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Posts posted by jimmy737

  1. I focused this seasson on improving my toeside turn.

    I always tend(ed) to lean too much with my upper body towards the snow and therefore putting my hip out to the downhill side!On good conditions besides looking like the urgent need to go to the toilette it worked.But on ice it ended up in a desaster;)

    I still have problems putting my hip into the turn.I have tried facing the nose,raising my inner arm up,working more with the knees,looking in the direction of the turn but the thing which is missing quite often is feeling a pinch in the hip and so the hip drop.

    Any ideas how I can work more on that hip drop?

    I have attached some pics and would really appreciate to get some critic what I still can do to improve my toeside turn!The first pic shows my typical body position(upper body is leaning into the turn and hips are out!) The other two pics are much more better in my opinion..





  2. I was there the last 2 days from 8:30 - 2:00 and the conditions have been really good for the time of the year!Not all runs but Coupe du Monde, St Paul and Waterloo were good!!I spent almost the whole day on Coupe du Monde and it was fun!

    Have fun there tmr!!

  3. I will be at Stowe from Wed-Sun this week!If anyone will be there too it would be great to do some carves together!As it´s my first time there any suggestions where to carve there?And whatabout the nightlife -is there something happening?

  4. Hey, I´m new here and would like to say hello to everyone!!

    I´m from Cologne in Germany and will be living in Montreal until May.So far I have been at Bromont,Owls Head,St Sauveur and Tremblant but I have only met one raceboard rider out there!!So if someone is planning to go boarding in the greater Montreal area please let me know and I will join you guys!!

    Does anyone know a good raceboard instructor in that area?


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