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Posts posted by jlin

  1. 23 hours ago, Jonny said:

    The fact that it's half a day before it becomes a real issue suggests that it may be an insecure fit rather than too tight a fit and that your foot is actually sliding forward in the boot. If it really is too tight then the best solution is to have a ski boot fitter punch out the shell. as an intermediate step though, try toe-socks. Injinji make a wool liner sock which is very thin and I now use them both for skiing and snowboarding. The fact that the sock isn't squeezing my toes together makes an appreciable difference in how warm my feet stay, and I bet it would help with a slightly too tight fit also.

    Awesome, thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to try the toe-socks and see if that makes things better before punching out the shell. 

    19 hours ago, barryj said:

    What's your street shoe size?   I'm a US 11.5-12 and squeeze into mondo 28 comfortably after a couple of weeks of breakin.

    Don't forget your foot hygiene! .....obviously cut back those toenails a few  days before riding and if you have any toe fungal, even that slight toenail thickness growth  can cause boot discomfort.......file down the surface of those thicker/raised infected nails. 

    And don't forget your foot calluses under  the ball of your foot on both sides... these can also take up space in your boot which puts more pressure on your toes.              A Ped egg with a handle can easily work those calluses down.

     https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41P-aDLUxZL.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FSeen-Foot-File-Handle-3-Pack%2Fdp%2FB004R7O2Q0&docid=t-vBIqUz8BYi7M&tbnid=00Fcrpc-kY2IXM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiVpfXovNHmAhVjmuAKHQfaDx8QMwi1ASgAMAA..i&w=245&h=400&bih=809&biw=1026&q=ped egg with handle&ved=0ahUKEwiVpfXovNHmAhVjmuAKHQfaDx8QMwi1ASgAMAA&iact=mrc&uact=8 

    I'm a 10-10.5 street shoe size, so I think a mondo 27 right and thus I wanted to get some opinions before moving to another boot or liner size. 

    My foot hygiene is in good shape, but it sounds like I might need to find a good boot fitter to try to punch out my shell. 

    1 hour ago, Beckmann AG said:

    Are both feet affected, or only the left?

    Goofy or regular?

    Greek, Egyptian, or Cuboid?

    All toes affected, or only the longest?

    Heel contour: Svelte or bulbous, bone spurs/protrusions or not?

    Known pronation/supination, or not?

    Adequate foot support?

    Does a shell fit reveal that you have more or less than 1 cm clearance?


    'Pain' means different things to different people. Can you be more specific as to what you're experiencing?



    It's both my feet, I ride regular and it's mainly around my pinky toe. The pain is not so much my toes are cold, but more so that they're being crushed. I feel as if they're lacking circulation after some time. 

  2. Hi Everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I'm excited to get on the slopes this season but something that has been bothering me for a while has been my boot comfort and I was hoping to get peoples suggestions, experiences, thoughts etc. 

    Background is I currently have a mondo 27 Deeluxe 325T and they fit snug. They were snug before heat molding, especially around the toes (my left foot is ever so slightly larger than my right) so when I did my heat molding I wore my thickest socks and put on a toe cap. After a few seasons now of breaking in my boots, even with my thinnest socks I still get toe pain in my toe box area after half the day. To the point where I need to stop and let my toes recover for a bit before heading out for the second half of the day. 

    I was hoping that things would get better, but I'm at the point where I'm open to all suggestions. New boots size 27.5? 28? New liner? Re-heatmolding? I'd appreciate any ideas people have or experiences they can share. Thanks!

  3. Hi Everyone,

    I have a set of Bomber TD2 standard bindings + Yellow E-Rings for sale. I bought them on this forum and used them for one season. There's a few typical scratches here and there, but they work fine. Set comes with two yellow e-rings, 4-hole center disks, and all the necessary bolts. PM me if interested or If you want to correspond via email or on the phone I'd be happy to do so.




  4. Hi Everyone,

    This is my second time selling on the forums, but I have a 100% feedback on eBay (User name: Json814). If you want to correspond via email or on the phone I'd be happy to do so to help with peace of mind.


    Anyway, I have a like new bomber board bag on sale for $30 shipped. It's in good condition, and can fit boards from 155cm to 195cm


    - Made with super tough nylon

    - Shoulder strap for easy traveling

    - Custom designed to work with alpine boards

    * This bag is designed to work with Alpine type boards. It will only accept boards 27.3 cm (10.75") or narrower at the widest point. *





  5. Hi Everyone,

    This is my first time selling something on the forums, but I have a 100% feedback on eBay (User name: Json814). If you want to correspond via email or on the phone I'd be happy to do so to help with peace of mind. Anyway, I have a Prior 4WD 159cm for sale. It's in good condition, not sure of the history of the board as I bought it used. There's a small ding on the top sheet which I've included a picture of otherwise, the board's in good shape. $275 shipped in the CONUS.


    Sidecut: 8.5m

    Waist: 210mm


    Detailed specs found on the Prior website: http://www.priorsnow.com/gear/boards/4wd






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