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So I'm considering a slalom board...

Kurt Swanson

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I borrowed a friend's Burton Alp 156 (he's too scared to ride it!) and had a blast doing some tighter turns than I'm used to and even raced it on a tight slalom course the other night. I'm 5'10" and 155lbs and my question is this, is this board too short for me? I'd like to use it to do some more races with. Also, this thing's as flexible as a wet noodle compared to my Axxess 167. I always assumed slalom boards were stiff?

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An Alp isn't really a slalom board - more of a soft-snow all-mountain stick. A true SL board will indeed be pretty stout, well suited to hammer the edge hard and get off it quickly rather than for riding elongated arcs. If you pick up an SL board designed for a lighter rider it can do well as a freeride board. On icy days I'll take out an Oxygen 158 - nowhere near stout enough for me to race at my 220lb, but it turns tightly and can be stretched out to doing some longer-radius turns also. Still enough pop to blast me into the air on a hard cross-under.

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I'd say a 156 is too short. Maybe modern construction could hold you up at that length. I ride a 162 nitro at about 140lbs and I get that thing cranking tighter than anything I've ever seen before. Get something with some snap and stay on top of it cause if you're not paying attention that snap will push you way off your line.

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