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Bode hassled by the man

Jack M

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I think I would have thrown the book at him. I paid almost that much for my 95 in a 75 twenty years ago. He is a role model and needs to act like one. Comes with the territory of being an action sports figure. Now that I have kids I have no tolerance for speeding on streets or in the slow zones on mountain.

Always have been a Bode fan and this won't change that.


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thats reckless driving in some states, no? 20+ over?

I think you have to go to court no matter what?

a bit surprised about Barry's comment about traffic cops. theyre pretty easy to avoid: dont speed, dont do stupid stuff, and obey the traffic laws.


I doubt bode's wallet is suffering that much

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In the DC area, there are many bad drivers, many inconsiderate drivers, road rage, etc. etc. Many local drivers can't even speak/read english, lol. The speed limit on the capital beltway (Interstate 495) is 55- how ridiculous. No one drives that slow on these roads. Esp. at night, people do 70+. Yet the law says that b/c you are going 20 or more over, you are automatically reckless driving. That is very weak logic. It is very possible for one to drive fast and still be in control and rather considerate- esp. if it's at night and there are very few, if any other cars on the road. So some pig in his car w/ all his lights off looking for the lone speeder at 3AM while local gangs continue to bring violence (assaults, rape, etc) to the community. Then, assuming you pay the fine or are found guilty, you have at least a few points on your DMV record and your rate may go up. I say concentrate on real crime and charge people with reckless only if it truly is reckless. Until then, I say to hell with traffic cops.

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In the DC area, there are many bad drivers, many inconsiderate drivers, road rage, etc. etc. Many local drivers can't even speak/read english, lol. The speed limit on the capital beltway (Interstate 495) is 55- how ridiculous. No one drives that slow on these roads. Esp. at night, people do 70+. Yet the law says that b/c you are going 20 or more over, you are automatically reckless driving. That is very weak logic. It is very possible for one to drive fast and still be in control and rather considerate- esp. if it's at night and there are very few, if any other cars on the road. So some pig in his car w/ all his lights off looking for the lone speeder at 3AM while local gangs continue to bring violence (assaults, rape, etc) to the community. Then, assuming you pay the fine or are found guilty, you have at least a few points on your DMV record and your rate may go up. I say concentrate on real crime and charge people with reckless only if it truly is reckless. Until then, I say to hell with traffic cops.

well, the laws are there, man. not saying I disagree that maybe they should be changed, or that the cops couldnt be doing something better

funny you call them pigs, when you want them to protect you from the marauding MD thuggery.

still...laws are clearly stated. a cop hiding to catch speeders isnt really doing anything wrong...the speeders are!

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yeah, pretty closely actually..

Ive always understood that 10mph was the absolute limit for going over

here in CA, freeways are 65, so I do 74 max, but if Im on an open highway usually 80

and if I get pulled over by someone doing their job, Im not gonna call them a pig for it. theyre doing their job. as long as theyre polite, etc...

theyre just enforcers. your issue should be with lawmakers

again, I dont disagree with you, especially about allocation of resources.

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some cops are complete bull****ters when it comes to how fast you are going, one of the two times I have been stopped in the last three years was going up a very steep hill, the guy tried telling me I was doing 50 in a 35, maybe closer to 40 if that since I was in a metro in 3rd gear.

my car won't go up that hill in 4th, and then he was real interested in what was in my car and asked if he could search it, I said no and he did not push it but did ask me all sorts of questions about where I was coming from and where I was going.

I think he wanted a reason to pull me over since I have a crappy car and figured I was a stoner or something, I would have enjoyed it if they did search my car because I don't smoke weed or anything.

I got out of it with a warning, so other than feeling hassled for no reason no harm was done.

The whole thing just makes me not trust cops and makes me not like them in general since the biggest law I have broke in the last year has been fishing in a area that I was not was not open yet.

In the rural areas such as this town the cops can really suck and are search happy, about two years ago they got a dog and a cop that knows how to handle a dog at a total cost of 110,000 a year to have the dog and its handler but our school system has teachers retiring and they will not be replaced since there is no money in the budget to replace them.

The thing is that bothers me there is that the dog is mostly used to hassle high school kids and young adults that have have weed given its not legal but its not a huge problem either.

At a recent town meeting the one of police said "in the first year alone the dog helped us confiscate about a pound and a half of marijuana, two ounces of cocaine and lesser amounts of other substances." considering thats all they got in a year there are way better things they could be doing with that money like paying a couple of teachers or something.

80 in a 40 is pretty extreme if that was accurate a big ticket would certainly be fair IMHO.

so ends my semi off topic rant :D

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Barry, fear the day that there are no traffic cops on the street. That will mean that the government has finally wised up to the fact that they could now issue speeding and other tickets automatically via the GPS units now being built into many new cars. Or the ones they are considering mandating be built in, a la an airplane's "black box", so they can know how fast you were going when you t-boned the other car.

In comparison, traffic cops are stupid and easily circumvented.

D-Sub: "dont speed, dont do stupid stuff, and obey the traffic laws" - that's kind of like saying unreasonable search and siezure is nothing to worry about if you're not doing anything wrong.

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D-Sub: "dont speed, dont do stupid stuff, and obey the traffic laws" - that's kind of like saying unreasonable search and siezure is nothing to worry about if you're not doing anything wrong.

damn, I guess Im an idealist, big time. I admit I ruled out the times when cops are simply out of line. not like it doesnt happen. my bad

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I couldn't get the audio to work :confused:

I think Bode needs to have somebody reminding him he doesn't want to piss off Barilla and tone it down a bit-first the banned substances comment, now the really over the top speeding.

His lifestyle is maintained by a product purchased by housewives-you need to keep it nonthreatening and "family oriented"

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In new hampshire, I was taught that double the speed limit is grounds for an automatic licence suspension. Thankfully my radar detector has saved me what could have been some pretty hefty fines, but I admit that speeding is unlawful. I am continually frustrated at low speed limits in New Hampshire, where as in new jersey, the same road would have a limit of 50 or 60, rather than 30 of 35. I dont know where the lawmakers and town planners get their numbers from, but 30 on a straight road with nothing around is a bit too slow. But Bode was breaking what I usually do on the highway (55-65) so, I see nothing wrong with his ticket. I know that if I got a ticket for 83 in a 40, I would be thankful for not losing my licence and getting off with a ticket. Just my input.


Indica strains

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Anybody here have a friend or relative splatted by a speeder or a drunk? Noting the proclivities of the general population to do whatever they want if they're not going to get caught, I vote for Traffic enforcement.

Let's see-28 years since the last speeding ticket. Pulled over once for no front license plate, and once for obstructed rear plate. Sounds pretty fair for not getting killed on the roads.

Look at how many of us have been cut down from behind by speeding skiers, and then multiply that by the times we're on the road and add another 3000 pounds for a SUV smacking into us.

My Grandfather got caught speeding (this would be years ago), for 60 in a 30. The judge asked him why and he said his reflexes were twice as fast as the normal man. The judge said: "So is your fine!"

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