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Posts posted by transsib

  1. Hi!

    I live in Germany but as I prefer the Bomber-style instead of EC I thought that it might be better to ask my question here. Well - as my carving gets better and I am able to go faster and lower in the curves my fitness-problems start to grow. I can do just a few runs with flexed knees until my legs are burning. When I try to go all the way down to the snow I even have the feeling that I can't hold the pressure at all.

    How do you guys handle curves like that:


    Is there a special trick? Maybe a special training? As I go running every second day I thought that my shape is not too bad!?

    Maybe it is worse than I thought!?

    Are you guys able to drive like that 6 hours a day for a whole week?

    Thanks for your answers in advance!

    With best regards,


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