's) with my white coat still on. He started to drop his blood pressure and I started telling his nurse what to do. Most worrisome for me is the nagging feeling he would have died if I hadn't been there-the urgency to deal with his injuries wasn't the same as I have when dealing with a similar circumstance and I watched the clock, so I know and I've had multitrauma patients so I know( as a doc).

He's in a bigger hospital now with really good orthopedic specialists....

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