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Posts posted by BennyBones69

  1. i think its cool to show off freestyle stance extreme carves. ive tried and tried and spent weeks going double posi on different proper hardboot boards, ive just never been able to find the technique to manipulate the board the way i like, to be able to bend and twist . dont get me wrong ive been able to carve just not manipulate as im used to. plus it blows everyone away, though so do hardbooters. Since i started carving, it is now my winter life lol



    On 4/15/2020 at 2:27 PM, bigwavedave said:


    I have that board right now! instantly changed my preferred riding style from charging jumping and back country to extreme carving almost eurocarving the g force is incredible as u know, i could never carve like that with regular wide boards  now i even get complements from the snobby ski racers for my turns lol


  3. Im not sure how the myth wide boards transition slow looking at my transitions there instant IF i want it to be, even if im not trying usually quicker than anything else i see on the hill. very few people ride on there edges. 

    2 years ago went 27.5 flagship loved it its an incredible board that i could push my carves on but eventually tapped it out  on size 10.5 boot heel and toe drag. next summer got a used Donek Incline 164 29.5 wide. nobody could understand why so wide why but i couldn't be bother to explain. Turns out it was the one Knapton reviewed in this YT video (same serial number that was cool). I instantly turned into the most notable carver at my hill never had so many "how the hell u do that" =P im just having fun. I never noticed a soft nose like you mentioned and this was an old board...  Instantly sold on the style of board so next summer purchased a 172 BX Saber 30 cm wide very stiff 11-14m sidecut huge camber(its amazing to be able to talk to Sean for a custom build). and size 9 custom x boot. I riide freestyle stance. Only had 4 days in it because of corona last season, 

    Once i got used to big side cut, it destroys chatter, makes trenches so easy, very friendly board but also absolutely deadly, feeds on the best technique you can give. I actually made the front page of the local paper they happed to be there that day(link https://www.elliotlakestandard.ca/news/mother-and-son-skiers-a-different-challenge) it definitely gets tough to ride on ice  n obviously not a tree board,  ill choose my flagship on that. Donek will build you anything you want and Sean's advice and experience is priceless when creating your 100% custom build. I find it incredible the builds can be under 1000 Canadian. mine was 1200 i think.You basically have to get a custom build to get the width you need for carving like Ryan K. hard to find over 27.5 wide is not enough to lay over even with my size 9 boots and medium bindings


    Best 1200$ Ive spent you definitely have to know what you want which you do, but Sean is the most helpful guy. I recently narrow'd my stance as a  instructor suggested, allows you to really bend and flex the board which works the sidecut, i used to ride Sasquatch but it defiantly works! never would have thought!

    Nice riding Bro!!

    as a first post this is an awesome group



    MAR 20  2021 IMG_2809 copy 2.jpg


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