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Posts posted by ZetaTre

  1. My son Giorgio will turn one year in about 2 weeks and I'd like to take him along and dig some trenches together this coming season.

    Has anyone ever carved with a young child in the back? Would love to hear your experience, particularly about any baby backpack or other contraption you have used and you would (or would not) recommend.

  2. I've got a new set because these were getting a little old. If your boots hurt you might want to give them a try. They have been molded twice already but I think they can be be molded once more. There's no tear and the tape you see is just to make them slide in and out of the boot better. Don't expect a brand new liner for free, but I feel like they are not ready for the trash yet. Buyer pays shipping.

    Although I can't find the size on the boot, I'm an MP27 so I suppose these what's they are since they fit me fine.



  3. Looks like you live down the street from me: I'm in Oceanside. Because of the "which I tried to buy from catek, but that's another story" I have a bag of spare hardware for my OS2. If it's similar to the OS1 I guess I can help you out... Call me up at 76O-576-4O73 so maybe you can drop by tonight....

  4. My wife and I will be driving from San Diego to Aspen for SES and can offer ridesharing. I can offer it to 1 person with 1 board and equipment.

    We'll likely be leaving early in the AM on Friday 2/8 and coming back early morning on 2/16.

    This is the route we're taking is this and can pick up along the way (as long as within a reasonable radius)

    <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Oceanside,+CA&daddr=Aspen,+CO&hl=en&geocode=FV6H-gEdZe4A-SkFd1tgXmXcgDGHn485P8ueAQ%3BFToCVgId_Rei-Sl9PEH3fDlAhzFy9ix43EIrwQ&aq=0&oq=aspen&sll=37.269174,-119.306607&sspn=14.408691,28.54248&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=36.385435,-112.285505&spn=6.37913,10.93553&output=embed"></iframe>

    <small>View Larger Map</small>

    You can call me up at 76O-576-4O73 or just use the BOL messaging... Let me know!!!

  5. You should check with your board manu before using threadlock, most recommend against it.

    I can see the red permanent creating problems (i.e. the inserts possibly spinning around), but I've never had a problem with the blue. On the the other hand, without it I've always had problems: either the bolt come loose or I have to torque it more and the inserts getting sucked in...

    But thanks for the heads up, though

  6. ...my season might already be over :mad::mad::mad:

    Around Xmas we went up to Mammoth and twisted my knee while doing a heel side turn. The rest of the day was hell and the following I resisted thanks to Ibuprofen. In a week the pain and swollen was practically gone so I was happy again.

    Then last weekend I went back to Summit and once I got home I noticed my left knee was about twice the size of the right knee.

    This AM I went to the Doc and she said I need an MRI but quite possibly I have torn the meniscus...

    DAMMIT I JUST TURNED 30 THIS YEAR AND I'M ALREADY FALLING APART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smashfrea:smashfrea:barf::AR15firin:nono:

  7. Ugh! Looks like the temps are going to remain high enough that they won't be able to blow snow! What happened to winter? Sierra snowpack is on 19% of where it should be, spring like temps here in SoCal mtns. Time to dust off thw wakeboard and waterski. 35 off @ 34mph next week for sure!

    Unless things change we probably won't come: I'm not too trilled by spending $70 x2 and be miserable/wet...

  8. Mary and I will be there.

    I was also thinking about bringing the other Kessler if anyone is interested in trying it. It's 156 longs, 19 waist and built for a rider 140-160lbs. If anyone want to take it for a spin I'll bring it otherwise I leave it home... It is for sale so if you fall in love with it you're welcome to bring it back with you... :ices_ange:ices_ange

  9. Getting in and out of the UPZ is always a major pain since the tongue doesn't move like the Raichle. It gets particularly hard and almost impossible if it's very cold outside and the plastic gets even harder...

    ...but once your foot is in they are the most comfortable boots: the way the buckle are positioned allows to get them nice and tight without pressure points. The pressure is evenly spread (I guess because of the 5 buckles as well as the harder tongue). On the Raichle the top of my feet or the arch was always hurting after a few hrs.

    As a reference of my feedback: on both the Raichle and the UPZ I had the very same liner with the very same mold (I actually had the mold done on the Raichle and never bother to remold them to the UPZ.

  10. Thanks guys!!!

    Again, no special reason why, just curiosity since I've bought a board with a Hangl plates on.

    A question I might have is about maintenance: would the part sliding be kept lubricate with some Bomber butter or other low temp grease?


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