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hmmm anything keeping you in CO, Michelle ? ;)

Question folks...

how does a girl respond to the q "why are you single?"

i believe most guys mean it as a compliment, but for some reason i feel a teensy bit defensive when asked.

am i alone with that reaction?

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carvingchef i like your reply! that's a good one ! that's a very southern lady response to a rude question "why do you ask?" hehe

i guess the reason i was trying to take it in a positive way is it is usually prefaced with, "you're so pretty, etc..." so why are you single or how could you be single...

i definitely see the negative flip side too, which i think is what makes one a bit defensive when asked.

its not the worst thing ever said to me to be sure!

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just smile and respond "why do you want to know?"

it puts the pressure back on them, you can use that to answer any question you don't really want to answer

Luv this answer! I use that approach when anyone asks me anything I don't necessarily want to or feel the need to respond to.

I hear ya Ais, I get that question all the time. But it's NEVER from single guys! Always married ones, or my girlfriends but mostly my family. I think they have just given up and think now that I'm gay (not that there's anything wrong with that!) and would rather just keep it to myself. HA HA

I always say that to myself when I look my best too - like when I'm hung over, doing plumbing work, or after giving the dogs a bath when they've rolled in something especially stinky. HEY BOYS - All this and single too? WAHOOO!


Best of luck Ais, because at the very least you live in a place where you have lots to choose from. I live in Summit - UGH!

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i have a date this week... so i'll try not to abandon all hope hahahaha

Michelle I usually get hit on by married men which does not make me happy. I don't know what about me says, " please married person, hit on me, i'm a whore who will sleep with you and ruin your marriage" because i would never, ever, ever do that sort of thing.

Or they say, " gee, IF i were single... " :p

as an ex of mine once said, "don't piss off the redhead... red is nature's danger color for a reason"

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hey aisling,

i only read the past three pages or so, and since this is a public forum, i'll just have to jump in here with my answer to the question "why are you single?"

first of all i think this is a really dumb question, very shallow too. do you ever ask anybody "why are you in a relationship"? as if there were are norm!

i too got this question a lot. "oh, how can someone like you be single" blah blah BS!

some people just don't fall in love easily, or are lucky to easily find a partner that matches and get that fireworks et al. and i usually just answer with the simple and honest truth: "because i haven't met anybody that i fell in love with".

i was single for 8 years, and it gets really annoying to be asked this question. i definitely started questioning myself too.

remember, YOU determine the norm and NOT society!!!

i'd rather be a long-term single then a serial-monogamist.

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