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Practical joke for the office

C5 Golfer

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Jack's thread reminded me of this trick we played on a hyper overcaffinated nicotined charged fellow worker. We started with making 1" high spacers for his desk where he spent most of his time computering. I think we did this on Friday nights after he left for the weekend, we lifted his desk up and placed these spacers under each leg ( they were structurally sound so they did not dislodge if the desk was slid) and when Monday came around our overly excitable employee was now sitting 1" lower with respect to his computer and desk. No one said anything all week - there were 3 of us in this caper. Come next Friday night we'd wait till he left and re-do the spacers with a 2" inch variety we had waiting on my shelf. Monday would come and he was now 2” lower to his keyboard. So now you get the picture of our devious practical joke. This scenario goes on for 6 weeks with 100% success of fooling him. Each week we ( the joke team) would go in and see how things were going for him and if there was anything we could do to help in any area bothering him. He’d say not really but appreciated the thought.

On the 7th Monday he came into work, sat down to log on and we had ignition or “fire in the hole” so to speak. His desk is now resting proudly and quite well camouflaged a magical 7 inches higher in the air than anyone’s desk. As we are there to wish him a good morning as he sits down to log in, he gets up all upset and turns his chair upside-down yelling “What the F&*#” , we say “What’s wrong” he said his chair won’t adjust. We say “what do you mean” He says “ Look “ he sits down and his poor hands are at his eye level when he is typing on the keyboard. So he gets up again throws his chair upside down a gain to figure out what has changed. We are laughing so damn hard he catches on and says “ What the F^%& did you do?” That was one funny joke. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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