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Snow Summit 1/31/2010?


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Looks like I'm going to have to retract my previous statement. Summit will likely sell out of tickets early (like today) which means it's almost impossible to get employee passes.

Besides, I'm still a bit under the weather, so I can use the rest:o

However, if things change I'll be looking for you.

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Yeah, second day on it. I tried it with my TD2.5s and with Aaron's Burton race plates.

I think I make have to buy those raceplates from him :1luvu:

The combo of the board and the raceplates, wow. The board can turn arcs tighter than what i've been able to do before on a consistent basis, and is equally comfortable rocketting you out into the next turn if you jump on the tail a bit at the end.

I'm happy. All I can say is quiver killer (3 boards that is). I have my rock board, I have the Coiler for everything except powder, and maybe the Tanker that I broke can still handle powder...

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yeah, my 145 lbs. doesn't really need stiff burly bindings

I think I might have been better off buying F2 Ti race plates to begin with instead of TD2s, now upgraded to TD2.5s

It's not to say that they're bad, I just think they might be overkill for me, and more than I really need.

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Hold on, still doing a bit of evaluating... I'm not ready to give up the TDs just yet.

My legs are sore (more so than normal, and they weren't the last time up, with the same board but different bindings), especially my left (front) leg. I'm not sure if that's from turning tighter arcs on a more consistent basis or if it's because I'm on a 7* disk rear and a running flat up front, which is naturally putting me in a stance to transfer weight forward.

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