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Posts posted by foxtrot

  1. pas un chat sur le Mont Soleil pis pas grand monde sur la Brome. Condition de glisse, hallucinante, pas collante du tout, presque trop beau. Seul hic, mes jambes veulent pas fournir. C'était vraiment plaisant. En passant, si vous voyez un gars qui carve en softboots avec une K2 Recon riser bleu-verte, c'est moi, j'm'appel François. Je pense peux-être acheter une passe pour St-Bruno, c'est a 10 minutes de chez nous, comme ça en finissant de travailler je vais pouvoir aller rider un peu en semaine. J'vais voir après avoir acheter les cadeaux si il me reste encore de l'argent:o.

    Au plaisir de vous voir sur les pistes, c'est vraiment cool de voir quelqu'un carver et j'en vois pas souvent. J'suis ouvert a recevoir des conseils.

  2. super, un gros merci Ernie00, ca me donne une bonne idée, je vais y aller avec ma femme et mes enfants, alors comme ma femme aime pas que je la laisse tout seul, je vais prendre ca easy, par contre ma fille elle, adore les sous-bois, elle va etre contante.

    encore merci.


  3. bon, comme je n'ai eu aucune réponse sur la section du vermont, je pose la question ici en esperent que quelqu'un va me répondre. Comme je prévois aller a Jay Peak dans pas long, je voulais savoir la condiitions des pistes a Jay Peak, c'est quand meme deux heures et plus de route, alors je voudrais pas faire ca pour rien. Ca fait des années que je suis pas aller, voir pres de 20 ans. Ca doit avoir changer en bibitte. J'ai hate:biggthump.



  4. salut le gars et la fille il étais tu en F2 Silberpfeil une planche gris je les vue a St Bruno mercredi soire

    les condition étais tu belle a bromont ?

    j'ai pas vue la planche des deux autres, pour de ce qui est des conditions, j'me retrouve souvent sur le mont-soleil, la Victoriaville est très bien entretenu et il y a souvent moins de monde la, en plus comme tu fait beaucoup de remonté, ca donne l'impression dans faire plus. Je vais y être encore samedi, a mins que les conditions de route soit vraiment pas bonne, c'est sur que je vais être la.:biggthump

  5. I've got Rulers and enjoy them. I have to tie them up as tight as possible at the top to get good stiffness, otherwise they leave just a little too much space between the tongue and my shin, which can hamper the transition to toeside. Usually run about 40/30 angles on them. w/out any problems.

    I'm actually riding with 40/18 angle, i'll try 40/30, that might fix my knees problem and able me to turn my shoulders more facing were i want to go, so being able to lean more. sound good. by the way, i had to change the windshield on my car, costing 879$ with a franchise of 500$, it's gonna cost me 500$, so, it might by ....... bye-bye boots:angryfire.

  6. The beginning of the turn is probably not so much of a problem but when you drive your rear foot to lock in your carve, I bet you're sliding out.

    actually no, it digs in pretty hard.

    Hey Foxtrot, check out the new Donek Razor board. Softboot specific for carving. I think it is actually designed to be able to Extreme Carve with softboots:D.

    I've seen those and they look mighty awsome, but still, a can bearly afford new boots, so.

  7. I have a pair of Burton Ion's from last year. I have wore them twice and want to sell them. They are top of the line for the Burton boot line up and are a nice stiff boot. They were a gift and are to small for me. They are 10.5. Let me know if they fit you and if you are interested,


    M8, you have no idea what small is. I wear size 7:o, for the rest, i weight at 186lbs and 5 feet 10. I have a offset of +2 and stance width is 20"1/2, i really have to work hard to get my knees together. Still working on my stance set-up to get the front edge to gripe hard, i,m able to carve but not lean like crazy. My goal is to be able to extreme carve with a softboot set-up:freak3: (i guy can dream right)

  8. firts thing firts, i'm a new on the board, so i would like to say hi to every one. I've been reading alot on the forum and you guys sound like a good bunch of people.

    Back to topic now, i've been riding for 3 years now, this is my 4 season. I discovered carving at the end of last season, but this season i'm craving the carving like crazy. Since i dont have the budget to change my hole set-up, the best thing to change would be my boots. Here's my set-up for now: board is K2 Recon Riser 157, the bindings are Ride LX and for the boots, well....... some very cheap Morrow boots. I've been having an eye on some salomon dialogue boots, they felt pretty stiff and they seamed to fit my feet like a glove, but do they have the lateral stiffeness so that i can have a very big foward stance angle to be able to lean hard on heelside(toeside isn't a problem).



  9. Yea, wish I could skid like he is in his avitar.

    have any of you seen there video on there website. I've got them all on my ipod. They are just divine. I've learned about carving by seeing there video. The only problem is that i don't have the money to change my board( i have a K2 recon riser, 157cm, i know it's pretty short for hard carving ). My goal is to be able to carve like patrice and Jacques do with my the setup that i have now(yeah, i know, i'm dreaming), by giving me i goal to reach, it'll push me to my limits. ouppsss, i'm way off topic.

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