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Posts posted by Chucklebeast

  1. I dunno...I know I'm tripping, but they look thick to me. Not as far as bindings go, they look sleek, they do. But after 12 years of only riding plates I am scared to throw down $ on something I can't try. I have a bro with F2s and I will have to see if he will let me slice a few off on his board.

    It's just from when I was a kid, I would take brand new surfboards and literally dent the hell out out the decks where my feet would go, so as to lower my center of gravity and be down in the ditch on my ride. Tough habits to break, especially when I can't afford to brake myself...

  2. Sweet thanks, I will check them out. I do like a flexible binding between a stiff board and boot, but that inherently brings risk of breakage, with my carbon-fiber ones as back ups and more of a show piece as I know they are bound to explode one cold day. Thanks for the tip. Aluminum flexs, right? ;)

  3. Only happened once, and it was a silly big air where I overshot the tranny. I just can't ride up off of the deck from all my years of surfing, it just feels too weird, so I'll stick to the ground and my race plates. Unless there is a low profile step in I'm unaware of?

  4. BTW where is that? Looks as dry as it's been here, we just got a nice shot though and even though the trees aren't open yet, I'm going for some exercise today and a condition check. Carve tomorrow if it firms up enough:1luvu:

  5. I was messing around in the park on my Donek 175 Twombley and when I came down from a jump and bent the tail of my board so much as to pop out of my rear binding. I keep my plates tight and have never come undone before, so I didn't even know it until I turned(or tried to...), and nearly got run over by a monstrous skier!!! Whew, glad he had skills and swooped around my silly ass :)

  6. What type of top sheet is that? is it carbon fiber? a few more weeks and I'll have the dough, but I'm curious about the too flexy part of your statement. I have yet to ride a metal board and don't really need to absorb chop(my knees do that) but prefer snap...is this what you mean? I have already broken in my 175 Olympic construction and am looking for some snap..or just something more difficult to ride, is that crazy or what? Maybe the question is is this your first metal board too...I'm scared to throw down a full G on something I may not like, but this is a tempting way to buy metal...let a guy know what the feel is. Thanks a bunch and I'm not jerking you, I'm in the market, I just don't really know what I want I guess...C.

  7. white=soft

    black=hard, or harder...still flexy

    ps riding burton plates since 99', now called Ibex...but now that company is defunct and I'm unsure of any future production of this design, anyone know? Last I heard y'all bought the last of Chris' plates?

    Maybe I need to buy another set...for posterity ;)

  8. dang, I have been dropping my knees deep toward the deck loving the rebounds and now I just cant afford to buy another one..stop scaring me, LOL! Cause that is allot of board bucks down the snow-hole...sorry to share your pain.

  9. plus the new school shapes kill it too with or without metal. don't mean to burst a bubble but you'll **** when you get on a recent kessler, coiler, SG, Prior or Donek.
    Agreed, still have yet to try a true shovel nose, but my 08' Donek FC twombly model shames all my older boards anywhere on the hill, it will just do anything! Chux
  10. that WAS a spanking new base, what a bummer friend, as I recall those priors are big $$$ and take a while to get a hold of? I wonder if the greater torsional forces(wider board twists more than narrower of equal flex?) that are "absorbed" by the dampening systems and thus creating a crumple zone, like in modern autos? Hopefully if that is the case it wasn't intentionally created like those in my Jeep, cause that would be just mean!:eek:

  11. Except for the interchangable tongues what you describe sounds a lot like the best of the old Clicker boots. The soles are stiff due to the plate in the boot that the toe and heel cleats screw into. The have a nice amount of side to side flex, have an attached adjustable high back, and an ratcheting ankle strap.

    I wish they still made them.

    Dang, now you got me and my tools out...I'm gonna play with my old K2 boots and Clickers tomorrow, jus' for fun...its what I learned to carve in on a Rossi freestyle in 00'...left trenches the HB boys would admire, it was nice.

  12. Persevere my board broadening brother, elitism is for the birds, and leaves us paying top notch for under produced goods, plus it just isn't the West Coast way, Aloha Style and share the kindness.

    That said, jerks abound in every sport, and I'm just glad you're not one of them(been watching your verbal interplay sporadically, hope I'm not slinging crow...), and know your injury is just how life is, don't blame yourself, especially if you are learning from mistakes...riding tired and hungry=bad, and hypocrite that I am, I do it all the time due to over pricing at the vendors and my amp level as I blast out the door seldom leads to a sack lunch.

    Any updates on your condition? Hoping your not wincing like I am at every downhill crash in the Olympics...that thread even threatened me, LOL!

    Packing my lunch as I listen to rock, Aloha, C.

  13. Yup, carving is the new cool...to the masses. I love being different, but always try to answer questions and take people for a ride to teach them about our sport.

    That, and I carry a spare set of 27 mondos and a 64 Factory Prime in my rig, just in case...got my bro from Hawaii hooked, it is alive and well.

    I am glad that more people know I'm gonna hook it all the way across the run a few times :)

  14. If you got the coverage, check it...if not, keep off it, ice it for the 1st 48/72hours and then soak it in a healing bath of Epsom salts. That will draw out the bruising and hopefully that is all it is. I watched my calf bend around a tree the wrong way, and was sure it was broke off at the boot-top, but after a month of rehab, and watching my leg turn every color under the rainbow, I was able to walk again, and rode later that year, and I'm sure I broke something, I just didn't have the scratch to see the pro's...it was nearly 2 years before I got on the hard-boots again though, but that was by choice...

    So get healed, and keep the alcohol intake down, as it promotes swelling and reduces the body's ability to heal...and maybe I'll see you at Bach, when is it?

  15. On the way up to Stevens Pass I stop at the Sultan Bakery and get a "breakfast sandwich." Ham, egg, mustard, awesome. They're huge. I eat half on the way up, and at lunch time I go back to my car for the other half.
    Nice, I love the now and later theory, leftovers FTW!
  16. Does Vicoden count as lunch? LOL! JK, I usually just drink a couple beers for lunch time, and pig out when I get home. Food up here is horrid and big bucks, but the beers are cheap for us mug club members. The other option is to ride to the village on pow days to eat an awesome sandwich, just don't miss the bus back up...:eek:

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