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Posts posted by straightshooter

  1. :freak3:I don't want to sell this board but if I get a good enough offer I will.

    It is in good shape, no big digs or scrapes. some topsheet scratches.

    I am a bit tapped for money and decided the board is a want not a need. Ha

    Email me with an offer. I will let you know if I am interested.

    I will post some pictures soon.



  2. I got them last year. I bought them on this board. They have thermofit liners. I would say they don't have more than 20 days on them. That is the boots and liners. They are just a bit stiff for me. I am used to my old Burton reactors. I found a pair of Burton Winds. I am going to try them. They are great boots.



    sincerely, straight shooter

  3. It is an all mountain carving machine. It has a moderate flex. I am 195lb and had no problem flexing it. It was killer on the open slopes. I want something I can use in the bumps and trees also. I used to use a Burton Alp and it is about that flexible. Not like a race board.

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