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Protective Gear Works


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Had the best day of riding yet this year yesterday ay BMES 2007. Anyway, just after lunch, three of us were making some nice open turns on our biggest slope at Blue Mtn., about midway down, I popped from a heelside carve, prepping to dive into a toeside and BAMMMM!!! Fortunately I was leaning downhill heading into a toeside.

I was driven face first into the slope by this 230 lb. meat rocket. He rode me like a sled for 20 or so feet and then rag dolled for about another 60 feet. I only saw the last tumble as I dug my head from the slope. Witnesses say he tumbled 2-3 full flips after riding me. they also say he was straightlining it when he hit me.

A bit dazed and full face helmet stuffed with snow, I slowly came to my senses that it was this ding dong I saw further up the slope, who wasnt exactly Bode Miller. As I stayed down on all fours to collect my senses, he proceeds back up the slope to collect his yard sale without even an "Are you Ok?" or "Sorry". As I continue to shake off the blind side QB sack. This JackA$$ shakes his head at me as he skis by. As if it was my wrongful doing.

(Joe thanks for checking to make sure I was ok)

The head shake put me over the edge and I tried to catch up with him to express my feelings. Couldnt find him. It took me a few more runs to clear the cobwebs, but still a great day. Thanks to JBS and Joe for a great day on the slopes.

But back to the title of the thread. I think my protective gear helped me out today. I ride with a Full face Salomon helmet and full upper body armor and hips and thighs armor. Some may think thats overkill, but I have been in the trees, previously hit and seen other carvers plowed by out of control skiers and boarders. Without those, things could have been a good bit worse than my sore neck today. My face would have taken full impact of hitting the slope and he hit me square in the middle of the upper back.

If your thinking about gear, invest in it. It made my $100 $$$ well spent. the last item I want to note is that JBS and I take a very aggressive proactive awareness when he and I ride. We are consistently checking up the slope while we ride and especially before dropping into a run. Only higher level riders and skiers have an appreciation for the turns that we make on these boards and can adjust accordingly. some cant even do that, JBS got plowed by a ski instructor last year.

Realize a majority of the folks on the hill are novice to intermediate and a good number of them get their kicks from speed, not actually knowing how to make solid turns.


and have a safe remainder of the year.

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Very well put ! I wrap my Old butt in plenty of Body Armor!!!!!!

Something I learned from my Moto-cross days!!!!!!

Mostly Protection from impact with others!!!!!!/ It has saved me Many times!

If I get hurt & miss work No one is going to pay my bills!!!!

Its cheep insurance!!!!!!!!!!!



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Had sort of the same thing happen recently at Blu but with a much smaller woman who was absolutely clueless abour hardbooters. Had my rock garden armor on and she didn't hurt me at all. She waqs a little dazed but OK. Sorry to miss you guys lately but have been out of town a lot teaching the CAD/CAM program. Going up on this Mon and Wed but early to avoid all the freakin idiots. That 6-pack didn't help mountain traffic at all! :freak3:

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Monday and possibly Wed morning.

Still very stiff from getting whacked.

I picked my armor up from


Decent prices and shipped very readily.

I know we have some sport bike enthusiasts, so there may be some other stuff onthere for them.

Only thing the 6 pack did was get less ppl on the quad and the mountain scraped off quicker.

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