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Park City 14 – 17


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Curt, I am glad we at least had the chance to shake hands and go on "one" run together... All in all we had a great time in Park City. Lots of fun with the new Virus...

The next time we come, we need to make sure to ride together some more ;)


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I just saw this post, my friend. Glad you could hook up with Skully. I just had knee Surgery, Mike's out of town and Bill's racin' out east right now until 24th. So sorry we couldn't hook up with ya at PC. Looks like you had a killer, Blue Bird day. That's our stompin' ground.... Think that may be the first Virus on the Mountain. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Are you making it back in for the WTC?

Hope to see you both sometime.


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No problemo, next time we make it happen!

Yes, we really had fun. Good weather, good runs, good food, good drinks, all good :D

Hope your knee is healing fast! Will you be ready and what are the exact dates for the WTC?


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and here



I'll mostly be coordinating and putin' demos together but my knee should be goot to go by the SES I'm thinkin' which is mid Feb. You guys should come out especially if you had fun at PC. At least 2 days will be there since that's our home mountain and jibbers don't toss beer cans at us from the lift there. We had 15 last year and will prolly have more this year. I skated on getting the dates around 'cause I wanted to make sure my **** was healthy when it happens but the Dates are now in Stone.


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