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Posts posted by Rick

  1. I ride a Prior 187wcrm wide, brand new this year. So far 7 days all at Cannon. The runs are narrow and firm...I love this board. It will take wide slow turns, but if you get on it and get into turns early it will rip even on narrow trails...even at speed. Don't be afraid of a long board. These metal boards are made to handle mixed ice conditions and dampen the ride. The slightly decambered nose feels like it extends the board in turns but shortens when in transition, allowing for faster edge to edge. Glad to let you try it if I hit southern VT.

    As for Prior...I can't say enough about the quality of the product or how easy these guys are to deal with. Emailed me throughout. The board was built for me and took about 3 1/2 weeks to ship...mid summer. Reasonable price for this kind of work, even discount on new TD3's. Might have pics of the board if you want -rich

  2. I've been using an older pair of deluxe indy's for the past few years. This year I've noticed that i'm getting a lot of heel lift, and the boots are generally getting a little worn out and loose in the liners. I'd like to try to get this season out of the boots. So I have been considering buying moldable liners new, perhaps from a local ski shop. Does anyone have any advice about doing this, or do I really need real hardboot liners?...the problem there being access to fitting. Alternatively, should I not waste my energy with these boots and buy something new?

    I ride a prior 187wcrm wide, td3's. New England, variety of conditions.

    any help appreciated

  3. was at cannon today. ice on the ground in the notch but the snow on

    trails was good in the am, even with some recent rain. go early... gets skied off fast. used my old factory prime so i wouldn't hurt the new baby prior 187

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