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Erik J

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Posts posted by Erik J

  1. 4 hours ago, pow4ever said:

    it's the norm for human mind to "make stuff up"/filled in the blank when dealing with the unknown.
    to paraphrase - Never mistake ignorance for malice.
    take it as compliment 


    I've gotten a lot more questions recently. I enjoy engaging in people's curiosity. If they don't know what to call it or give the equipment an incorrect name I don't really care. I crack a few jokes and we talk on the lift ride up. Plastic snowboard boots always seems to surprise people. 

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  2. I rode unlocked on a few sets of boots (all raichle, deeluxe) for 10+ years. I loved it. Went back to try locked every so often and did not like it. Then I put on bts for a while, didn't make a big difference to me in riding but it did strengthen the boot setup.

    I am on now on upz with softer black tongues and the dgss setup which I love. Lots of smooth flex. I run higher angles which gives me great fore and after mobility but plenty firm laterally. 

    I have a spare bts I can mail you. Try it out, see if you like it, send it back when you're done. PM me if you're interested 

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  3. Dear Karma Board,

    Alpine carving tames the darkness within that is masked with humor, sarcasm, and a brutal exercise regime. Riding the Karma board will further this pursuit of alpine excellence as well as the "lipstick on a pig" game that I play. 

    I promise to hold you and to love you, until we get on the snow. There, I promise to push you to the limit of my abilities...without lube. I promise not to sell you on ebay for drug or candy money unless I run out of chocolate.

    There may be times that I am with other boards. Fear not, I am dedicated to my entire harem.

    Erik J

    PS I will source said gorilla testicles directly from China. I got a guy. He's been my go-to for anything testicle related for over 20 years. 

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  4. I have an Angry and a SG full Race 157 (SG is a loaner from a friend this season).

    The SG was a revelation to ride. I had no trouble finishing turns and found it surprisingly very versatile. I don't know how different the 157 and 163 are. The Angry and SG have distinctly different feel, both fun as hell. The SG seemed to recover gracefully on it's own from just about any situation I put it into. This thing would carve tight if pushed. 

    I found the Angry very easy to break out of a carve at almost any point in the turn if so desired. The rounded tail corners seem to help that along. 

    There's my 2 cents

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 hours ago, rjnakata said:

    A 20cm wide Angrry isn't an Angrry!

    Edit: Bruce goes with an Angrrry with an 18.5 waist for his 27.5 Raichles with less than 60 degree angles. The Angrry heritage is narrow waisted.  

    My Angrry is 20cm wide. On the Coiler site there is the option of 18 - 20 on width for the Angrry.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Kneel said:


    On the contrary, they have expanded their terrain offerings. Yesterday was slush and mud. If there is anything left after this recent warm spell and weather system, they will return to the regularly scheduled program of bullet proof. 👍

    FWIW...prior to last week.  Conditions were surprisingly good.  If you stick to my program of first lift at 9, in the truck and on the way to the office by 10:30. And NEVER on weekends. 😉 

    Yesterday was pretty fun, I was there for a few hours. South was great, Zero G was really good. 

    I was there today too and typed my post from the lodge. This morning was definitely bullet proof. Surprised how much it firmed up overnight. 

  7. On 1/14/2019 at 6:02 PM, pow4ever said:

    As a pretty layback person; carving is a great outlet for Mr. Hyde side of me.

    ...Blah blah blah....

    Maybe I won't like the sport as much if it's less savage/brutal lol...

    This was your original post in the thread.

    Enough waffling around. Get aggressive, then you can step back and relax after you show yourself you can do it. You're on the east coast right? Act like it. Conquer that shit. Let the west coasters play hacky sack with their avocados. Step on the gas pedal like you're driving away from a bank robbery. Get after it. Get pissed off at yourself. 

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