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Posts posted by Snowest

  1. Rode it Sunday... Noticeable improvement in float and carrying speed through the flat, deep stuff. The tail didn't gain as much flex as I thought it would.

    Moved my bindings 1/2" back and racked my angles to +45/+27, gonna give it another run this weekend

  2. Happened chrstmas eve... Pretty pathetic fall. First run of the day, I hadn't even gotten up to speed. Equivalent of just standing there and having my feet pulled out from under me. It didn't really bother me till later that night. Gonna stick to skiing for a few weeks till it heals a little more.

    Bryan- Ya still interested in the cants.. Been working some crazy hours though so I'm not sure when I'll be able to make it up there. I'm interested in a board of yours to if your willing to part with it :D

  3. So I caught an edge and had a fast introduction to some hardpack... I tend to keep my arms inward because broken wrists interfere with my job, but now i have a broken rib. I figure I trapped my hand between my chest and the snow causing a pressure point. Where do you guys keep your hands/arms when riding?

  4. Bindings are great! Can really put some power on the edges. Feedbacks not to bad, but I definitely gotta be on my game to keep from being tossed... I can't quite get into a full tuck though, maybe my ski boors are to stiff or my knees not where it needs to be.

    Not getting as much snow time as I'd like. The whole job thing kinda restricts me to weekends/evenings. My goal is to get another 11 days before the end of the season.

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