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Wanted to demo: Axis 182


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I did the mail order demo program for a Donek Freecarve 2 163. Since it was the tail end of the season and no one else was asking for a FC2, the folks at Donek didn't give me a deadline for when they wanted it back.

I had the demo board for a couple of weekends (rode it A LOT)and would have kept it longer, but I was going to the Post Office to mail off a Burton Balance that I sold on EBay, so I figured, I might as well send back the Donek at the same time.

Only problem was, I left my TD2 2nd board kit on the board when I shipped it back to CO :mad: That's what I get for packing the board just before I leave for work, when I'm in a rush and not paying attention.

I think my incident was actually dumber than D-Sub forgetting about the protective film on his Prior:D

Anyway, I think I'll be ordering a Donek later this summer. A mail order demo program is a great marketing tool --- if you have good product!

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Originally posted by gdboytyler

I think my incident was actually dumber than D-Sub forgetting about the protective film on his Prior:D

oh heck yes!!!! (and it was the coiler, btw. we shouldnt talk about the disappeared disrespectfully:))

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I am a new carver, SES being my first time, therefore I find the lower angles easier to handle.

I demo'd the Axis 167 and the Prior 4WD 168. Both were awesome boards.

I went up the lift with a guy who raved about the Priors and told me how he found it to ride. My first ride down did exactly what he suggested and it was amazing.

I still would have bought the Axis but Sean wasn't selling them at SES, so for a variety of reasons I ordered a new 4WD with a square / flat tail. It arrived in the country today, so I am now hanging out for it to snow down under and then for SES 06.

For what my limited experience is worth, I would recommend either board though, definately.

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so Ive ridden the Axis two days now...wait three...

it carves NICELY. as an only carver, this would work great, especially in the two longer versions which are much stiffer

1st day on it was an in-betweener day. about 6" over groomed...variable but still soft. could carve through anything on it, felt totally confident!

took it off trail in both untracked and tracked...NICE!

hit a few airs here and there with it (just straight airs. im not flexible enough for grabs these days) and it really inspired confidence!

took it up to summit chair here at bach. rode Healy, Cows Face, and Beverly. Didnt do the cirque due to exposed rocks and not wanting to ding the base on the Axis.

worked great on the steeps, and having the power of hardboots really felt stable when cruising through wind/hardpack. Its nice to be able to carve through that stuff or set a firm edge when needed.

the only thing that I wasnt quite comfortable doing was riding the trees below Cows Face, around rainbow chair. Trees here can get fairly tight, and I was a bit awkward coming through there.

wish Id have asked to try a 177 also, but in all honesty if I had to pick ONE board to do (almost) everything, the Axis would certainly fit the bill! Havent been on a Prior 4WD so no idea. really keen to try the 179 now. wish they had a program like Donek!!!!

oh...also...the 3rd day was semi-mush that was firm in some places. that weird consistency that almost feels like hardpack...and I rode it with both TD1s and some Intec Challenge Comps

the TD1s felt WAY too stiff. I could feel each and every little fluctuation in the snow, but with the challenge comps that was lessened very much. Id have to say that for an "all rounded" a set of less aggressive bindings would be the best idea.

overall Id have to give this board very high marks! topsheet still seems a bit soft but thats obviously only cosmetic. was able to hit long drawn out turns and short snappy ones as well. Im no CMC but hey...this board rocks!

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