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Posts posted by Hassan

  1. On 1/8/2023 at 9:44 PM, Sheedapistawl said:

    Hello friends,

    I posted this in the ride board section (Southwest Northeast) for local folks but  not sure how active that is so figured I’d ask here as well - if against rules please let me know and I’ll delete.

    I live in NJ and am looking for some soft boot carving instruction. Caught the K carving / Japanese carving bug, I’ve tried resort instructors at Stowe and Okemo but did not find them helpful for the style of carving I’m looking to learn (dual positive binding angles, getting low on turns you know the cliché…). 

    I can post a video and while commentary is helpful I think nothing is as helpful as someone who is adept at the skill and also good at teaching it to folks like me with bad habits like hunching my shoulders on toe sides and hinging at the hips. I am certain my gear is not the issue.

    I’m an intermediate rider, I broadly know what I’m doing wrong but not sure what exercises or things to do and how to progression to get better. Sometimes feel like I have it but then a video shows poor form and just bad habits. 

    Live in Nj, have a car, and am on Epic but flexible. Would have loved to do Montucky but sadly unable to and at the moment flying somewhere maybe uncertain so figured I’d ask for local help first. Any advice on finding instructors where I am much much appreciated! 

    I’m in the same boat. I live in Westchester county, NY and I just got back from a ski trip to Japan. While there, on a whim, I rented a carving board and it changed me. While in Japan I picked up a Moss Twister 159cm w/ Flux bindings since I knew it was gonna be hard to get a Japanese carving board in the states. I’m having a blast with it, but I’d love to get formal instruction here on the east coast. 

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