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Posts posted by pebu

  1. Say hi to my college roommate, Pedro. Ha. That's probably like telling somebody to say hi to John in New York City.

    So anyway, I have a story. For the last couple of weeks I've been trying to put together an engagement ring for my girlfriend (my dad is a jeweler). I've been trying to keep it on the DL and surprise her. Unfortunately I was on the phone with my dad last night and my phone was too loud. He asked me about her ring size and she looked up at me, then looked back down right away as she was smiling. Don't pretend you didn't hear that! So anyway, at least the ring itself will be a surprise. I think I'm going to take an early lunch and go to her office. I'll have the girls up front call her out to the lobby where I'll be with the ring. That way she can show off to all her friends and all that junk. You know how women are. Anyhoo.

    Looking forward to next season.

  2. What do you say about the TARP funds that were given out, starting with the Bush administration? $19,000,000,000 of those tax payer dollars went to pay executive compensation (bonuses for CEO's). They gave themselves these bonuses after failing at running a company, which is why we, the tax payers, had to bail them out in the 1st place. I would have to say that corporate America has pulled the wool over your eyes and make you believe they are on your side.

    Can you clarify how the government giving money to corporations is the corporation pulling the wool over our eyes? The way I see it, it is the government trying to pull the wool over our eyes saying that these companies are necessary to the country, therefore we're going to take your money and give it to them.

    Believe me, if something is necessary to the people it will thrive. If the government would stay out of the way those companies would have to fight harder to give the people what they want because there is the possibility that they will go under if they don't.

    And if they DO go under, so be it. The human race is an industrious one. We'll figure out a way to get around not having that company around, IE, if the big three go down then other companies will rise from the dust offering even better vehicles. Cheaper, faster, lower emissions, whatever the "need" is.

  3. BTW II, Am I alone in understanding that Taxes are not only a means of revenue generation for governments, but that they also serve to "nudge" folks away from behaviors (smoking).

    the greater the tax, the bigger the "nudge", the less revenue generated as behaviors change.


    In fact, the combination of income tax and welfare has nudged alot of people to not even work.

  4. Health may be a right in the sense that everybody here has a right to be healthy. Nobody can take your health from you. Not in the sense that we're going to take from somebody else to force health down your throat.

    The Declaration of Independence lists things that the government and others cannot take away from the individual, it does not list stuff that the government and John Q. Taxpayer is required to supply to the masses.

  5. I was expecting it to be very soft. We kinda moved carol in with me, so that's where I was. Next weekend I'm flyin out to california, so that's out for me. I guess I should just put storage wax on and and get my golf clubs ready.

  6. I didn't actually graduate as an engineer... Mechanical engineering technology for me, but I've been an engineer by title since I graduated. My senior year in HS I was taking physics, chem2, and dual enrolling in our community college taking calc 1 then calc 2. In college I took calc 1 and 2 again. Basically in our MET program calc 3 and dif-eq were grouped into one class, so that's as high as I went. Didn't need to take organic chem, though I would have if I had the time. Organic is supposed to be super hard, but we covered a bit of it in chem 2 in hs and I never had any troubles with it.

    I DID have troubles with all the retarded "humanities" classes (as they called them at my school). I had a short philosophy class. That blew monkey chunks. I think the only thing that saved me is that I wouldn't back down from my political beliefs to appease the prof. Everybody else would just drink his kool-aid and I was the only one that told him he was wrong. He liked my conviction.

  7. If the snow lasts that long. I was told it's supposed to rain this weekend. We've had some damn good snow the last couple of weekends but it's breaking down fast.

    It was shortly after noon that I took off (dinner with the "in-laws") and Rob took to soft boots to teach somebody how to snowboard. Monday was possible for me, but I forgot about it till 6 or so. By the time I actually would have gotten out there... It just wasn't worth it with how tired I was.

  8. So I heard on the news this morning there was an accident on 115. A drunk hit a power pole and got trapped by the downed power lines. My girlfriends parents live right there and they said they lost power, but they didn't know why. Mystery solved.

  9. Believe it or not, I AM planning on being there Sunday Morning. Feels like I better go to bed right now to make it, but it's probably a little early. Maybe I'll have a little wine instead.

    I say morning, but in all reality I'll be there at 10-10:30, which sucks. I'm going to turn the alarm on right now, that way I'll forget about it until it wakes me up, then it's too late.

    I'm rambling. I'm trying to get out of cleaning. Girlfriends family is coming over (girlfriends house) tomorrow for an anniversary or something like that. Anyway, I suppose I better get going.

  10. I just want to give a bump on these bindings. They're a good alternative to stepins that require a new heel. The action is nice getting them on. You can feel the lever on the back of your boot and then you're off. The only problem I noticed on them is they increase the heel profile a bit. I needed to crank up another couple degrees on my rear binding to stop digging snow heelside in the softer stuff. But on anything wider than a 19.5cm waist I'm sure I wouldn't have a problem.

  11. The local pawn shop has a '98 (I think) burton alp 5.1. There is plenty of edge material, but I'm going to have to take alot of it down just to get rid of the rust. And it looks like it's never been waxed in it's life. Desperately needs a stonegrind. Anyway, I hate to see a board like that sitting there when it'd be perfect for entry level - see if you like hardbooting on the cheap - type purposes. I was thinking of picking it up and getting it back into rideable condition, then resaling it for not too much. Maybe even donate to a school or something. Anyway, the pricetag on it says $79.99 and I'm not really willing to pay that. I figured I'd tell them $50, take it or leave it. Anyway, I was thinking about picking it up on the way home, so lemme know if it's too much or not enough.

    Wasn't there something like a KBB for snowboards website? I forget where that is.

  12. I don't use them. I've been falling for a long time and I've learned how to fall to avoid injury. It's a rare occasion that it happens so fast that I'm unable to fall properly.

    As for hockey slash guard... That's a good idea. I'm only in a B-league though, so there shouldn't be a whole lot of slashing, at least not that high. I could see that being useful though.

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