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Update on Blade usage, Sharp!


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I have the 180cm mid-flex Donek Blade. I have ridden it twice now so I thought I would give you some feedback. I have had a few inquiries about the board and how it ride’s?

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The first time I rode it was my 1<SUP>st</SUP> carving day of the year (to much powder), and I rode it with zero degrees of cant and lift (not my normal set-up). I rode some easy blue runs just to get a feel for the board. The runs were a little narrow and flat. I wanted to lay it over hard and the few time’s I did I ran out of room. I know now it was because I was going a little too slow and without any lift or canting it took a little longer to get it on edge, also the width of the board had a lot to do with it! It felt predictable and stable and did what I thought it might do under the riding conditions.


Day 2: A few weeks later (too much POW again), I got to ride with some other carver’s and since I was on an extreme carving board, I thought I better step it up a notch. I started out a little cautious, but as I got warmed up, the board felt better and better! I started to get some confidents in the board and then my riding. I never felt like the board was going to get away from me and the harder I pushed it the better it responded! It was also easy to turn it tight as long as you have a little speed. I also used my normal riding angles and canting with the TD2 suspension kit and it worked a lot better for me! I rode it 50 deg. F & 44 deg. R in my 27.0 Head boots and there was no overhang! I will try it again with the Zero deg. Cants once I get to some steep and smooth stuff? O’where O’where is it? I can’t wait. The board is awesome, if you are looking to ride with some lower angles and a little wider and stable board? Or some EC turns? This could be your ticket to the fun-zone!

I dont think I will be parting with this board anytime soon!!:1luvu:


Good luck, Brett

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You will find that you get much better edge pressure and control once you start riding flat on the board with no cants. It feels a bit strange at the beginning for people that used to ride with cants and lifts but at the end it actually makes sense. Riding wider boards its all about confidence. Once you obtain it you can really put your turns down.

Not that it can't be done with narrow boards, as many riders have proved, it is simply a matter of allowing relaxed bindings angles.

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