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Help me respond to a softbooter


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Hi all,

This is from another message board but someone posted the following in response to me owning a long carving board:


Does it have hard bindings? If so I must ask why even bother snowboarding when you have to wear hard boots and stand forward on the board. Being that I've been riding for a decade I'm a bit of a snowboard purist in a sense and I dont understand it. Its like grinding rails/ boxes on skis. It looks absolutely terrible and is completely unoriginal. Happy shredding I guess.


I want to respond to them with the least amount of flaming, and try to educate them on why we do what we do.

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Yup, hard to respond to that one without flaming. It almost sounds like that person is too close minded about anything that doesn't have twin-tips and soft boots. I wonder if he realizes that skiing originally started with soft boots? :smashfrea

You could try and explain what carving is all about(emotionally/physical sensations), or why we use hard boots: More control, etc.

I'd say point him to various carving web sites, but that person probably wouldn't bother reading up on it.

I wonder if he can carve turns, or if he's a skidder. ( I've been using 'he' as a generic.) Either way, he seems rather disillusioned about snowboarding, and probably thinks hardboots are horribly uncomfy.

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Does it have hard bindings? If so I must ask why even bother snowboarding when you have to wear hard boots and stand forward on the board. Being that I've been riding for a decade I'm a bit of a snowboard purist in a sense and I dont understand it. Its like grinding rails/ boxes on skis. It looks absolutely terrible and is completely unoriginal. Happy shredding I guess.


Yes it has hard bindings :) Because it is a lot of fun :)

Yeah, after that it becomes a flame for me, so that is all I could say...

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still ski on straight skis, thats great if all you want to do is ski around like a old timer and are more interested in the idea of skiing than peformance.

as for the unorigional comment, everything having to do with snowboards as far as construction goes was done first with skis, leather boots, straps, plastic boots, the way they are built as well and the way we ride was decended from skating and surfing.

but as others have said, its not worth arguing with a moron, let the guy be happy with his 152 and faux camo jacket.

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"Completely unoriginal" is pretty funny coming from a guy whose position seems to be, "why don't you ride soft boots like everybody else?" I've been riding for over 15 years and am a bit of a purist in the sense that I don't mind if someone thinks I look "absolutely terrible" when I'm having tons of fun.

But here's a more constructive response:

Some things are easier with the extra flexibility of soft boots (like riding rails) and some things are easier with the extra support of hard boots (like carving). I've tried it both ways, and I've found that for the things I enjoy most about snowboarding, hard boots are the right tool for the job.

You could skip the "I've tried it both ways" part if you haven't actually ridden soft boots, but I assume that most hard booters have.

Where was this posted?

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Its like grinding rails/ boxes on skis. It looks absolutely terrible and is completely unoriginal.

So what's this guys attitude towards freestyle skiers? Are skiers supposed to remain in the old days of lycra pants, neon puffy jackets, and straight skis? And snowboarders are just supposed to be punks plowing all the snow down the slope via the "falling leaf" style (which looks absolutely terrible and isn't very original either)? I never have any luck opening people's eyes when their vision of the world is that narrow.

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He sounds young - and therefore...well, I'll be nice. I don't bother responding to that sort of thing on a snowboard forum. I just like to show the kids what it is about. Yesterday on several runs, I would hit the jump in the park (insert whatever trick on that run) and then carve a circle right after the landing (safe place). That said it all to everyone who was watching.

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the loose as a goose thing that modern soft riders strive for. When I started 20 yeas ago we were all Moding our bindings and boots to make them stiffer. If I could have had the control then that I do now I would have raced more seriously and wouldn't have joined the navy 17 years ago. Now I'm not saying that I would have been great (far from it) but I would have chased the endless winter. Skateboarding on snow is just that if you want to do it why use bindings at all? then again I guess the same could be said for surfing on snow which is more of what I enjoy.

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I still can't belive all the snowboarders who, upon seeing my hard boots, make the comment that, "why use those - the whole reason I started snowboarding was because I didn't have to walk around in ski boots any more". So, walking around the lodge and parking lot is the important part of the sport for them I guess. ;)

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He sounds young - and therefore...well, I'll be nice. I don't bother responding to that sort of thing on a snowboard forum. I just like to show the kids what it is about. Yesterday on several runs, I would hit the jump in the park (insert whatever trick on that run) and then carve a circle right after the landing (safe place). That said it all to everyone who was watching.

Had I any experience/skill in the park at all, I'd be there with you! Rock on! :biggthump I'm limited to exremely low angle carving, when I'm not falling over! :D

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Guest Ninjette

admittedly I am still very new to this but am loving the process.... as painful as it may be at times. I have been using some borrowed equipment from a kind friend and last year on particular day as I was taking a bit of a break cuz my legs were burning - I had a softbooter come over and literally sit down next to me and say "why the hell are you wasting your time on that thing"? I seriously wanted to deck him! Later that day I had at least two more snide comments from guys.... so I do not get it either? Also one of the guys I work with seems to get great joy out of calling me euro-trash since he heard of my pursiuts.... whatever..... :mad:

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He claims to be a "purist"?

If he is indeed a "purist" shouldn't he be riding in Sorels on a plywood board with no P-tex, no metal edges, and rubber straps for bindings? Or maybe riding a Snurfer, with a rope handle and no bindings at all...

Oh yeah, and hiking for his runs rather than riding the chair.

Meh, I don't know what to tell you. The best thing to do would probably be to show him some carving, as other people have already suggested. If that doesn't turn him on to what's cool about carving, forget about it - he's clearly brain-dead.

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A dozen years? I think that is when all the park monkeys invaded this sport and turned some of us back on to a more unique pure form of snowboarding-carving. The last thing I want to be linked to is one of the rude inconsiderate punks you deal with these days.

Merry Christmas to all snowboarders:biggthump


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Hi all,

This is from another message board but someone posted the following in response to me owning a long carving board:


Does it have hard bindings? If so I must ask why even bother snowboarding when you have to wear hard boots and stand forward on the board. Being that I've been riding for a decade I'm a bit of a snowboard purist in a sense and I dont understand it. Its like grinding rails/ boxes on skis. It looks absolutely terrible and is completely unoriginal. Happy shredding I guess.


I want to respond to them with the least amount of flaming, and try to educate them on why we do what we do.

I would put his statement of being a purist in question. I have been riding more than ten years (13 to be exact), and I started before jibbing started to be popular. Being a purist means riding a snowboard to get down a hill in one direction, not riding a snowboard to jump table tops, slide rails, ride backwards and so on. The softboots came from the fact that the first board only had straps to hold you, not bindings. The modern softboots are far from the original sorels the first riders whore. So I would say alpine riding with hard boots is an evolution from the original form of snowboarding as alpine skiing is an evolution from the original form of skiing that is telemark. The first snowboard did not even have a raised tail. Snowboarding came from surfing on snow. I don't know much about surfing, but I think you don't see much surfers ridings fakie... In my opinion, the boards closest to the origins of snowboarding are the alpine boards (no tail, unidirectionnal, made to get down ski hills) and the swallow tail powder boards (no tail/swallowtail, unidirectionnal, made to get down hills full of powder, like before grooming existed).

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the only true response can be found in your riding. go out, and every day that you get to ride have a blast doing it. people will notice your riding and that you're having fun. that's why most people snowboard (or ski, snowtube, make snowangels, play ball....). how doesn't matter as much as why.

do whatever brings you the greatest joy, then have a blast doing it. that speaks more clearly than anything you could ever vocalize.

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I still can't belive all the snowboarders who, upon seeing my hard boots, make the comment that, "why use those - the whole reason I started snowboarding was because I didn't have to walk around in ski boots any more". So, walking around the lodge and parking lot is the important part of the sport for them I guess. ;)

I've seen many snowboarders that think that way.

and in the other hand, if all you wanna get from your board is jumping and grinding, why don't you stick to a skateboard??

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.. already, but..

I don't ever get questions like that on the hill. I guess we all know why that is.

Looking at Whistler the last few days I wonder how long the soft boot people are going to hang on. Softy numbers are way down compared with skiers - I suppose that it's no fun sideslipping a mountain, and even the skate guys are outclassed every time by the frestyle skiers.

I'd say that performance snowboard gear is the only way forward for the sport, on piste at least. Anyone in the sport who finds that threatening is presumably quite young.

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I still can't belive all the snowboarders who, upon seeing my hard boots, make the comment that, "why use those - the whole reason I started snowboarding was because I didn't have to walk around in ski boots any more". So, walking around the lodge and parking lot is the important part of the sport for them I guess.

Amen! I have found that something like:

"Yeah, I know what you mean, these aren't much fun to walk in. But I chose these boots based on the way they ride."

Sometimes that creates an awkward silence. :)

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