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Posts posted by Weasel

  1. I simply don't have the will power. as for would I go to a soft boot. the answer is no cause I occasionally have been known to stick other items on my feet and soft boots no matter how stiff and comfortable simply would not cut it. Another Issue for me would be the possiblity of nickname degradation. I already have "Weasel" which by itself is no prize but what if what happened to Our good friend Ken happened to me...... I mean really "Weasel of the soft Boots" this simply won't work. I realize that Ken is working hard to change that with the word formally but changing ones name is not easy, plus you are now forever linked with "Prince" which may be ok for some of you folks out there in MN but not here in the north East. And finally on to our friend Vin. Please keep in mind a couple of things here.

    1. Vin will get more days in this year than most of us will in the next 4 and he puts a tremendous amount of energy and effort into everything he does. He could ride a damn lunch tray from the lodge and sooner or later he would find a way to rip on the damn thing.

    2. He is an intelligent person when it comes to Retail and he like so many of us know that hard boots and alpine boards are not making anyone rich. He knows that if he is out there opening up new markets for those folks making stiff soft boots and boarder cross boards life is only going to get better for him. Lets face it he is OOBS number one marketing tool.

    3. If other folks had had as much trouble with Raichle as Vin did a couple of years back they would be in soft set ups too.

    4. Most of the folks I know have been riding hard boots for a while now and don't realize how freakin stiff the "Soft" boots have actually gotten

    this said though, in Short I have been very happy in my mushy hard boots and wouldn't change.


  2. I purpose that all of us goofy riders go around on Christmas eve and correct the stance of all of our regular footed friends. don't even charge them for this service (as it is christmas and all). this way when your friend gets up christmas morning they can experience the joy of being goofy.

    Yes I am aware that many of you regularly footed folk are now considering if you still want to invite your goofy friends to that holiday party but I say go ahead take the chance. Have a goofy holiday.

    -Weasel- :D

  3. As a curteous weasel with "Well used" equiptment I have actually been know to let a regular footed friend use my board as a foot rest (big reason I don't own a donek, If I had one of those and someone on the chair used it as a foot rest I would have no choice but to raise the bar and toss your rude regular ass off the chair. Also actual seat selection has nothing to do with how your board hangs it is based on other things like if there is a good looking girl on the chair or someone with more snacks than me...... Also If someone didn't have such wimpy angles on their bindings then their board would be going back to front and not side to side.:rolleyes:

    think low -Weasel-

  4. I know I will get crucified on here for saying this but a little toe drag won't kill ya. I ride at about 60frt 57rear and unless I am attempting to foolishly impress someone on a sheet of ice my toe drag only make the trench a little bigger. If however you do happen to encounter some of that "firmer" snow here in the east just remember your boots don't have edges.

    Cant also help


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