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Do you kids get *this* sensation?

Guest Mark Jeangerard

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Guest Mark Jeangerard

Have you ever sat in the back of a car and watched the road retreat for a long time? Then, when the car stops, it looks like everything is rushing towards you? Like your internal zoom is stuck in a loop?

I think I get that in my feet....

It seems to happen only when I am carving well and making lots of turns in a run. I'll get to a cat walk or other flat and it feels like my binding has released. Very scary at first. Then I'll look at my foot and it genuinely feels like its sliding sideways a couple of cm a second, but it's bound in tight and following the snowboard, contrary to the direction that my senses tell me.

It's really weird and makes me want to correct for things that aren't happening.

You get that?

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Guest Marilyn Cambers

I would recommend laying off those hallucinogens while riding ~ you may find yourself catapulting off the side of a mountain, when you are on a trail that doesn't really exist!

Madness takes its toll, please have exact change!

Marilyn ;)

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Guest TheBombingFool

i dunno about you guys, but at the end of a day of bombing, i usually get a bouncing up and down feeling from being on the lift so many times when it stops due to people sucking at getting on or off the lift...speaking of lifts stopping...i was at Gunstock in New Hampshire yesterday (sunday) when it was negative 16 degrees out w/ windchill at 10 at the base and the new Panorama (summit lift) broke down and people who were on the lift had to stay on for TWO HOURS...sucked to be them..i went in for lunch, it broke down during that time, i came out at like...12:30, lift was stopped, people on it, left at roughly 2:30 and people were just being taken off. that's gotta suck horribly to be right in front of the drop off point at top of lift

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