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Help me respond to a softbooter


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another message board and there there was a argument going on over Bamboo compared to graphite fly rods

the kane rod folks argue the same thing saying those of us that won't touch a bamboo rod should just go out and get a spinning outfit

I have a couple bamboo sticks, they look real good in the velvet case but thats about it, they are worse than the $20 walmart fly rods but cost literally 50 times as much.

the bottom line is the people who think that way can't be swayed, even if you make them look like dip****s on the hill or on the stream or wherever.

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on the fly fishing forum, I am on a few though

at some point I will probably build either a small bamboo or fiberglass rod for small streams since the slow action is more accurate but 'boo is only gonna happen if I can't find a glass blank, the one thing about kane though is if I decide I don't want it I can sell it for top dollar.

ehh, its raining here in the east, maybe I should go out in softies and jib or something so I can feel "origional"

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Mike that is a great quote. when I first tried hardbooting I was all psyced am my skiing brother who hassent snowboarded since we were like 10 yrs old was like he will like it, no wait i think he will hate it. Its just diffrent from soft boots. I am sure most of you will say hard boots are better and more fun( i think they are too) but let them think what they want to and let some of them wait for hours to go off a jump in a park and then hike back up.

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and let nature take it's course. If not, just post a link on that "other" board to an extreme carving video site, like Extreme Carving or cmc's "bowling for skiers" if that doesn't state the obvious, nothing will.

Jibbing brat pipe-morons...everybody hates 'em...they strive to annoy.

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Dan posted "If he is indeed a "purist" shouldn't he be riding in Sorels on a plywood board with no P-tex, no metal edges, and rubber straps for bindings? Or maybe riding a Snurfer, with a rope handle and no bindings at all...

Oh yeah, and hiking for his runs rather than riding the chair."

I almost piddled myself! ROFLMAO! That is great right there! LOL!

I've gotten comments about my boots but I also tell people I've been walking in boots like that since before I was two. They're like shoes to me. Nice, cozy, stiff shoes. LOL! And the times I've tried soft boots, I was absolutely terrified. I felt like I was gonna flop right out of them. I tend to really push forward and I literally slid right out of one of the boots the last time I rode soft. Never again! LOL! My kids are both skiers and have worn boots since before age two as well. People in the lodge watch us head out and I've heard them say "Those kids walk in the boots better than we do." I want to turn and tell them, if you can walk, you can walk in hard boots.

So, the jist of my rambling is I find soft boots to be very uncomfortable and hard boots to be lovely!

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No reason to recap what every one else said, but, in short, the jibbers go to great lengths to preserve a nebulous concept called "core". I can't define it, but it seems to involve spending lots of cash for the latest parkas, pants, googles, boots and the occasional snowboard. Don't call them overly commercial because then you will show them that you "don't get it". Being "core" means spending lots of time at the park, sitting and watching others try to hit tricks like Shawn White, then skidding back to the line to entertain your "peeps" about a trick you may have, or may not have, actually performed.

Skiing is anti-"core" and anything that resembles skiing is not "core"

Now, you guys may make the mistake of thinking comfort, fit, performance, enjoyment, and a perfect carve are "core", but they are not.

My response to the jibber-laughter. Chances are, he will not be riding a snowboard when the next latest thing comes out.

I spent the first 4 years of my snowboarding career looking for boots that fit and didn't have such a heel lift as to make edge transition extremely difficult. I ordered my new boots this fall and, although with my ankle, I probably won't ride until March, I found it difficult to even pack my sport-tube this year with my softie set-up. Why bother?

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Hi all,

This is from another message board but someone posted the following in response to me owning a long carving board:


Does it have hard bindings? If so I must ask why even bother snowboarding when you have to wear hard boots and stand forward on the board. Being that I've been riding for a decade I'm a bit of a snowboard purist in a sense and I dont understand it. Its like grinding rails/ boxes on skis. It looks absolutely terrible and is completely unoriginal. Happy shredding I guess.


I want to respond to them with the least amount of flaming, and try to educate them on why we do what we do.

I'd say:

Do you buy snowboard boots for walking or snowboarding? Snowboard purists know how to carve their turns. All snowboards have sidecut. If you don't know how to use it, you don't know how to snowboard. While snowboarding, I like carving turns better than anything else, so I use equipment that is best suited to that. Snowboard purists also support their fellow snowboarders.

And dittos to skatha, and whoever here has this signature:

"the only thing a non-conformist hates more than a conformist is another non-conformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of non-conformity."

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Hi all,

This is from another message board but someone posted the following in response to me owning a long carving board:


Does it have hard bindings? If so I must ask why even bother snowboarding when you have to wear hard boots and stand forward on the board. Being that I've been riding for a decade I'm a bit of a snowboard purist in a sense and I dont understand it. Its like grinding rails/ boxes on skis. It looks absolutely terrible and is completely unoriginal. Happy shredding I guess.


I want to respond to them with the least amount of flaming, and try to educate them on why we do what we do.

Maybe you could use what I have told a few that have asked "Why”, I use an analogy of the automobile. First each of us have different opinions on what is best for us, passenger car or SUV or sport car. The typical freeride board I equate to a SUV 4X4 - go anywhere snowboard. The craving/race type board to a Ferrari F50 sports car. Both have their specific use but if one wants a thrill on a mountain road most people would pick the Ferrari for pure road rush. Personally, I like having most of the mountain full of sideslipping freeriders, I can hear them coming and I do not have to worry about hitting anyone who is behind me. :lol: :biggthump

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Found the thread on LGT.com car forum (legacygt.com) Here what he said to me ....


get a pair of skiis if thats what you want to do, hard boot snowboarders are an embarassment to us all

This Kid (teenager) is a little weenie jibber..


Had to go check that out - LOL. Resisted the temptation to post though.

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ok...I found it...Jim you're wasting your time and getting worked up over nothing. guy doesnt know jack ****. I laughed out loud when he said Jeremy Jones!

there's just no point in bothering. although...the embarassment to us all thing got me worked up a bit. idiotic 22 year old. Hell even I was riding and learning to carve in soft boots when that dip**** was what...7? ha!

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Guest tdinardo
I'd say:

"the only thing a non-conformist hates more than a conformist is another non-conformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of non-conformity."

Reminds me of a similar quote: "I want to be different...just like all the different people."<INSERT black. in dweebs goth other fifty but surrounded black dressed dweeb gothic of photo>

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Guest Thomas_S

I really, really want to signup just to "sock 'em in the face" through the internet.

However, I realized that then I'D be making alpine boarding look bad.

The last poster, that NATE guy, really irritates me. Who is HE to decide what is fun for ME? Asswipe.

As for that moron Rubix I really want someone to take him up on his little "switch race." How funny would that be? Wow - what a loser.

I hate it when people cannot accept what is fun for me. For instance, I had the police called on me while I was out bowhunting today by an anti-hunter. Same type of thoughts - "I think its stupid so why should anyone else be allowed to do it or god forbid, enjoy it?" These people make me sick.

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I always tell people that ask me about my boards "they're like roadracers for the snow" That seems to get through to them quicker than anything else I've said in the past. I tell them I used to race street bikes and this is the closest thing to that feeling I've ever found. Whatever works I say....BTW don't waste your time with the softbooter reply, just do your own thing and pity him for not being able to experience what you can every time you go out. To each their own, just leave mine alone...

Have fun,


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the post is from N. NJ. Neil, have you ever been to Jersey? Are you familiar with the attitudes and types of people that seem to exist in large groups there? (esp. in the shore areas). Calling it "interesting" is about the nicest thing I can say. A disproportionately large number of idiotic meatheads reside there- they are beyond dumb (in every possible way)

no offense to the NJ riders, i'm sure you're all cool.

these guido meatheads from the shore (Belmar) and NYC area, half of who are on roids, all very obnoxious, and can't go anywhere w/o at least 3 gold chains. I'm speaking from experience. When I was at Syracuse they were inescapable, all thought they were so cool (I'm still not sure why) These are guys who go over 20 foot jumps simply b/c all their friends do, even though they're not qualified. just let him be.

i can only imagine the complete lack of courtesy (and common sense) where guys like this ride. Fortuneately I hit Hunter Mtn on during the week, so I didn't to say hi to Bruno and his 10 followers.

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agreed, nuff said. Support your local snowboard shop and support die hard snowboard companies that are rider owned rider operated who are getting put out of business by skiing crossover companies i.e. K2, Saloman, Rossignol, Head, etc. I remember when snowboarding was the rebel thing to do, wish that would come back...


What a TOOL! Soloman? Anyway, Just a waste of O2. Jim, props for sticking up for the little guys. If he saw you in person he might have an accident. Kinda like that CHIP'S episode when Rosie Greer gets outta the Li'l Honda CVCC. Sorry, OT, But if you have seen BigJim ride, you know he is silky smooth! Hope to see ya in March. We can show the local Urchins what fun is! Art

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