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Posts posted by ohiomoto

  1. :freak3:

    Those td1's are great insert pullers I hear. :eek: Especially if you don't use the proper bumpers!

    I lost a bumper a few years back and I never had a problem, though I did finally find get a replacement. I'm 6'3" and 220lbs, but I really haven't spent a ton of time on my board. I probably only rode it 4-5 times this years.

    I guess the point is that it might not rip the inserts out. Of course the other side of that coin says that it might.

    Great answer eh? :)

  2. Really, the top 3. I'm looking to learn about current gear. I'm looking for ideas on technique. And, I'm always on the lookout for a deal on equipment.

    Other than that, I like a good "LOL" as I'm a bit of a smart-ass. Anything that cracks me up (as long as it's not at someone else's expense,) is good! :)

    I have only been here a short while, but I've already gotten a taste of the good, the bad, and the ugly on this forum. I like the good, but not the bad and ugly as much.

  3. My resort wouldn't sell me a season pass for next season unless I agreed to do the following:

    1. Lose weight.
    2. Not use my hardboots on my snowboard.
    3. Not double carve my SL skis before 7PM.

    Appearantly all the old folk who ski there in the morning were complaining about my morning ski sessions and the evening race clinics were getting killed in the frozen trenches I left during my afternoon riding sessions.

    Yeah, I OWN that hill during the week!


  4. actually i am beyond the basics but i was trying to be modest :eek: but in 5 years... i'll be happy even if i don't progress... i'll be happy if i am stuck at my current riding level for the rest of my life... but i'll do everything i can to progress a little more :eplus2:

    Yeah, I said the same things about my skiing 5 years ago, but I got bored. I'm so glad I did because I remastered the basics again. I turned the basics upside-down (we'll sort of) and it opened up a whole new world. Hopefully I'll keep finding more to work on because it's so much fun.

    Now I'm focusing on the alpine board so that should keep me busy for a few seasons. I'm hoping to master the basics so I can play with the little add-ons. I think I'm close to a breakthrough. I can't wait until next season.

  5. Some may think I am being overly full of myself or some such thing but here it goes...and i must say i agree with ohiomoto's points and that is why i voted as such.

    I voted "master freecarver"

    So there it goes... i have mastered the freecarve, i have no illusion that there are people that are better than me, a lot better, but i must say i feel i am a master freecarver.

    Cool. You have mastered the basics and you know it doesn't make you god. That's was my point.

    Just remember that even though you have mastered the basics, it is still possible to learn more. That's the cool thing about it. Even once you have mastered something, you can continue to grow. Five years from now, you might be laughing at this, but that just means you've continued to grow. It doesn't mean that you haven't mastered the skills you have now.

    I don't believe that a mastered means you know it all or are the best. I believe it puts you at a level to explore and learn things at a higher level. It's no different than attaining a MBA. It doesn't mean your are an expert in all aspescts of running a business. It simply means you have developed a base that will allow you to become very proficient in one of many areas. You still have to go out and get a job. You still have to work hard. You still have a lot to learn. You are not god, but you did earn a MBA.

    There is no shame in claiming that level, just keep it real.

  6. It's great that you can get a video and them look for ways to imporve. I need to do that next season.

    One thing I notice in the video is that sometimes when I think I am pencil pinching.. I bend the waist.. I think I have to pay more attention on my body alignment relative to the board.. i.e. front facing nose.... before I can start cracking that pencil...

    I thought the same thing. Mostly on the healside. I try to face more forward and "stack" my hips over the board. I think this would be more powerful, but I'm also the guy who is still trying to figure this out. There is a long post on here where I was asking a lot of questions on this topic. I've never even seen a video of my self, so I'm not saying I can do any better than you. I'm just saying what I look at when I see better riders.

    So, what I'm saying is it looks like you break at the waist too much on the healside (and you agree.) I'm curious to see if others would agree. If they do, then we know that we're headed down the right track. If not, then I'm heading down your path! LOL

  7. Why are the results such a surprise to some?

    I picked average because I can carve a variety or turn shapes at my local hill. I would have picked below average because I'm still working to sort out a few things that will help me be more consistent and confident, but I don't quite suck either.

    So that puts me and others like me who might be slightly above or below average in the middle. Surely there are plenty of riders better than us out there. I mean this is a message board aimed at hard-booting enthusiast right? Someone has to pick those spots. It's okay to think of yourself as being above average. That doesn't mean you think you are a "world beater" or that you will never be better, but if you rip with complete control, then you have mastered the majority of skills and likely master more along the way. If that's the honest truth, the vote that way.

  8. Yes, this is a great thread. Hell, I even learned something about my skis.

    This is what you bring to the board, Although your current involment leaves you out of the loop on whats new and cool in the world of Alpine, It nice to see you share the info with others as you learn about it.
    Since you don't have time for the pictures and write-ups, maybe you should work something out with Jack. That way we would all be current. Not that all of us want to spend the money on the latest and greatest, but sure would be nice to know about. I could factor into our future buying decisions.
  9. I was wrong! I never noticed, but the widest point of the sidecut on all of my skis are on what would be considered the "tip" on the curled up portion. I'm talking way up there! Probably 1/3 of the way up the radius. I never noticed this before.

    Put your race stock skies base to base, use a strap to tie them together in the middle so the bases are actually touching and I'm sure you'll see that you can start to see space between the bases far before where you would consider the actual "tip".
    Actually no. My tips placed base to base look "normal" They make contact right around the point at which the tips curl up at the nose. They look nothing like the pictures Jack posted here. BUT, the widest point of the sidecut is way ahead of the contact point.

    I wouldn't call it decambered because the base of the ski looks "normal", but the widest point is way ahead of the contact point of the base so I guess you could argue that it's decamberd.

    I'll go eat crow now. :(

  10. I'll have to take a look at my skis I guess. I have two pair of SLX and one GSX. All are race stock and 3-4 years old. I know they do lay "flat" under their weight (with really heavy bindings on them) but never noticed a decambered nose. I know a few local reps, but never really talked about the specifics when I run into them.

    My original point was that if a decambered nose is so great for racing applications, you would think the ski racing community would be all over it. Maybe they are and I never noticed?

  11. look at high end skis before you make these comments

    if you look closely, the tips of high end skis and kesslers have a some similarities

    What high end are you talking about? All my race stock stuff has full camber. Of course it's all 2-3 years old, but none of the local hill reps have said anything about decambered tips. I'm not saying it isn't out there. Just saying I'm not aware of it. Also, I was thinking along the lines of FIS racing, not a park or powder ski. Just saying that you would think that they would be all over it if it works. Of course it took them some time to adapt to shape skis. Maybe I missed something?

    BTW, I didn't know I had to be 100% positive about anything before commenting. I figured I would just post my comments a see what others have to say about it. Thanks for the heads up.

  12. That edge is weird too. Again, if it's so great, why has the ski industry not picked up on it??

    Seems like they are trying to create a marketing wave for themselves to ride and it's working. I would have never even looked twice at the one I saw, but it was so F'ed up I couldn't not take a closer look.

  13. lol. More like reverse camber :freak3:

    I've seen a lot of those banana skates around...two of my park monkey friends ride one. I should borrow one and test their carving abilities :rolleyes: :D

    I've been told they carve quite well. Hard to believe, but that's the word. I'll try to snag a demo on one next season.
  14. I think I bent the tip on my board several years ago, but forgot about it. Does that mean I'm a step ahead of you guys? :)

    Anyway, I wonder if we'll ever see this with high end skis? You would think that with the amount of development that goes into race skis they would be ahead of the curve on this stuff. Of course the race skis are governed by the FIS.

  15. I think when the price crosses into four figures, even the hardcores will start turning to the classifieds and ebay.
    You got it! I don't race skis, so I by my 1-2 season old race stock Elan SLX and GSX skis used for $300 with bindings and there is never a shortage of racers looking to unload them. No way in hell am I paying full retail ($1500) for those suckers. I could get them new on a pro form for less, but I'm getting plenty of value out of the "outdated" pair that I'm on now and I would rather spend the money I save on an "outdated" board. :)

    But just because I buy used doesn't mean I'm against new technology. The latest and greatest equipment of today is what I'll be on in a couple of years. I love how technology trickles down!

  16. Damn! You would think someone just told you guys the earth was flat!

    Things change and sometimes it's a good thing. So there is new technology and it might be the greatest thing since sliced bread for a year or two. No one said you have to buy it, so what's the big deal? Ride what you have or step up to the plate every year, who cares?

    PS, I'll take any POS 2-3 year old board you guys have. Send them to me right away, gratis of course! Now where's the picture of that 199mm waist again?

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