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June Race Camp at Copper


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I'm putting on a race training camp at Copper Mt., Co in early June. On snow G.S. training will be June 2,3,4,5.

Tenitive prices will be $130 per day (includes lift ticket, coaching, lodging, 3 meals per day, video anylysis, and afternoon dry land activities). If you don't need lodging or meals included we can put together prices for just training and tickets.

Coaches will be myself and Jeff Archibald (Jeff is one of the few people in the world who has seen the view from the top of a World Cup Podium AND has coached athletes to get the same view.)

I should have final prices by the end of the week. All ages and abilites welcome. Other teams with coaches are also welcome contact me for prices. Also if enough people want longer training we can extend the camp.

Phil Fell


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Phil....it was great seeing you this last week. We are stuck here in Denver as we speak....no flights out until Tuesday now. We were smart enough to leave Copper Saturday evening, but not smart enough to get a flight out last night. But.....Patrick is still so very stoked about his 3rd place finish in SL and his 7th place overall alpine finish. Having spent time with Garrett, Anton and Chris at his camp the week before Patrick is hooked forever. If it were not for his love of the half pipe, Patrick might only be riding hard boots in the future!

Please note that having your camp so early in June may eliminate some kids from attending. Patrick. as an example, does not finish school until June 9.

Good luck with the camp. I'm convinced that at some point Patrick will fall under your guidance, especially having heard from Garrett that he will likely end up at Park City next season.

Matt Hanna


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To answer a few questions:

1- Price for just tickets and coaching will be $75 per day. Since Copper will be officially closed to the public season passes will not work.

2- Personally I'd like to have the camp a week later to make it easier for kids still in school, but right now this spot works the best for us and the mt. It looks like we are going to be the only ones booked for this time spot, so we will have the hill all to ourselves.

3- The reason for the inexensive prices is because Copper is offering an outstanding bargin to give teams and incentive to train there and we plan to take full advantage of their hospitality.

4- Copper usually has enough snow then to support these race camps. The U.S. Snowboard Team does them almost every year, and this snow year has been good (far better in Co. than Mt. Hood). We will load the bottom lift in the early morning, then we have a 4 hour time slot where we can get in as many runs as possible.

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