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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 4 hours ago, ShortcutToMoncton said:

    Thanks for your response. You said they were too small—how much too small? Have you taken them to a ski bootfitter to see if the shell can be stretched and properly fitted? Or did you accidentally receive completely the wrong shell size? 

    I know this isn’t the intent of your for-sale post and I apologize if you’d prefer not to get off-topic. There are some riders on this forums who wear these boots, and I hear they are really quite nice and comparable to Mountain Slope. But MS is the high-end industry standard right now and you are asking more than a pair of new MS boots, which would at least have some seller support behind them. 

    I guess what I’m saying is that you might be looking at losing a bit of money to move these regardless, so I’d make sure you’ve first visited a professional ski bootfitter to see if they can make them work!

    Good luck! 

    Not that too small. I need 275. Not 270. But the fitment wise, after the owner hear my situation, he said it will be fine after one ride due to the foam will lose the stiffness then will have even more room in the boots. Thank you for your advise about ski boot fitter. I didn't know about that service. After one ride, if it still bother me, then let me visit there. 

    I don't think I am asking more than MS boots. Are they cheaper than $1000 for new in the States? 

    If you are ordering from other country, it is different story. 

    Because it is the same situation if you order directly from the S5. But I guess the owner does not care about exporting that much for making money.. because he literly said to me during little conversation.

    So, you gotta figure out how to communicate with, how to pay the money to Korea (probably money transfer) and Korean address or the company doing it for you as well as shipping.

    It seems quite effort to me especially I am not offical vender.. 

    Still, thank you for your advise. I will lower the price or not selling after a couple of ride. I will see. 




  2. During March. If the boots are not sold by next few days I’m going to have a ride with these boots a couple days then will lower the price as “used” or decide not to sell based on size issue after had conversation with owner of S5. 

  3. 3 hours ago, ShortcutToMoncton said:

    These are too big for me, but I was under the impression that S5 boots were cheaper than Mountain Slope boots. Are they actually more expensive? I did not realize that. 

    Sad to hear these boots are bigger than your feet. 

    They are cheaper than Mountine slope if you buy it from Korea and bring it to the US or Canada instead using shipping company. Because the owner does not that much desire to make money. Therefore, not willing to shipping directly to my address nor exporting himself as well as advertising..

    So, I put some effort to get one because I don't have enough friends in Korea. 

    That's why and hasn't been used yet but selling.

    I can use it to fit my feet cause it has low temperatuer termal inner sol I heard, not sure tho.

    But I try sell this one first instead of using it to get depreciation.  

    If I officially importing the boots, price would be different story of course.. 

  4. Not for sale anymore. 
    One time has used and it is fine for my size. 



    New never used. 

    I purchased and spend more than $150 for shipping cost to receive the package and the size I realized I need one bigger one. 
    instead dealing with shipping, and exchange I would like to sell here and buy it again. 

    S5 boots is probably one of most comfortable boots. 

    Shell size 292 

    inner size 270  

    Since northwave discontinued, the owner of s5 tried make this boots cause the used Northwave boots were around a couple or few thousand bucks in Korea. Then Mountain slope came out. But shape of the boot is different (for comfortable side) So s5 boots are still in business . 

    so please understand design is similar 


    Bay area CA 94087  

    $1000 plus any extra cost (shipping, or any fee if occur) 

    Thank you. 
    leejonghyunn at g mail

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